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My Accidental Husband is a Billionaire novel Chapter 271

271 Love

Upon hearing this, Keira’s pupils constricted. ·


She immediately tried to push open the door but found

it was deadbolted from the inside.

“Step aside.”

Following that command, Uncle Olsen kicked out fiercely!


The door was kicked open, sending wood splinters flying, but the two of them didn’t care and rushed straight into the room!

They saw the master bedroom’s floor was wet, and Mrs. Olsen’s hands were tied to the bathroom handrail with a belt; the floor was strewn with a bath towel and

torn clothes…

Mrs. Olsen’s face was filled with anger and despair, her body trembling slightly.

Taylor was shirtless at the time, wearing only pants that were soaked through. Hearing the door open, he turned sharply, and upon seeing Uncle Olsen and

10:15 C



271 Love

Keira, he was taken aback.

He had loved Mrs. Olsen for over twenty years and still loved her deeply, but that love had twisted into something else. Nevertheless, his first instinct was

concern for Mrs. Olsen’s embarrassment!

Especially in front of Uncle Olsen, he knew she would feel even more distressed, so Taylor’s first instinct was to grab a bath towel and cover Mrs. Olsen’s body!

And so, he managed to maintain Mrs. Olsen’s dignity in front of others…

Uncle Olsen only glanced once before he quickly averted his eyes, but his face suddenly turned ashen.

Mrs. Olsen’s hands were tied, her expression pained and hopeless, clearly not there by her own volition and although she was wearing a bath towel, one co see the scars on her exposed shoulders and legs…

Had she been a victim of domestic abuse?!

This revelation struck Uncle Olsen, making his eyes instantly blaze with rage!

She was the woman he had adored for over twenty years, whom he held dear in his heart and he had




271 Love

longed for so ardently. She was someone he could have taken by force given his status, yet he had never dared to do such a thing, deeming it would defile his goddess. And now, had she been mistreated by that bastard Taylor?!

Fury taking over, he seized Taylor by the shoulder, dragged him forcefully out the door, and as soon as they were outside, his fist came crashing down!

He didn’t sneak a peek at Mrs. Olsen, maintaining his gentlemanly composure throughout.

Inside the bedroom.

Keira was also furious.


The mother she had always wanted to have, the one who was gentle and strong, who taught her t herself and not to despair over her origins, ha abused by Taylor?!

Like Uncle Olsen and Taylor, she knew Mrs. Olse pride, so her first reaction was to close the door.

Then, she rushed to Mrs. Olsen’s side, just about to speak when Aunt South, who had followed in, exclaimed in shock, “Madam, how could, how could this hannen?!”






271 Love

Mrs. Olsen closed her eyes in humiliation, tears rolling down from her eyes.

Aunt South immediately cried. “Madam, I thought the master just wanted to become true husband and wife with you. I’ve seen his kindness toward you over the years. How could he bear to treat you like this? Your injuries, these injuries…”

Mrs. Olsen clenched her fists, her body trembling slightly.

Keira immediately said, “Mom, don’t worry about that bastard. I’ll help you get dressed…”

She stepped forward, undid the belt around Mrs. Olsen’s wrists, then turned to look for clothes, but since she hadn’t spent much time with Mrs. Olse he could only look toward Aunt South, asking, “Wh

Mom’s undergarments kept?”

Aunt South, upon hearing this, became dazed, star blankly at Keira.

Keira decisively pulled down her mask, revealing her face.

Aunt South’s pupils contracted. “Miss Keira?”




271 Love

Keira frowned. “The clothes!”

Then Aunt South snapped back to reality and quickly turned around. “Right, the clothes…”

She opened the wardrobe and took out some new clothes for Mrs. Olsen. Keira took them, eager to help the powerless Mrs. Olsen get dressed.

But just as she approached Mrs. Olsen, Mrs. Olsen clutched the bath towel fiercely. “Aunt South, please…”

Keira paused slightly.

She then realized that Mrs. Olsen had long been accustomed to Aunt South’s care, and moreover, in front of her own daughter, her current state was too disheveled and wretched for her to bear being seen…

Keira immediately stood up and stepped asid

Aunt South walked over, trying to pull off the towel from Mrs. Olsen.

