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My Accidental Husband is a Billionaire novel Chapter 243




243 Someone Looking for You 

243 Someone Looking for You 

The driver from the Horton’s old house had been 

waiting all day.” 

He intended to just hand the delivery to Fiona and leave, but Mr. Horton insisted he deliver it personally 

to Lewis! 

So he ended up waiting all day long. 

Fiona said Lewis usually came back at noon, yet today, of all days, he didn’t come back in time. He arrived by car at midnight the previous night, exhausted out of 

his mind. 

He even dozed off outside under the sun! 

Rubbing his eyes, the driver handed the package to Lewis and immediately went to sleep in the room Fiona had arranged for him! 

Lewis was slightly startled. 

He looked down at the package in his hand but felt nothing. 

The courier had made the delivery directly, so there 

was no name written on it. 



243 Someone Looking for You 

Lewis simply wondered what had been sent to the old family home… 

He didn’t enter the bedroom with the package but went into his study and sent Tom a message. “Meeting.” 

Busy with international affairs in the afternoon, he hadn’t dealt with company business. 

That night, he was prepared to work overtime, keeping himself busy. 

He didn’t want to leave himself any idle time for unfounded thoughts; only by keeping busy could he feel somewhat better. 

It seemed he might avoid those troubling issues… 

Lewis despised such behavior from himself. 

Yet he couldn’t help but act this way. 

After Tom called for an international meeting, five hours later, everyone was astonished. 

It was 2 a.m. in the morning! 

Lewis was normally very health-conscious, not wanting work reports after midnight, and he always 



243 Someone Looking for You 

jogged at a fixed time every morning! 

But today… what was going on? 

It wasn’t until the sky began to light up in the morning that Lewis stopped working, but he didn’t go to sleep. His gaze merely flicked over the package in front of him before he changed his clothes and went out for a 


Another sleepless night… To be precise, he hadn’t slept in two nights. 

Lewis seemed somewhat more disheveled, and his run 

was somehow less exhilarating. 

The frustration suddenly made him speed up, dashing 

five kilometers at a swift pace! 

Only when he returned to the bedroom drenched in sweat did he step into the shower, as the cold water started flowing, his entire body jolted, and the pain that seemed suppressed deep within erupted like a valve had been opened forcefully. 

Lewis suddenly looked up, the shower’s water pouring over his face, and his fists tightly clenched. 



243 Someone Looking for You 

After taking a shower, Lewis glanced outside at the 


It was already 7 a.m. and broad daylight. 

He had an appointment with Keira that day to get their 


Thinking about this, the calm he had just regained. weighed on him once more… 

Keira didn’t sleep well that night either. 

That text message she sent made her feel the situation 

was suddenly unpredictable. 

Who was that stranger? 

Why didn’t they want her to divorce? 

Contemplating these issues, her melancholy over the impending divorce faded without her noticing, leaving her in intense contemplation. 

She got dressed and went downstairs. 

Just after breakfast, the nanny came in. “Miss, someone outside wants to see you.” 



243 Someone Looking for You 

Who could it be? 

Could it be the person who sent the text? They did say they would come to see her today… 

But she had arranged to meet the other party at eleven in the morning. Had they arrived early? 

She went outside. 

When she opened the door and saw the woman in front of her, she was slightly taken aback. 

Standing before her was a slender woman in her fifties. She was dressed plainly and probably from the countryside. She stood there timidly and uneasily. 

Was this the person who had sent her the text message? 

No, that wasn’t right… 

Keira suddenly realized that the person who sent her the text message last night said their child had just fallen asleep and needed to be quiet, meaning that the child was still young. 

The fifty-year-old in front of her wasn’t that person! 

Just as she thought about this, the woman had already 



243 Someone Looking for You 

rushed over, grabbing her arm. “Mrs. Horton, you’re 

Mrs. Horton, right?” 

Keira frowned, “Who are you?” 

“I’m Madeleine’s mother!” 

After the middle-aged woman finished speaking, Keira immediately realized trouble was brewing! 

She blamed herself for not sleeping well the last two 

days, which made her mind a half-beat slower, allowing the woman to seize an opportunity. 

She wanted to retreat and close the door, but the woman had already clung tightly to her clothes, “Mrs. Horton, let’s talk…” 

Keira said indifferently, “I don’t have anything to talk about with you…” 

No sooner had she said this than three or four reporters suddenly popped out from around the corner, all pointing their cameras at her. 

One of them said, “Mrs. Horton, I’m live streaming, and the whole internet is following your and Mr. Horton’s situation. We want to know, what exactly is going on?” 

“Did you know he had a girlfriend when you were with 




Someone Looking for You 

Mr. Horton? Were you the ‘other woman’ interfering in their relationship?” 

“Mrs. Horton, is Mr. Horton now planning to turn a blind eye to Miss Davis’s life and death? How do you plan to face the reporters and the public? Don’t you feel guilty?” 

“Mrs. Horton, what’s your view on this matter?” 

Keira frowned, looking coldly at the group of people in 

front of her. 


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