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My Accidental Husband is a Billionaire novel Chapter 221

221 See You Again

Keira looked up upon hearing this. She was about to give her name but stopped herself.

Then, she raised an eyebrow and said, “Sir, there are some things that I find hard to say to familiar people, but strangely, I can open up to a stranger. How about we make a deal and not pry into each other’s private affairs?”

Uncle Olsen burst into hearty laughter, feeling that this young lady was very much to his liking!


Neither of them was good with words, but they both had an understanding when it came to eating. They reached for the same dish at the same time.

After the meal, Uncle Olsen wiped the corner of his mouth. “You bought me dinner, so I must treat you to one in return.”

“No problem,” Keira smiled.

“Then let’s do it in two days, Uncle Olsen suggested, looking at her. “I’m returning to Clance in two days.



221 See You Again

How about I invite your whole family to a farewell banquet right here? I can see for myself what your mother is really like.”

Keira laughed. “Sure!”

Mrs. Olsen was always spontaneous, and Keira knew without asking that her mother would agree.

“See you later.”

Keira waved her hand, stood up to pay the bill, and

then went out to take a taxi.

After she left, Uncle Olsen waited in his original spot for a while before chuckling to himself.

If Ellis were here, he’d be shocked!

In the last twenty years, Uncle Olsen hadn’t smiled more than three times!

Uncle Olsen looked around the dining table, thought about the enjoyable meal he’d just had with the young woman, and eventually left the restaurant reluctantly

to return to his hotel.

No sooner had he entered than he saw Ellis working while eating takeout.



221 See You Again

Uncle Olsen was about to walk past him but suddenly came back to stare at him, thinking of the girl’s face which closely resembled her mother’s, and suddenly asked, “Your father, or your second uncle, do either of

them have an illegitimate daughter outside?”

Ellis almost choked on his food. “Uncle, what kind of joke is that?”

“I saw a young girl today who looked a lot like your grandmother.”

Ellis’s mouth twitched. “There are plenty of people in the world who look alike. Uncle, you’re really

overthinking it! Instead of suspecting my dad and my second uncle, you might as well consider whether you have any children you don’t know about!”

Uncle Olsen was speechless.

Keira didn’t return to the Horton family but took a t to the Olsen family to find her mom.

She hadn’t seen Mrs. Olsen all day and missed her dearly.

Standing outside Olsen residence again, Keira felt


221 See You Again


In the past, she thought of this place as hell, from where she needed to escape

But standing there today, she felt it was home because her mother was there…

Keira pushed open the door, then was shocked.

She saw the tidy courtyard cluttered with many items, with large packing boxes being sorted by the housekeepers, who were putting things inside.

When the housekeepers saw Keira, they immediately smiled. “Good to see you, Miss!”

Keira felt a warmth in her heart.

She quickly made her way past them into the living room, where she saw Mrs. Olsen sitting on the sofa, looking at a piece of paper. Her eyes lit up when she saw Keira. “Keira, come quickly…”

Keira walked over and leaned beside her, only to see that she was holding a renovation blueprint. “I had them demolish the upstairs room that belonged to Isla. We’ll replace it with decorations you like. That way, you can bring Lewis over to stay occasionally.”

10 ta


221 See You Again

Keira’s eyes immediately filled with tears.

This morning, when she returned from discharging her mother from the hospital, Keira glanced upstairs…

Isla’s room and traces of her presence were

everywhere in the villa…

At that moment, she didn’t think much about it, but little did she expect Mrs. Olsen would know all about


She held Mrs. Olsen’s arm. “Mom, you are the best

mom in the world! I really like the renovation designs

on this blueprint!”

Mrs. Olsen patted her head. “Silly child, this is all because I owe you… What did you have for dinner tonight?”

Keira chuckled. “I met a very interesting uncle today and treated him to dinner. He said he’d treat us

meal in two days. Mom, let’s go together!”


As expected, Mrs. Olsen agreed immediately and th added. “By the way, the basement where you and Poppy Hill used to live, I had it demolished today. But

some of our things are still thara We should go niok




221 See You Again

them up so that they don’t accidentally throw them


Keira nodded.

The two went down to the basement.

The semi-basement was very dim and about four square meters big, which was too small to fit anything

besides Keira’s small bed.

After Keira grew up, Poppy moved to the

housekeeper’s quarters, leaving Keira alone in that


She immediately ran to the bed and pulled out a

cardboard box.

When Keira left the Olsen family, Poppy didn’t allow her to take anything, so the contents of the box

remained behind.