A horrific scream from Taylor came from outside door!

Mrs. Olsen immediately frowned, then said, “Keira, go out and take a look. Don’t let Uncle Olsen commit murder..”






271 Love


Worry showed on her face.

It wasn’t that she feared Taylor would be beaten to death, but rather that if Taylor were beaten to death, it would bring trouble to Uncle Olsen.

Given Uncle Olsen’s volatile temper, he would surely strike ruthlessly.

Keira looked at Mrs. Olsen with concern, “What about you…”

Mrs. Olsen lowered her gaze. “I’ll put on my clothes and go out.”

Keira clenched her fists, her gaze sweeping over the interior of the bathroom. Even though it was a mess, what had just happened could still be deduced from the clues left behind.

Thinking of what Taylor had done to Mrs. Olsen was so angry she wanted to kill him!

Yes, she would go out…

To help her mother get this revenge!!

Keira left with a dark expression and thoughtfully

closed the door for Mrs. Olsen, only to see that Taylor was already gasning for breath!





271 Love

Uncle Olsen indeed had a heavy hand.

He didn’t let others help him but was beating Taylor with his own fists, punch after punch. Taylor’s face was swollen and bruised, as Uncle Olsen grabbed him by the collar again.

He raised his fist, ready to bring it down on Taylor.

Keira stepped forward. “Stop!”

Uncle Olsen’s brows furrowed, looking at her.

Keira’s eyes were cold. “Don’t kill him carelessly! I’ll return the injury he inflicted on the lady tenfold, a hundredfold!”

After that, she pulled out several pieces of paper, went to the side of the basin to wet them, and then d

Taylor’s two bodyguards hold him down. She pasted the wet papers over Taylor’s face one

Taylor immediately found it hard to breathe!

A minute later, Keira lifted the paper towels to se Taylor collapsed on the ground, gasping for breath he were a lump of rotten meat.

Keira crouched down beside him.



271 Love

Having nearly suffocated just before, Taylor saw Keira’s face and finally realized something, his pupils

shrinking, “You… are Keera?”

Keira didn’t deny nor confirm, only staring at him. “Are you surprised?”

“Of course, I’m surprised!” Taylor forced a smile. “I’m surprised. How did you manage to escape? You were in the vast sea, and yet you’re still alive!”

His words made Keira clench her fists tighter, “So it

was indeed you. You actually wanted to kill the two of


“Of course…”

Taylor, battered and trembling, glanced at Uncle Olsen. He slowly straightened up his body a

close to Keira’s ear.

In a voice only the two of them could hear, he “Uncle Olsen is here, and I’m finished today, so

you a secret…”


272 “Their” Secret


Keira knew that Keera carried a secret and so did Jodie


She furrowed her brows.

Then she heard Taylor say softly and slowly, “Keera, the reason I wanted to kill you both was simple. I couldn’t let your mother find out that she gave birth to twins that year!”

Keira was puzzled. “Why? Wasn’t I… wasn’t I supposed to have died and been abandoned at birth? Even if she

found out, so what?”

Taylor was stunned by her words, and he burst into laughter. “Is that what they told you? Ha…”

“They”? Was he referring to Keera’s adoptive parents or someone else?

Taylor continued. “You weren’t abandoned. You were taken away as soon as you were born. I didn’t have the ability to protect you then, but if I had revealed that you were taken, your mom would have gone back and




272 “Their” Secret

searched for you desperately, so I’ve always hidden

your existence from her! How could I possibly let her risk her life for… someone else’s child?”

At this point, Taylor glanced at Uncle Olsen.

Upon hearing this explanation, Keira felt like her head was going to explode.

Although she had found the murderer, the situation seemed to have gotten even more complicated…

Taylor continued to speak softly. “Keera, why did you come back? Without you, my life with her would have continued to be peaceful, but you found Keira, and if the truth was revealed, Shirley would surely blame me and leave me! So, the moment you found Keira, I made up my mind to let you both die!”

A hint of madness flickered in his eyes. “Anyone who dares to disturb me and Shirley must die!”

