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My Accidental Husband is a Billionaire novel Chapter 277

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Keira didn’t know that Lewis had decided to make 

inroads into Clance. 

In the following days, she settled down and started to look into everything that belonged to Keera with Amy by her side. 

Samuel had already turned Keera’s information upside down and even found out which elementary school 

she attended. 

Keera’s life appeared ordinary and unremarkable. 

She was an orphan, and her adoptive parents had passed away, leaving her this villa and a small company 

She brought Howard into her family by marrying him, and their daughter Amy’s full name was Amy South, taking Keera’s surname. 

Since getting married, Keera had never worked; she handed the company over to Howard and took care of her husband and child at home. 

What gave Keira a headache was that before marrying 

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Howard, Keera had signed a prenup. 

No matter whose fault it was, if the two got divorced, the custody of the child would go to Howard. 

That was why, even though Keera knew about Howard’s affair, she never dared to mention divorce. 

What a disaster. 

How-love-struck was Keera to sign such an agreement! 

No wonder Howard had such a tight grip on her. 

Amy was her life, so how could she possibly consider divorce for her sake? 

And as long as Howard didn’t divorce, he could d her money and keep his mistress. It seemed th 

mistress might be pregnant… 

While Keira was sorting out Keera’s various docu in the study, Howard walked in and threw a thousa 

dollars at her. “Here, this month’s allowance.” 

Keira was startled. “So little?” 

This was Clance, where even the monthly property 

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management fee for the villa was several hundred dollars. What was left would barely be enough to buy some formula for Amy. 

Howard scoffed. “If it’s too little, then you’ll just have to spend it frugally! Some people’s monthly salary is only a few hundred, and they live just fine. Why can’t you manage?” 

Keira frowned. “I…” 

Before she could finish, Howard interjected. “Don’t ask me for money. I don’t have any!” 

Keira frowned. “How can you not have any? The company pays you a salary of twelve thousand eve month…” 

“Don’t I have to pay taxes?” 

Howard impatiently said, “Besides, Cindy is pregnant now, carrying the Smith family’s eldest grandson. If she’s in a bad mood, I should at least buy her a bag, 


Howard’s mother sneered. “If you spend less on formula for Amy, you’ll have enough. Howard earns his money through hard work. Can’t you be a little more frugal and considerate? You couldn’t even please Mr. 

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Horton. After all these days, he hasn’t bothered to 

check on you once. You really got a poor bargain sleeping with him!” 

Keira was perplexed. 

The company used to pay Keera a dividend each month, but since the tax on dividends was high, they switched to paying Howard a salary instead. 

Keera really didn’t leave any backup for herself at all. She took a deep breath. “The property management fee is a thousand a month, utilities add up to a bit less than 200, and this year’s heating fee still hasn’t been paid. They’ve been hounding me for it. What’s thousand dollars going to do? A bag for your i costs tens of thousands at least, doesn’t it?” 

Howard scoffed. “Keera, why have you become s vulgar, only talking to me about money? Where is high-mindedness? This really disappoints me!” 

Leaving those words behind, he turned to his mothe “Mom, I guess we can’t count on Mr. Horton anymor We’ve definitely eaten a silent loss. I haven’t seen Cindy in a few days, I’ll visit her today.” 

“Go go!” 

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Howard slammed the door and left. 

Howard’s mother then looked at Keira with scorn. “Keera, if you can’t keep your husband, it’s your own lack of ability. You should look for the problem within yourself! Stop complaining about this and that all the time! Besides, you are now like a worn-out shoe, filthy to death. Howard doesn’t even want to touch you!” 

Keira stared at her. “Then let’s get a divorce.” 

“Divorce?” Howard’s mother sounded as if she heard a joke. “The prenuptial agreement made it clear that if we divorce, Amy will stay with us.” 

Having said that, Howard’s mother laughed aga ut I’m not unreasonable. Amy’s just a girl, and we, Smith family, don’t really want her. I can speak t Howard for you. As long as you transfer the villa a the company to him, then you can keep Amy!” 

Keira frowned. “Where would Amy and I live? How would we survive afterward?” 

“Are you missing hands or feet? Besides, just any place will do for you two women to live! The family assets are to be passed on to the boys in the future!” 

After going that Howard’s mother stored at har “If 

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you want to divorce, you can only choose between the child and the family wealth!” 

Keira frowned. 

Howard’s mother scoffed. “Can’t let go of your little family wealth, can you? Then keep your mouth shut, serve Howard well, and make him satisfied. You might get a little more spending money each month that 


Leaving those words behind, she went out to dance in 

the square. 

Keira stayed at home with a tight frown. 

She sneered and then went into the bedroom to 


Her phone pinged twice, and it was a message from Amy’s early education teacher, reminding her that it was time to renew Amy’s classes… 

But inside Keera’s bank card, there were only a few 

hundred dollars. 

How utterly pathetic and pitiable! 

Keira sighed again. 

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