Mrs. Olsen looked at how. Keira cherished that box al

laughed as she opened it, but when she saw what was inside, she was suddenly stunned.

Inside, there were all the things she had given to Keira.

There was a doll that had been cut open and then sewn back together, which Mrs. Olsen had given to



221 See You Again

Keira when she was three years old.

There was a white dress torn into strips, which she had secretly given to Keira on her thirteenth birthday.

There was even a shattered cell phone, which she had given to Keira when she was about to leave the Olsen family…

Isla was very terrifying as a child; whatever Mrs. Olsen gave to Keira would be destroyed by Isla, who would then have Poppy severely punish Keira.

Mrs. Olsen knew this, but every time she scolded Isla, Isla would cry and say she was afraid of her love being divided and given to Keira…

So later, Mrs. Olsen stopped giving Keira gifts, afraid of hurting her.

Mrs. Olsen’s tears fell. “Keira, do you hate me?”

“I don’t hate you!” Keira replied with a smile. “Mom you know? I’m really glad that Poppy Hill never gav me a name, and later at the police station when I randomly chose one for myself, I thought about you. Actually, when I was a kid, I always wanted to sing for you…”




221 See You Again

Mrs. Olsen’s eyes reddened even more, and she tightly held Keira’s hand. “Keira, let’s throw all these away, and I’ll make up for all the gifts from when you were one year old to now.”

She didn’t want to keep those that were rotten, as they

would only bring sadness!

Keira understood her thoughts and nodded. “All these can be thrown away, but there’s one thing that can’t…”

She rummaged through the box and pulled out a jade


Mrs. Olsen was taken aback when she saw it. “What is


The jade ring looked very old, and the quality of the jade was excellent, probably quite valuable.

Keira explained, “This was given to me by a big brother.”

When she was separated from that boy after bei kidnapped as a child, he gave her the jade ring, tel her, “If you can’t stand your family, take this and co find me; I’m in Glow Village in Oceanion’s Cloud Tow




221 See You Again

Keira always remembered that place firmly.

That was her only hope every time she felt like she was about to die when she was a child.

She drew a red string, threaded the ring onto it, and

hung it around her neck, then pointed to everything in the room, “The rest can be thrown away!”

After Keira’s arrival, Taylor went to the study.

Their relationship was even more awkward, as they weren’t father and daughter.

Keira was downstairs discussing the room’s decoration with Mrs. Olsen, very interested in it and treating the matter seriously, knowing that it was going to be her

future home.

When it was getting late, Mrs. Olsen urged her to go home, and Keira reluctantly walked out the door

But when she stepped out, she saw Lewis’s Bentle parked outside.

Keira was slightly startled and walked over.

Lewis got out of the car and came to open the door f her. “I knew you were here, so I came to take you





221 See You Again

Keira smiled.

Lewis said in a low voice, “Sorry, I tonight…”

“It’s okay.”

Keira interrupted him.

Lewis pursed his lips tightly and braced his chin.

After getting into the car, Lewis still stared straight


He had just gone to the hospital.

Madeleine really had a fruit knife against a major artery in her neck while shouting at the doctors. “Don’t come over, don’t come over! I just want Lewis!”

And when he arrived, Madeleine looked at him. “Lewis, you promised to marry me! Do you know, marrying you is my biggest hope! It’s the only reason I keep living! Now go home and divorce that woman! Otherwise, I’ll kill myself!”

She took the knife and moved it around her neck with

such force that she seemed to really mean it.

Lewis had previously thought she might be faking it, using the affairs of their childhood to morally


< 221 See You Again

blackmail him. But after consulting many psychiatrists, he concluded that she wasn’t lying.

Her only hope to live on was him.

Lewis felt the air inside the car incredibly stuffy, so he loosened his tie and clenched his fists.

Did he really have to fulfill the promises made in


And what about Keira, his wife?

Lewis took a deep breath and turned to Keira. “Why did you suddenly go back to the Olsen house?”

Keira subconsciously touched her neck. “I went back to fetch some things.”

Her action made Lewis notice something new around her neck, and he couldn’t help but ask, “What is it that you treasure so much you have to hide it…”



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222 Flowers

Keira teased him. “A token of affection.”

Lewis was stunned for a moment, his gaze becoming

tense. “Who gave it to you?”

“Certainly not you!”

Keira raised an eyebrow.

Lewis’s eyes darkened slightly. “Since it wasn’t me, then it can be thrown away.”