Keira, furious, slapped him!

To conceal the past, had Taylor kidnapped her and Keera? He then threw them into a sunken ship at sea…

If she hadn’t acted decisively, waking Keera and breaking the window, if Keera hadn’t desperately



272 “Their” Secret

dragged her from under the water to the surface, perhaps what the Horton family would be burying today would be two corpses!!

Although Keera’s appearance was unexpected, she felt very gentle to Keira.

Even though they had only spent a little time together, Keira had already acknowledged this sister…

While she was thinking about this, Taylor laughed again. He leaned close to Keira’s ear and whispered, “Also, do you know? The fact that Poppy had switched the two children, I implicitly consented to it because I didn’t want Shirley to raise that man’s child! One of her daughters was taken, the other was switched… and this way, Shirley would have no more affection left for the children, and she would only have eyes for me…

Keira clenched her fists tightly and stared hard at him upon hearing his words.

She suddenly picked up the tissues from before and pressed them against Taylor’s face again, enraged, and with tears welling up in her eyes, she smothered him…

Taylor struggled for air, fighting hard.



272 “Their” Secret

But Keira only wanted him to pay with his life! He would pay for her sister’s death and the abuse inflicted on their mother, as well as her own miserable life of the past 22 years!!

Her eyes were red with rage as she stared at Taylor.

Her hands were forceful as if to vent all her years of


She remembered as a child, every time she enviously watched their family of three…

She not only longed for a normal mother, she had also hoped countless times in her heart that her mother wasn’t Poppy but Mrs. Olsen…

She had even wished that her father, Taylor, would

notice her.

She had dreamed that he would descend like a god when she was wronged, taking her away from Poppy’s


She remembered before she was sold to human traffickers at the age of four, after being beaten severely by Poppy, she once hid at the door. When she saw Taylor coming home from work, she deliberately


neared in front of him


She gently called him “Daddy”…

But Taylor simply glanced at her indifferently, then told Poppy to keep her from running around.

Poppy took her back to the basement, where she faced more brutal beatings! It was then that Poppy sold her

to the traffickers…

All these years, Poppy was just the wicked executor.

Taylor was the mastermind!

Memories of her miserable childhood…

The body of her sister Keera…

And the traces of abuse on her mother’s body…

All of it drove Keira to a blind rage as she pressed down on Taylor, just wanting him to die!

Taylor, whose mouth and nose were covered, slowly stopped struggling…

But Keira kept applying pressure.

Tears slowly filled her eyes…

The next moment, her wrist was grabbed, and she was pushed aside by Uncle Olsen. He quickly removed the



Taylor didn’t move.

Uncle Olsen glanced toward the person beside him,

who immediately squatted down to start emergency aid on Taylor.

Keira, however, stared fiercely at Uncle Olsen.

It seemed that if anyone dared to stop her from taking her revenge, she would kill them too!

But how could a person like Uncle Olsen be intimidated by her?

Uncle Olsen only knitted his brow and spoke in a deep voice. “Why are you so agitated? Why are you more fierce than me? Why do you hate him so much?”

Uncle Olsen was also angry, so his punches landed on flesh with no mercy.

However, seeing Keira even more crazed, he calmed down instead.

Keira didn’t answer his question but said hoarsely, “He killed people, so he deserves to die!”

Uncle Olsen thought Keera and Keira were very good classmates and didn’t think much of it. He only

frowned and said. “I have a thousand ways to kill him.

11:46 (


272 “Their” Secret

There’s no need for you to do it.”

After saying this, Uncle Olsen suddenly looked toward the bedroom door. “Moreover, Miss South is the one who’s most entitled to deal with him.”

Taylor began to breathe.

He coughed and looked toward Keira. “Why didn’t you

kill me? Kill me!”

Keira finally regained her sanity.

She realized that Taylor had deliberately said those things to her because he didn’t want to live anymore.

Uncle Olsen had many ways to make life worse than death for him, so he wanted to die by her hand.

Keira took a deep breath and said nothing.

