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My Accidental Husband is a Billionaire novel Chapter 304

304 A Hug 

Keira gazed at his face greedily. 

This past month, she had actually felt very lonely and missed him terribly. 

But she knew she shouldn’t disturb him and Madeleine. 

Letting him think she was dead was actually the best 


Therefore, even though she knew what he meant, she still said, “Mr. Horton, what are you doing here?” 

Lewis set Amy down, handing her over to his assistant. 

Tom wasn’t by his side, as he had been busy in Oceanion handling affairs for the Horton Group, and his absence, only Tom could keep the first branch of the family, people like Oliver, in check. 

The assistant took Amy and went over to play with her. 

Lewis then walked toward Keira. He had lost a lot of weight, looking especially haggard. With each step he took closer, Keira’s heartbeat accelerated. 


304 A Hug 

Keira silently stepped back. 

She didn’t know how many steps she had taken when she suddenly bumped into the living room couch behind her. There was nowhere left to retreat, and she could just watch as Lewis approached her. 

The man was a head taller than her, and at such a close distance, she could see the hollows of his cheeks. 

He still carried the pleasant scent of vanilla, the smell of his usual body wash… 

Keira tensed her jaw, silent. 

Lewis, however, moved closer and said slowly, “Before, you kept wanting to divorce in place of Keera, so I didn’t bother you, but today you’re divorced. Keira you come home now?” 

Keira’s pupils shrank. 

Had he recognized her already? 

Was it that night? 

On reflection, he had clearly chased after her the next day, yet she hadn’t acknowledged him, and afterward, Lewis indeed hadn’t pestered her further and just left. 


304 A Hug 

Did he see through her alternate arrangements? 

Keira pondered for a long time… 


She had never given herself away, and besides, Keera’s 

existence was real. Lewis couldn’t possibly have recognized her. 

With this thought, Keira once again assumed Keera’s fragile demeanor, the past month of pretending having made her well-practiced at acting weak. 

She said, “Mr… Mr. Horton, I don’t understand what 

you mean…” 

After her words, there was a long silence, and she didn’t notice any change in the expression of the ma 

before her. 

Keira slowly raised her head, wanting to see his reaction, but saw him just looking at her, smiling. 

His smile was so tender, so indulgent, like he was humoring a child throwing a tantrum, which complicated Keira’s emotions for a moment. 

There was even an urge to rush into his arms, to tell him she was Keira, to ask for his help rescuing her 

11:34 O 


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mother and to clarify everything that was happening… 

To let him bear the responsibility she carried… 

But this thought was fleeting. 

She persisted in acting like Keera, unwilling to acknowledge her true identity. 

After a while, she heard him sigh. “Keira, I’ve thoroughly investigated you and Keera over this past month… Keera seems weak, but she’s actually strong inside, truly not like you. She also wanted the divorce. all along, and nothing about your behavior this month was suspicious. But do you know what the biggest difference between you two is?” 

Keira really wanted to know! 

But she couldn’t say. 

She kept her head down, still silent. 

Lewis didn’t need her to say anything and said in a lo voice, “There’s one major physical difference between the two of you, and that is…” 

Suddenly, he lifted her chin, his rough hand reaching for the corner of her eye. 


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Lewis looked at her seriously. “Keira, I won’t say that your eyes look different and feel different because I don’t know Keera well. But you have a mole at the corner of your eye, and Keera doesn’t have one. That’s the biggest difference between you.” 

With that, he rubbed at the corner of Keira’s eye. 

He was trying to rub off the foundation to reveal the teardrop mole underneath… 

But as his fingers moved, he froze suddenly. 

The skin there was smooth as ever, with no trace of a 


Lewis’s expression instantly became frantic. 

He lost his earlier composure, his hand rubbing forcefully at Keira’s eye corner again… 

But still, there was nothing! 

Lewis’s pupils constricted, and he looked at her in disbelief. “How could there be… nothing?” 

Keira stood quietly. 

Of course, she knew the biggest difference between herself and Keera, even going so far as to use a special 



304 A Hug 

solution to hide the mole to prevent being discovered by the South family who kidnapped her mother. 

She bit her lips, weak and aggrieved. She said, “Mr. Horton, you’re hurting me…” 


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