“That won’t do.” Keira looked up. “I’m thinking about returning it to him in the future. It looks quite valuable!”

“Huh, as if it could be anything valuable.”

Keira then asked, “Do you want to see it?”

“Don’t want to see it.” Lewis was stubborn, but his eyes still glanced toward her neck.

Keira clicked her tongue.

“What is it?”

“How come I smell a hint of jealousy?”

10:58 –



222 Flowers

The two bantered and soon arrived at the Horton


Although Selena had sent them to stay in the main house, they still went to visit old Mrs. Horton first.

Seeing Lewis’s sulking face, Selena didn’t dare to put on airs and let them into the room.

Keira noticed that aside from the safe, all other valuable items had been removed from the room. Fiona secretly told her that all were taken to Selena’s own room. What a greedy woman.

She whispered complaints, treating Keira as the hostess, with an air of seeking her decision, “…All of these were left for you by old Mrs. Horton, and now she has snatched them all away!”

Keira felt a warmth in her heart.

She had no family since she was young. Now the Olsens were renovating for her, and she was gradually getting used to life at the Horton’s…

She smiled slightly and whispered back, “Don’t worry. What’s ours, she can’t take away.”

Fiona breathed a sigh of relief then.




222 Flowers

Old Mrs. Horton was still asleep, and Keira saw her complexion looking better. She checked the readings on the surrounding equipment and, finding everything in order, felt relieved.

She and Lewis walked out of old Mrs. Horton’s courtyard, heading toward the main house.

On the way, Lewis asked her, “What did Fiona tell you just now?”

Keira repeated Fiona’s words with a smile, and Lewis’s face turned cold. “She brought medicine for grandma; I won’t mistreat her. But things that shouldn’t be

touched, don’t even think about it!”

Keira wasn’t really concerned about the property, but she did worry a bit. “We’re not here to watch over Grandma; wouldn’t she mistreat her?”

“Don’t worry,” Lewis said indifferently. “The ol isn’t so good to me, but he has always been qu to Grandma. Selena wouldn’t dare to harm gra

If it weren’t for Nathan’s great respect toward old Horton, the old lady might not have been able to protect Lewis.

When Lowic was a child Nathan and Oliver were not


222 Flowers

on getting rid of him, the burden.

The very thought chilled Lewis, but at that moment, his hand was suddenly taken into a warm little hand.

He looked sideways to see the girl pointing at the sky. “Look, the moon is so full tonight!”

Lewis was infected by her joyful mood and also looked

The moonlight was bright and beautiful.

But he only glanced once, his gaze then fell on Keira’s profile.

Her silhouette was distinct, her flawless complexion so fair it was nearly translucent, with long lashes… She wasn’t at all like the delicate beauty of a traditional type, but rather, she carried an air of valor.

And those lips, neither too thin nor too plump…

Lewis swallowed.

Keira was walking ahead, but then she sensed Lewis by her side had stopped.

She turned her head curiously and was instantly engulfed by the man’s profound gaze.




222 Flowers

His eyes were very deep, like the vast starry sky, which was inscrutable.

The two looked at each other, and Lewis suddenly stepped forward, closing the distance between them.

The night air in winter was actually a bit cold, and there were no insects or birds chirping among the surrounding trees, which made it exceptionally quiet. So quiet that Keira could hear her own heartbeat.

She pursed her lips, and her nervous breathing grew


The atmosphere suddenly turned intimate.

Just then, Lewis slowly lowered his head…

His face drew closer and closer, so close that his breath seemed to spray onto her face.

The pleasant scent of vanilla from the man surrounde Keira’s, making her subconsciously close her eyes.

“Thump, thump, thump…”

It was the sound of a heartbeat.

They were about to kiss, weren’t they?



222 Flowers

so nervous that it felt like the air in her chest had been

sucked out…

But the next moment, she felt something lightly brush over her head…

Keira opened her eyes in surprise, only to see a leaf in Lewis’s hand. “…You had a leaf in your hair.”

Keira was perplexed.

She asked without thinking, “Did you come so close just to remove this leaf for me?”

“What else?”

“I thought…” Keira started but then immediately stopped herself.

Lewis chuckled lowly. “Thought what?”


Keira was angry.

She turned and walked away!

But no sooner had she turned around than her arm was forcefully pulled, and she crashed hard into Lewis’s broad chest.

Koira naucnd instinctivalu struggling but in the nort


222 Flowers

moment, Lewis lowered his head and kissed her!