Taylor lay sprawled on the ground, his arms and legs outstretched. His whole body seemed to relax as he

suddenly sneered. “I wanted to teach you one last lesson before I die, but it turns out you don’t even have the courage to kill someone. Keera, you are truly


After finishing this sentence, he abruptly closed his

mouth and bit down hard.



“He’s attempting suicide!”

The moment Uncle Olsen said this, people around him immediately rushed over, only to find that Taylor had already swallowed the poison hidden between his


The poison acted quickly; almost immediately upon ingestion, he vomited a mouthful of black blood.

Taylor turned his head toward the bedroom, extending his hand with a flicker of struggle in his eyes as if trying to grasp at something. “Shirley…”

The person beside him checked and sighed. “It’s a poison that kills instantly. There’s no saving him.”

Uncle Olsen then turned toward the bedroom and

to Keira, “Please ask Miss South if she wants to see

for the last time…”

After all, he was a man who had accompanied her for more than twenty years and protected her.

Jodie might want to send him off.

Though Keira felt it was unnecessary, it was her

mother’s choice, so she walked to the door and




But there was no response from inside the room!!

Keira was slightly stunned, knocked again, but still no one answered from inside.

She suddenly realized something!

That’s right…

When Taylor kidnapped her and Keera and attempted to murder the two of them, he had accomplices, but their entry into the Olsen home had been too easy,

faced with no resistance.

So… where were his accomplices?!

Uncle Olsen also realized this, and the two of them violently pushed open the bedroom door, rushing in only to find the bedroom empty. Jodie South and Aunt South were gone.

“Search, the surroundings immediately. Lock down the entire complex!”

Uncle Olsen ran out and shouted at the people around


The dying Taylor on the ground suddenly shouted, “It’s them. They’ve taken Shirley! Hurry, save her, save her!!”



His expression was anxious, clearly not expecting this


The dying man seemed to regain vigor, sitting up from the ground and pointing next door. “The master bedroom has a secret passage that leads to the house next door. They must’ve taken Shirley there!”

No sooner had these words fallen than Uncle Olsen was already charging out the door with his men.

As Keira was about to follow, Taylor suddenly grabbed her pants, “Keera, save Shirley! Please save her!”

Keira immediately looked at him, grabbing his collar. “Who are they…exactly?!”

Taylor’s eyes widened, “They are…

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273 Your Wife Isn’t Dead

The words weren’t finished when suddenly, from the rooftop of the next villa, the sound of a helicopter starting up was heard.


Through the window, Keira watched helplessly as a helicopter suddenly took off

Her vision was very good, so she saw Jodie and Aunt South bound hand and foot by two men, lying inside the helicopter.

Jodie seemed to notice Keira. Her face was pressed against the glass, and her mouth opened and closed, seemingly trying to say something…

Uncle Olsen had already rushed over, but he could only stand there, watching as the helicopter quickly flew away, with everyone watching it helplessly.

But Uncle Olsen didn’t give up. He immediately got into his car and chased after the helicopter.

Keira was weak now and not as robust as before, so

she didn’t chase after them. She turned to look at




In his face, she saw deep concern.

Not until the plane vanished on the horizon did Taylor

seem unable to bear it any longer, and again, a

mouthful of black blood spurted out!

Keira asked him once more. “Taylor, who are they

exactly? How am I to save my mom?”

Taylor was already extremely weak.

If it weren’t for the last gasp of breath, he should have

been dead.

His mouth opened and closed as he tightly grasped Keira’s hand, bitterly spitting out, “It was you, Keera, it was you who recognized Keira that brought them to me. They sought my partnership and killed Keira! A it was you, you had to see your mom, which led thei to abduct Shirley!”

He coughed up blood in great gushes, his emotions running high, his gaze at Keira now filled with hatred.

“Having been taken by them, why did you have to come back? Why did you bring them back…”

“Shirley and Keira were so happy! Why did you have to destroy this peaceful life? Shirley barely managed to





back then, and now she’s been captured

Suddenly, he seemed to lose all strength, collapsing onto the ground. “It was my fault! I thought by killing you and Keira, they would give up on Shirley. I was terribly wrong!”

Blood flowed from his mouth, slurring his words, but

Keira still made out what he said.