Keira froze in place!

She could feel the drumming heartbeat in his chest. His lips were so soft, but then Keira’s eyes widened.

Lewis was prying open her lips, gently and carefully probing at first, then suddenly launching a full assault!

The winter wind was cold.

But Keira felt this burning desire… She was having trouble breathing and wanted to retreat, but Lewis’s large hand held the back of her head, deepening the


Her hands unconsciously wrapped around the man’s


The air seemed to have been sucked away, and her rationality vanished entirely…

After a long while, Keira felt something nudge her fee She was jolted awake and pushed Lewis away.

With flushed cheeks, Keira looked down to see the puppy standing there, wagging its tail, its little puppy eyes looking up at them curiously and seriously, then licking her leg.




222 Flowers

Keira was dumbfounded.

She was so embarrassed she could die!

She turned and ran quickly toward the main house, leaving only Lewis behind. He watched her from

behind, touching his lips with a finger, and chuckling softly.

Then, he gestured to the puppy with a finger to his lips. “Shh… Don’t tell anyone, she’s shy.”

The puppy looked confused.

After saying this, Lewis followed Keira, walking slowly toward the main house.

Just as he reached the doorway, he saw her standing there, looking down and kicking a pebble, with a somewhat girlish attitude, glaring at him.

Keira had never been to the main house, so she had no

idea where to stay.

Lewis quickened his steps, approached her, and took

her hand.

Keira immediately withdrew as if burned, coughed, and then entered the living room with him.



222 Flowers

They were then approached by the butler, whose face bore an unusual expression.

The butler gave Keira a meaningful look and coughed. “Madam, someone has sent you a gift. I’ve placed it in your room.”

Keira was confused.

She was taken aback. She instinctively glanced at Lewis, who frowned, clearly indicating the gift wasn’t from him.

She and Lewis went upstairs, entered the room the butler had mentioned, and saw a sea of pink roses!

There were no fewer than 999 roses, almost covering

the sofa…

Keira walked over and opened an envelope attached to the bouquet, which only listed the name of the person

who sent the flowers: Uncle Olsen.

Keira was perplexed.

She suddenly remembered giving advice to that handsome uncle earlier, mentioning that to woo a girl he should send pink flowers…


223 Flowers

Keira was momentarily dumbfounded.

By her side, Lewis had already walked over, glancing inconspicuously at her card as he asked, “Is it from the same person who sent you the token of commitment?” Keira found it amusing and handed him the card.

After seeing Uncle Olsen’s name, Lewis cleared his throat and complained, “Why would an elder send roses?”

Keira sighed silently.

So, sending flowers to charm a girl was a universal tactic?

But she wasn’t really angry with Uncle Olsen. After a he had done it to stand up for Mrs. Olsen…

She just felt that if Mrs. Olsen and Uncle Olsen didn meet, and she went to meet and chat with Uncle Olsen, it might upset her mother.

She quietly turned to the butler, “Please put these flowers in the living room.”



223 Flowers

Nine hundred and ninety-nine roses were simply too


The butler nodded and carried the flowers out.

Only after he left did Keira look around Lewis’s room. This bedroom of Lewis’s wasn’t actually the family head’s room; the room that Oliver was living in was. As soon as Oliver got married, Nathan immediately vacated the place for him and Melissa, sending a clear signal to the outside world: Oliver was to be the future family head.

Unfortunately for Oliver, Lewis snatched the position of the family head. Initially, Nathan, using the excuse of Lewis not being married, didn’t let Oliver give up the


Later, after Lewis got married, they occupied the master bedroom under the pretext that Lewis’s wife

was a

and hadn’t returned home.

Now, they simply didn’t mention the matter at all.

Lewis didn’t care about such things.

The main house had four floors in total, with over a

dozen rooms on each floor which were more than




223 Flowers


The room’s decor was a minimalist style in black,

white, and gray. Besides the necessary furniture, there was only one bed.

Keira immediately looked toward Lewis. “…Where are you going to sleep?”

“…” Lewis glanced at the bed.

Keira cleared her throat, “We’re not close enough to the point where we can share a bed, right?”

Thinking back to the kiss made her extremely embarrassed.

Lewis cleared his throat and pointed at the sofa nearby, “I’ll sleep on the sofa.”

Keira breathed a sigh of relief.

The sofa was spacious; he wouldn’t feel cramped sleeping on it.

Keira had thought she wouldn’t be able to sleep, but the soft bed was filled with Lewis’s fresh, grassy scent, which lulled her into sleep.