“Keera, you’re so weak and useless. Why is it that you of all people survived? What use are you? If it were Keira, she might have had the strength to save


Keira didn’t bother with his hatred. She knelt on o knee to get closer to him, her voice cold and firm.

am Keira.”

As these words came out, Taylor’s eyes, already losin their sparkle, seemed to focus once more.

He probably couldn’t see clearly anymore, but he tried hard to look in Keira’s direction, bewildered. “You’re


Keira got closer to him, whispering in his ear. “Yes, the one who died was Keera. Tell me who are thev… How



do I save my mom?!”

Taylor seemed to see hope. He fumbled to grab her hand. “Keira, it’s really you… it’s actually you… Shirley

can be saved…”

He shed tears of blood, struggling to pass on what he knew to her. “They are the South family. I don’t know where they are. I only know that Shirley has always been trying to escape from them. When Shirley and I came to Oceanion, it was to avoid them… Keera was barely born when she was snatched by those people, and then Shirley gave birth to you…

“Keira, I’ve wronged you. I switched you and Isla, indeed out of jealousy, not wanting Shirley to raise someone else’s child, but also to protect Shirley! Yo and Keera looked too much alike. I feared you woul

“These years, they seem to not know that Shirley and you were in Oceanion. It was Keera who led them


“Keira, now that they know about you and Shirley, the moment you show your face, disaster is sure to follow! Only the worthless, a complete waste like Keera was

allowed to live…



“Keera knew them, they… seemed to be in contact with Keera… you… should still pretend to be Keera… they’ll come for you… follow the lead… and save Shirley…”

Taylor’s voice trailed off, his consciousness seemingly dissipating. By now, his hand had fallen to the ground.

He stared wide-eyed at the ceiling.

There was no light left in his eyes.


His life had reached its end.

In his last moments, he whispered to himself, “Shirley… did you… ever… love me?”

He seemed to see the girl who had dazzled his younger self appear once more…

She smiled as she walked toward him, then turne


He reached out, trying to grasp her.

But in the end, he caught nothing.

Taylor was dead.

It was a suicide. After Keira called the police, she



didn’t get involved further.

She went out to find Uncle Olsen.

Uncle Olsen’s reply was that the helicopter had vanished over the vast sea, and even though he chased

after it with a yacht, it was too late.

In the end, no one knew where the helicopter had

flown to.

Uncle Olsen returned to the capital overnight, ready to mobilize all his resources to investigate Jodie’s


But Keira knew they would find nothing.

Just like last time, with “their” cooperation, Taylo ad kidnapped her and Keera, and up to now, there

been no clues at all.

They were members of the South family.

Mrs. Olsen’s maiden name was South, and so was


Jodie hadn’t returned to her maternal home in over twenty years; Keera’s adoptive parents had also passed away long ago. Keira didn’t understand what exactly had happened; she only felt that there was a dense fog



blocking her view and obscuring her direction.

Taylor was a dying man, and she believed he told the


“Keira” was in danger, but “Keera” was allowed to live…

For the time being, she could only act as “Keera,” slowly putting the pieces together and drawing out the people behind the scenes.

It was deep into the night, but Keira’s gaze was


Jodie was the person she cared about most in her life.

She had to rescue her mother no matter what!!

Just as she returned to the hotel downstairs, her

phone vibrated. She took it out and saw that it was WhatsApp message from Howard. “Where are you? so late; what are you still doing out? Come back!”

Keira lowered her cold eyes and replied to the message. “Downstairs, coming up soon.”

It was getting late; Amy should be sleeping soundly by now, right?

But she didn’t know that upstairs, in her room, there was no Amy, only two men.




273 Your Wife Isn’t Dead

One was Howard, while the other, enveloped in an air

of luxury and aloofness with a worn-out demeanor,

was Lewis.

At that moment, Lewis’s eyes were shining. “Where exactly is Keira?”

Howard smiled ingratiatingly. “Downstairs. She’ll be here any moment, Mr. Horton. You won’t be disappointed!”

Following that statement, there was a beep at the door, and Keira walked in.


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274 It’s You

Keira arrived at her room to find Howard’s mother waiting by the door.