That was tough for Lewis on the sofa.





223 Flowers

The woman he loved was only a few steps away, yet he frustratingly couldn’t touch her…

Waking up the next day, Keira met his slightly resentful gaze. Seeing the redness in the whites of his eyes, she generously suggested, “Is the sofa uncomfortable? You can have the bed tonight!”


After washing up, the two went downstairs to visit old Mrs. Horton.

Keira checked her phone and saw a message from Corey Mills. “Director Nora, we’ve cleared up the case of Logan Lee pilfering the medicine!”

Upon reading this, Keira looked down and sneered.

Leaving old Mrs. Horton’s courtyard under the management of Selena was nothing but Lewis’s compromise since he couldn’t get his hands on the medicine.

Although he spoke casually, he was always worried about old Mrs. Horton.

Last night, he occasionally checked the surveillance…

Since she was the one who develoned the medicine.

( 223 Flowers

why should she let Selena earn a favor here?

She smiled and replied to the message. “Bring the medicine and come to the Horton residence


Corey Mills wrote, “Understood.”

At this moment, Oliver and Selena were talking inside old Mrs. Horton’s courtyard.

Unable to hold back, Oliver asked, “How’s it going? Has the old lady relented?”

Selena revealed a bitter expression. “Didn’t they say the old lady was getting muddled? I find her quite sharp. Every time we talk about the dowry, she pretends to be confused…”

She sighed. “Dad, getting this spot really took a lot o effort; we can’t end up with nothing!”

Oliver sneered, “I knew Grandma would do this. After all these years, even if she’s become senile, her heart has always been biased toward Lewis! But don’t worry, I’ve arranged everything for you well in advance!”

Selena smiled. “I knew you loved me the most, Dad.”


223 Flowers

Oliver looked around and then said, “I see you’ve emptied the old lady of all her jewelry; those are useless. Her most important things are in the safe!”

Selena hesitated, “But what’s the password?”

Oliver thought for a moment and then spoke, “Try Lewis’s birthday.”

Selena’s eyes lit up.

She entered old Mrs. Horton’s bedroom, made an excuse to send Fiona away, and then squatted in front of the safe, entering Lewis’s birthday.

Password incorrect.

Selena frowned and entered the date in reverse order; she then heard a “click”, and the correct password unlocked the safe!

Selena’s eyes lit up as she opened the safe.

It was filled with all sorts of important documents. After flipping through them briefly, Selena realized their value.

She immediately took out a bag and began to stuff the property deeds and ownership contracts inside, but

inst then….




223 Flowers


A dog barked, and a puppy pounced in front of her, biting at her hand!

Selena cried out in surprise and instinctively flung the dog away.

But the puppy, though not fully grown, was fiercely loyal and bit down hard, refusing to let go.

“Let go!”

Selena shouted, and several people immediately

rushed in!

Fiona saw the open safe, and her pupils shrank. She quickly went over to close it, while Oliver approached the puppy and kicked it away with force!

“Bastard, how dare you bite people!”


The puppy hit the ground and rolled several times

It was clearly in pain, but it still managed to roll on ground and lunged at Selena again, baring its tiny


It thought it was intimidating, but its little form looked




223 Flowers

more silly and adorable. However, because it was

injured, it swayed a bit, struggling to stand.

Fiona’s heart broke for the puppy!

This puppy was bought by old Mrs. Horton for Keira, but later, Keira didn’t take it to the company, Fiona and old Mrs. Horton looked after it.

The dog was loyal and protective of its master, and luckily for today, it stopped a theft from the safe just in


She immediately went over, picked up the puppy, and then noticed someone had kicked it hard. She urgently said, “Quick, call a vet!”

Selena looked at the bite marks on her hand; the

puppy’s teeth weren’t fully grown, so no matter how hard it bit, it didn’t break the skin.

But it still hurt!

Angry, her face turned steely as she said, “Why is dog biting people erratically?”

Fiona retorted. “Kitty is loyal to its owner. If you weren’t stealing, why would it bite you?”

“What are you saying? What do you mean by stealing?




223 Flowers

I was just helping my great-grandmother keep things safe, and besides, am I not the owner of this house?”

She looked at Oliver with a wronged expression. “Dad, has the Horton family not accepted me yet?”

Oliver immediately shouted angrily, “What nonsense are you talking about? You’re the daughter of the Horton family. This bastard dog bit its owner without reason; someone come and throw this puppy out and beat it to death with sticks!”