She hastened her steps and frowned. “Is Amy asleep?”

“She’s asleep.”

Howard’s mother’s eyes flickered, and she suddenly took out Amy’s milk bottle. “Tonight, Amy refused to drink his milk. Taste it and see if it has soured or gone bad!”

Keira narrowed her eyes, sensing there was a problem.

She removed her mask, opened the bottle, and tilted her head back to drink without letting the bottle touch her lips, to prevent bacterial infection. After taking a sip, she carefully savored it. “It’s not spoiled.”

“Is that so?” Howard’s mother waved her hand. “Maybe she’s full and doesn’t want any more. If not, we might have to switch to another brand… Drink the rest

yourself. Don’t waste it.”

Keira had gone to the Horton family early in the morning to attend a funeral and hadn’t gotten the

09 10

274 It’s You

chance to eat anything at noon, so she was very

hungry now.

She asked with downcast eyes, “Has Mrs. Horton been


Howard’s mother said impatiently, “She’s been buried. Why are you asking so many questions? Do you really think you’re Mrs. Horton’s high school classmate? You’re really getting into character! Just drink the milk and stop dawdling!”

Keira’s eyes flickered, and she finished the milk in a few gulps, preparing to take it into her room to wash the bottle.

Before she could push the door open, Howard’s

mother snatched the bottle away and said with a smile! “I’ll wash it. You’ve been tired all day. Go to bed!”

After saying that, she took the bottle back to her own


There definitely was a problem!

Howard’s mother was never usually so eager to help.

Had “they” come looking?

Because of anemia, Keira had a certain resistance to


274 It’s You

all medications.

She swiped the hotel card to open her door and stepped in.

As soon as she opened the door, Howard walked over. His usual disdain was gone, and he now looked at Keira with warmth. “You’re back.”

Keira furrowed her brows and before she could speak, Howard said, “It’s late. Go wash up and sleep… I won’t disturb you!”

He swiftly slipped past Keira and on his way out, he left only one sentence behind. “Amy is with me, so don’t worry. Just make sure you take good care of the man in the room!”

Keira had already sensed that something w and in that moment, she grabbed Howard’s blocking his path.

She wanted to see what Howard was up to!

But as she turned around abruptly, she saw the fa figure sitting on the couch and was utterly stunned




274 It’s You

Why was he here?!

In the brief moment she was taken aback, Howard had already wriggled free and left the room, followed by the click of the door lock.

Keira pulled at the door fiercely, but Howard was already outside, securing the door with a chain, making it impossible to open!

After doing all this, Howard clapped his hands.

Hearing Keira trying to push the door from inside, he immediately said, “Keera, make sure you treat Mr. Horton well, as he can bring immense profits to our company, got it?! No resistance allowed! Do you hear


Howard’s expression was one of smug satisfactio

Although he had met Uncle Olsen at the funeral, Howard’s subsequent messages were largely ignore by him.

So when he noticed how much Mrs. Horton resembled

Keera at the funeral, he came up with this idea!

To send Keera to Mr. Horton’s bed, so that afterward

he could establish a connection with the Horton

274 It’s You


Howard’s mother appeared behind him. “Son, can we really do this?”

Howard sneered. “Mom, it’s just sex. Besides, Keera’s health is poor, and she hasn’t gotten pregnant again in the past few years. It’s impossible for her to bear me another son. I can only count on Cindy. Keera does have a nice face, and keeping her at home without use until now has finally paid off. I’m not afraid of living with the humiliation, so what are you worried about?” Cindy was the mistress he had been keeping outside, and she was now pregnant. The doctor diagnosed it as

a son.

Howard’s mother had always cared deeply for h looking forward to holding her grandson!

Upon hearing these words, Howard’s mother slapp him on the back. “That’s not what I mean. I’m talkin about how Keera is utterly devoted to you; what if s refuses? Wouldn’t it backfire?”

“Don’t worry…” Howard smiled confidently. “I’ve just drugged both of them. That drug is potent; most people can’t handle it…”



274 It’s You

Howard’s mother asked, “Speaking of which, why do Keera and Mrs. Horton look so similar? When I saw Mrs. Horton’s picture, I got scared. You think… could they be twins?”