At these words, Fiona’s pupils shrank. “No way.”

“You, a mere servant, dare to be so insolent to your master! Do you think you have a say here?”

Seeing the bodyguards outside hesitant to act, Oliver stepped forward, snatched the puppy, and made a bee-line for the door!

Fiona chased after him. “Oliver, that dog belongs to and Mrs. Horton; you can’t do this!”

“No matter whose dog it is, if it dares to bite its owne it’s not a good dog! I’ll punish it to see if it’ll dare to bite people again!”

Oliver once again threw the puppy onto the ground.


223 Flowers

The puppy was harshly thrown down. Feeling too

painful to stand, it lay on the ground at the mercy of


Then Oliver picked up a stick from nearby and mercilessly smashed it down on the small puppy!

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224 Remember Everything

Fiona rushed over upon seeing this and pushed Oliver away, using her body to protect the little puppy. “Master, I beg you to spare it! It’s only three months old!”

Oliver scoffed coldly, “Fiona, I respect you for taking care of Grandma, but don’t get ahead of yourself! You’re just a servant in this house. Move aside or I’ll beat you as well!”

The little puppy seemed to sense Fiona was in danger, so it ran out of her protection. It was barely able to stand on its tiny legs, one of which was lame. It wobbled there, barking at Oliver again.

“It really is a beast!”

Oliver muttered under his breath, and with that, his stick savagely smashed down!

Of course, he wasn’t truly angry at a little puppy, but the dog belonged to Keira.

Thinking about how she had hit him the day before, and his face was still stinging now, even the house



< 224 Remember Everything

servants and bodyguards were snickering at him…

A trace of hatred appeared in Oliver’s eyes, and he put more force into his grip; if this blow landed on the little puppy, it would surely be killed… and that would infuriate that little slut Keira to death!

Just at this moment, a furious shout came from the doorway. “Stop!!”

Lewis, who had gotten up early to check the surveillance and immediately hurried over when he sensed danger to the puppy, now had a dark expression on his face.

He rushed to Oliver, reaching to snatch the stick from

his hand!

Oliver’s eyes were ruthless.

He often bullied Lewis when they were children. I as Lewis grew taller than him, the two never came


Now he took a step back, winding up the stick, ready to hit Lewis or to seize the opportunity to kill that little beast and disgust them…

But to his surprise, the stick was now firmly in Lewis’s


224 Remember Everything

grasp, rendering him completely immobile!

A hint of disbelief shone in Oliver’s eyes.

He had always thought of Lewis as a younger brother, someone he could always dominate and bully…

But unexpectedly, Lewis had grown into a mountain, while he himself was increasingly frail…

Panic set in Oliver’s heart, and the stick in his hand was already taken away by Lewis.

Keira, who had followed behind Lewis, was the first to rush toward Fiona and the little puppy.

Fiona was unharmed.

But the little puppy, upon seeing Keira, whimpered and then collapsed on the ground. Keira immediately picked it up and carefully checked over it, finding multiple fractures on its body!

Although it wasn’t fatal, the injury could take a long time to heal!

Her eyes reddening with distress, she called out, “Kitty!”

Hearing her voice, the puppy, not understanding why




224 Remember Everything

she was sad but wanting to comfort her, tenderly

licked the back of her hand with its tongue, before dropping down again.

Keira’s anger surged!

The puppy was the dog she had been raising for a month, and she had grown emotionally attached!

At the hospital, it had accompanied her on walks every day.

When the weather was nice, the little puppy always nestled at her feet to sleep.

Whenever she felt sad or upset, it would always lick the back of her hand to comfort her…

Keira suddenly looked up, clenching her fists tightly, and furiously yelled at Oliver, “How could you hit a little puppy so hard!!”

Oliver sneered. “It’s just a beast that bites its hit it, and what of it? As a sister-in-law, are yo to hit me, your elder brother? The family from t residence is coming to visit soon. If you dare show disrespect, they can immediately call a meeting in ancestral hall and expel you, the poisonous woman,

the spot!”




224 Remember Everything

Keira was infuriated by his words.

Lewis snatched the stick away, originally planning to throw it down, but at those words, his pupils

narrowed. He flipped his wrist, swung the stick, and fiercely struck Oliver!


Oliver took a solid hit to the back, so shocked that he staggered, and he felt as if his ribs were about to break!!

He staggered a couple of steps, angrily looking at Lewis. “You…”

“Lewis! You bastard, what are you doing? How dare you lay your hands on your older brother?!”

At the doorway, the furious roar of Nathan suddenly erupted.

Keira, cradling the little puppy, looked over to Nathan standing there with an eighty-year-old followed by a throng of people, likely the ones N had mentioned from the old Horton family estate.

These people were indeed from the old estate.

They had heard that old Mrs. Horton was gravely ill




224 Remember Everything

and had rushed over from their hometown to visit her.

In a huge family like the Horton Group, with a thriving population, aside from the main Horton family branch, the eighty-year-old man was Nathan’s second uncle.

The group behind him were the descendants of the second branch of the family.

After old Mrs. Horton established the Horton Group, she built a house back in her hometown for the second branch to watch over the ancestral hall…

The second branch also owned shares in the Horton Group, and this second uncle was in charge of the Horton family’s ritual affairs; even Nathan had to respect him as an elder.

As a child, Lewis was bullied by Oliver, nearly to the point of death.

Old Mrs. Horton then sent Lewis to be raised in second branch to escape the persecution from

and Nathan.

Therefore, Lewis had great respect for this second grandfather.

Old Mr. Horton asked, “Lewis, what’s going on here?”



224 Remember Everything

Before Lewis could speak, Oliver broke into tears, “Second grandpa, you’ve come at the right time! Just look at Lewis’s shameless behavior, without respect for his father or brother! His dog bit Selena, and I was only trying to make sure it didn’t bite its owner again, but he attacked me for no reason…”

Before Lewis could speak, Keira sneered. “The little puppy wouldn’t bite someone for no reason, so someone must have provoked it. And you, you almost beat it to death. Is this what you call teaching a lesson?”

Oliver was taken aback, then wiped his tears again. “Second grandpa, see? He doesn’t respect his elder brother, and his wife has no manners either. In their eyes, I, as the elder brother, am probably worse than a dog!”

Keira scoffed. “Don’t compare yourself to my dog; you’d only insult it!”

Oliver was infuriated, “You!”

Nathan simply said, “Second uncle, we always say he is arrogant and overbearing, you never believed us. Now that you’ve seen it with your own eyes, can you believe


224 Remember Everything

The elder from the second branch understood the situation, and he said fairly, “It’s not right to say that. I’m old but I understand. Nowadays, some people treat their dogs like children, and their affection for their pets runs deep. Likewise, back in my hometown, we’ve

I’m raised a dog as a guard dog since it was a puppy. very attached to it. If someone were to hit it with a stick, surely I would be up in arms… Oliver, you shouldn’t have hit Lewis’s dog!”

Oliver was speechless and wanted to argue, but Selena interjected, “Enough, Dad, it’s just a dog after all.”

She signaled Oliver with her eyes.

Oliver realized that today’s goal wasn’t about the


He snorted coldly, rubbing his back, feeling like his bones were surely fractured, but now wasn’t the time to go to the hospital. With the elder relatives here, he had to accomplish today’s purpose.

Enduring the pain, he said, “Forget it, second grandpa, please come inside.”

The second branch’s elder smiled kindly and,



224 Remember Everything

proceeded indoors, gesturing to Lewis and Keira, “Lewis, aren’t you going to introduce your wife to me…”

With an elder’s arrival, and especially one who was rather favorable toward Lewis, Keira, of course, couldn’t just leave right away.

She carefully handed the little puppy over to Fiona, instructing her to immediately take the dog for treatment before following the others into the room.

Lewis introduced her to the second grandfather, then said to her, “Keira, go see if Grandma is awake. If she is, then we can go see her!

The second grandfather and old Mrs. Horton were of the same generation. Although both were advanced in age, if his sister-in-law was sleeping, it wouldn’t be proper to disturb her.

Keira just nodded.

Selena wanted to object but knew it was not the and could only give a slight shake of the head to Lee, the researcher, indicating he need not interve

Keira smoothly entered old Mrs. Horton’s room.




224 Remember Everything

Perhaps having heard the sound of the door, old Mrs. Horton slowly opened her eyes.

Upon seeing Keira, the confusion in her eyes gradually cleared, and before Keira could speak, she exclaimed excitedly, “My granddaughter-in-law, I remember now!”

Keira was taken aback, “Remember what?”

“I remember how you and that brat got your marriage


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225 Speak Up

Had she remembered everything?

Keira was a bit surprised.

She hadn’t expected the Alzheimer’s medication to work this fast!

It had only been two days!