Howard stroked his chin. “Keera is an orphan, adopted by her parents. I guess that’s very likely the case. Mom, we really hit the jackpot coming to this funeral! Who would have thought we’d stumble upon such an opportunity!”

However, Howard’s mother frowned. “If Keera and Mrs. Horton are really twins, can’t we use that relationship to connect with Mr. Horton? Why then did you send her to Mr. Horton’s bed?”

Howard waved his hand, “What do you know? His wif is dead, and who keeps in touch with the wife’s family Although Keera is useless, her face is undeniably beautiful. Send her to Mr. Horton, and he’ll develop a taste for her. There will definitely be ongoing contact. Besides, if we rely on Keera’s relationship with Mrs. Horton, won’t we have to be controlled by Keera? But if we have evidence of Keera’s infidelity, in the future, won’t I call the shots in this family?”

Howard’s mother’s eyes shone. “Son, you’re so clever!”


274 It’s You

The two of them quietly discussed as they returned to

their room.

Inside the room.

Keira didn’t hear their voices, but she had already guessed Howard’s intentions.

She couldn’t help but spit in disdain.

“Keera, what kind of husband have you found for yourself?”

“Keira… it’s really you!”

Behind her, a man’s deep, husky voice mixed with disbelief reached her, causing Keira to stiffen instantly!

The mask had been removed long ago, and it was n too late to put it back on…

Lewis had already seen her face!

Keira clenched her fists and slowly turned around.

As she looked at Lewis, her eyes were filled with


Her mother had been kidnapped…

Her sister was dead!


274 It’s You


The home she had finally found had just fallen apart. At this moment, it seemed she had only Lewis left!

This thought made her soul suddenly crumble, and the heat inside her body didn’t want to be suppressed!

She had been too restrained, and at this moment, she also wanted to properly let it all out!

Forget about the old flame, forget about the savior. She wanted to put them all aside for now!

With this thought, Keira headed toward Lewis!

She had just taken a step when her feet suddenly gave out, and she fell into Lewis’ arms…

Lewis had been drugged as well, and though his min had still been clear, upon seeing her face and smellin the familiar scent on her, he lost his composure.

He didn’t restrain his yearning and fiercely kissed her lips!


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275 Don’t Leave Me

Keira didn’t know when he had picked her up and brought her to the bed.

Lewis’s lean body pressed down on her.

His face was tightly against hers, their noses touching, his breath mingling with hers in a hot and intense


His eyes were fixed on her, not daring to blink as if he was afraid that she would disappear again…

After a moment, his thin lips moved to the back of her ear, his breath warm and moist against her tender skir as he spoke.

His voice was deep and hoarse, filled with endless joy. “Keira, you finally came back… You’re not dead…”

His voice made Keira’s heart ache.

She tightened her grip around his waist and lifted her

head to kiss his chin.

The kiss made his body tremble slightly. He seemed unable to resist the effect of the drug any longer and grabbed her chin to kiss her. His hand gently and




275 Don’t Leave Me

firmly began to undress her…

Keira shivered subtly.

She had always kept fit and was skilled, and she had imagined that on her wedding night, she would be a match for Lewis. But even though her strength was considerable, she couldn’t move Lewis an inch.

Half of her body was dangling off the edge…

Lewis pulled her back.

He clung to her tightly, feeling her presence as if afraid she would leave again…

They didn’t know how much time had passed and both were panting from exhaustion. They clung tighto each other, tired enough to fall asleep…

From yesterday until now, Keira had been on e

she hadn’t slept at all last night, so she was extre


She didn’t know that since the accident, Lewis also

hadn’t slept.

For three whole days, he hadn’t rested for a minute!

Now that his heart’s desire had finally been resolved,

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his body and mind suddenly relaxed, and he couldn’t

hold on any longer…

When Keira groggily woke up, she heard the faint sound of the door being opened.

She immediately lifted the quilt to cover both of them!

Then she saw Howard’s mother enter with a look of disgust on her face. She took a few hasty photos of Keira and Lewis with her phone, then immediately lowered her voice. “Get up now. We’re going back to Clance!”