However, she also understood that the medication was designed to stimulate nerve regeneration and regulate bodily functions.

Old Mrs. Horton would gradually regain her memory. The reason she remembered why she got married so quickly was simply because she had just managed to recall that period of time.

She asked, “How did we get our marriage certificate?”

Old Mrs. Horton was about to speak when Selena’s excited voice came in from outside. “Great-grandma is


Old Mrs. Horton paused mid-sentence, looked outside, and asked, “Who’s out there?”


225 Speak Up

Keira explained, “It seems that relatives from the second branch of the family have come to see you.”

Old Mrs. Horton immediately said, “Oh, it’s my second brother and his family!”

She patted Keira’s hand. “The matter of your marriage is a long story; let’s talk about it after they leave.”


No sooner had they spoken than the patriarch of the second branch and Nathan walked in.


The patriarch of the second branch called out.

Old Mrs. Horton responded with a smile. “Why have you put yourself through the trouble of coming here? I’m perfectly fine now!”

The patriarch of the second branch also looked at her.

Old Mrs. Horton was a sister-in-law whom even Mr. Horton respected, and he had deep feelings for her.

When his elder brother passed away unexpectedly, he was only fifteen.

Their parents had died young, and he thought his



225 Speak Up

sister-in-law would take her young children and

remarry, leaving him to drop out of school and work to support himself.

Instead, without a word of complaint, she took on the entire household and told him, “You focus on your studies; I’ll figure out a way to cover your tuition fees.”

Afterward, she carried Nathan on her back and opened

a roadside stall.

They faced many hardships.

At that time, the world was very tumultuous. Once, he saw some little punks come to collect protection money, and without hesitation, she grabbed a kitchen knife and brandished it at them, yelling, “No money, but if you want a life, I’ve got one to spare!”

Those little punks left a message that they would come


Late one night, those people jumped into their yard and threw stones at the windows. A knife was always under her pillow.

He was young and timid and once suggested to her, “Just give them the money!”




225 Speak Up

But she said, “No way. That money is for your

education. If we give it to them, how will you pay your


That was only the smallest of their troubles.

Later, she opened a store, and the business grew larger and larger. After he graduated, he joined the company, and together they witnessed the establishment of Horton Group.

Once, a subordinate suggested to him that a woman couldn’t possibly be a chairperson and urged him to fight for power and profit. He dismissed that subordinate on the spot!

Other women might not be able to do it, but his sister-in-law most certainly could!

Unfortunately, she and Nathan had a falling out later on, and her presence affected Nathan’s authority within the company.

She decisively stepped down, handing over complete control of the company to Nathan.

Mr. Horton, without a second thought, supported

Nathan. Eventually, to ensure Nathan had sole control,

ha ranianad and roturned to his hometoum



225 Speak Up

When she found out, she immediately had a mansion with high walls built for him there.

Recalling the past made Mr. Horton’s eyes red, and hist hands trembled as he took hold of old Mrs. Horton’s

hand, “Sister-in-law, you must take care of yourself. I still want to be able to call you Sister-in-law when I’m


Old Mrs. Horton’s eyes were also filled with tears.

She was good to her brother-in-law, and he had nothing but good to say about her.

Her brother-in-law was one of the few college students of that era, and if he had stayed in Clance and

entered into a government institution, he would surely have reached an untouchable height by now.

But he decisively gave up the steady job that everyone dreamed of at that time, and came back to help her hold up the company.

It was only right for her to give him shares!

Later, when she handed Lewis over to her brother, he

indeed lived up to expectations and didn’t let Lewis get hurt again.



225 Speak Up

Old Mrs. Horton laughed and said, “That won’t do, in another ten years, I’ll be 96. Wouldn’t that turn me

into an old monster?”

Mr. Horton said, “Living to a ripe old age, you can still have a long life, and you still need to bear a son for


Old Mrs. Horton laughed.

After the two exchanged a few words, Mr. Horton said, “They just know how to scare me, saying that you’re almost not making it, so I have come and see. But look at you, you are doing well!”

Upon hearing this, Nathan said, “Uncle, speaking of this, it’s all thanks to Selena’s efforts.”

He gestured for Selena to stand closer, then recou the whole incident. He concluded with emotion. “T

child is about to marry into the Cobb family. Norma she would have kept a distance, but she went to such lengths to ask the Cobb family for help; she won’t be able to hold her head high there in the future.”

Selena immediately said, “Grandpa, don’t say that, she’s my great-grandma, and doing these things for her is only right.”


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