Leaving these words behind, she left the room.

Keira checked her phone and saw it was five in the morning, and the sky outside was still dark…

By the moonlight, her gaze once again fell on Lewis.

The man was still asleep, probably too exhausted; his hand was still intertwined with hers.

Keira gently withdrew her own hand and quickly picked up the clothes from the ground to dress.

She tiptoed out of the room.

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As she reached the doorway, she couldn’t help but look back at him.

The sleeping man seemed to sense something and frowned.

Keira withdrew her gaze.

One night of folly was enough; she didn’t have the luxury to be capricious.

Her mother was still waiting for her to save her.

The hidden adversaries were also waiting for her to unearth them…

As for Lewis, he had his own responsibilities; he couldn’t abandon Madeleine…

So, this was it.

The luggage in the room had already been packed by Howard’s mother the night before, so she walked out, gently closing the door behind her.

“Lewis, goodbye.”

On the way back to Clance.


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child seat.

Keira sat beside her, not mentioning a word about last night’s events.

Howard’s mother couldn’t help herself from asking, “Howard, what the hell are you doing? I saw with my own eyes. Mr. Horton and Keera have done the deed! Shouldn’t we wait for Mr. Horton to wake up before we talk terms? Why did you run off?”

Howard chuckled. “Mom, don’t rush… We tricked Mr. Horton, so it’s better to get back to Clance quickly. I’ve asked around. The Horton family has no assets in Clance. When he wakes up in the morning, he’ll come to his senses. If he wants to get angry, he won’t me looking for us… But if he really takes an interes Keera, he’ll definitely find an opportunity to co Clance. By then, won’t we be in touch with him?

Howard’s mother immediately laughed. “You’ve rea thought this through!”

Through the rearview mirror, Howard looked at Keira and, upon noticing the red marks on her neck, his pupils constricted.

He sneered. “Keera, who are you putting on that


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deathly face for? I haven’t touched you in two years, and last night you finally got some action, right? Tell me, compared to me, what’s different about a big shot like Mr. Horton?”

Keira replied coldly to this remark, “He’s much bigger than you.”

Howard was dumbfounded.

His face darkened instantly. “Keera, you can bring yourself to this kind of talk. You really are shameless!”

“More shameless than sending your wife to another man’s bed?”

Howard was speechless!

He had never thought that the Keera he had repressed for years would strike back!

Howard’s mother sneered. “Keera, after sleepin Mr. Horton, have you grown a spine? What now? because someone slept with you, do you think you

Mrs. Horton now?”

Howard scoffed. “A second-hand woman who’s had a kid and been married, you’re only fit to fool around privately with Mr. Horton. Keera, don’t tell me you

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really believe Mr. Horton would take a liking to you?” Howard’s mother immediately warned Keira. “Let me tell you, sleeping with Mr. Horton is your good fortune! It’s because you have some resemblance to Mrs.

Horton. Don’t think that by clinging to Mr. Horton, you can disregard us!”

The two discussed such shameless matters without any consideration for Amy, completely refreshing Keira’s understanding of the word “low”.

She didn’t speak again, not wanting to let Amy hear it. Instead, she continued to gaze out the window.

After returning to Clance, would “they” from the South family contact her?

How often did Keera usually contact them?

And how exactly did they get in touch?

As she pondered these things, Howard’s mother suddenly looked at Howard and asked, “How long do you think it’ll take for Mr. Horton to come looking for


Howard frowned. “It’s hard to say. If Mr. Horton isn’t interested in Keera, he might not come for the rest of


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his life! But if he really misses his deceased wife, he might come in a few days.”

Howard’s mother nodded immediately. “Right, right… But when I entered the room this morning, I saw their action was quite intense… Keera has a pretty face and a good figure…”

Howard sneered. “No matter how good she is, she’s not Mrs. Horton. Who knows if Mr. Horton would break his vows and come to Clance for her?”

Howard said with disdain, “Mom, you don’t know how dull and prudish Keera is. She’s like a corpse in bed, making it impossible to raise any interest. I don’t even know if she could catch Mr. Horton’s attention’s


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