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My Accidental Husband is a Billionaire novel Chapter 334

334 Chapter 333 

Keira was indeed panicking, terrified that the whip might even slightly touch Mary

As she watched Ken lift the whip in his hand, ready to bring it down, she could no longer hold back and stepped forward with large strides. Just as she was about to speak, a voice came through 


It was Ellis

Keira halted in her tracks and immediately turned toward him

Even Ken was trembling, feeling that if Ellis didn’t show up, he wouldn’t know how to end the scene! He immediately dropped the whip, looked at Ellis, and continued acting Ellis, what are you doing? The Davis family is executing family law, surely you’re not going to stop us?” 

Ellis understood the insinuation in his words and coughed. The child is mine” 

As soon as these words fell, a chorus of sharp intakes of breath filled the surroundings

Even Christina and Victoria, who had been enjoying the spectacle, stared at Ellis in astonishment

Ellis, what nonsense are you talking about? How could Mary’s child be yours?” 

Yeah, Ellis, don’t get yourself into that mess

Ellis didn’t care about these two and instead looked at Mary

Mary, who was kneeling on the ground, was now overwhelmed with shock and joy as she looked earnestly at Ellis

Was he finally willing to acknowledge the child

In a moment, Mary found her eyes reddening, feeling like her sincere devotion wasn’t in vain

Ken pretended to be surprised. What? It’s yours? Mary, is this true? When did you and Ellis get together?” 

Mary bit her lip and remained silent

Ellis then said, During our last matchmaking meeting, it was love at first sight. We didn’t have the chance to inform you yet” 

I see!” 

Ken immediately dropped the whip, went forward to help Mary up, and then looked at Ellis. You ty are really something. You’ve scared an old man like me. To think you’d keep such wonderful news. hidden; by the way, Ellis, when do you plan to get engaged?” 

Mary tensed slightly as she turned to look at Ellis

But Ellis was watching her without a hint of joy on his face, and that demeanor made Mary’s heart. sink

What did he mean

While contemplating, Ellis said, As soon as possible. I’ll discuss it with my parents at home” 

334 Chapter 333 

Ken said, Good, then I’ll be waiting at home for the happy news!” 

Leaving this remark, Ken turned to Chad. What are you doing standing around? Hurry up and put away the whip, lest we become a laughingstock again!” 

Chad was speechless

Ken then glanced at Mary before laughing. Alright, I’ve shown my face. This sort of occasion should be left to you young people to enjoy, I’ll be leaving now.” 

With those words, Ken took Chad and departed

After the two had left, Mary wanted to say something to Ellis, but the people around them had already closed in, coming forth to congratulate them

Mr. Olsen, congratulations!” 

Director Davis, this truly is a double blessing for you!” 

Congratulations, congratulations” 

I wish you both a lifelong union and hearts forever entwined!” 

Seeing the crowd envelop the pair, Keira gave a wry smile, feeling relieved. She turned to Lewis and said, What do you say? Do you think Ellis really believes the child is his or not?” 

If he did, that would be very strange

But if he didn’twouldn’t that mean Mary was seen as a liar in his eyes? Why would he stand up for her then

Could it be…. 

Keira’s eyes lit up, and she immediately looked at Lewis. Do you think Ellis might actually like Mary” 

The rest of her words stopped short upon seeing Lewis’s expression

Because she realized that Lewis was staring at the doorway, where the backs of Ken and Chad were visible

With that look, he must be thinking about his biological mother again, right

His own uncle was right in front of him, but he didn’t recognize Lewis…. 

Even if there was no real contact, would looking at a photo be so difficult? But it was clear they had never paid attention, which meant the Davis family really didn’t care about their nephew, Lewis

Seeing him like this, Keira immediately felt a twinge of heartache

She took her focus off Mary and put all her attention on Lewis

She clasped his hand. It’s okay, I’m still by your side.” 

Lewis seemed to come to his senses then, lowering his head and sighing quietly. He tightened the grip on her hand. Keira, don’t ever leave me.” 


334 Chapter 333 

Keira, everyone else has someone to love them, but I only have you and Grandma. And Grandma’s health isn’t good…. She’s recuperating in Oceanion, and now, I only have you” 

“I know, I understand” 

Keira hugged him, always feeling like something was not quite right

As she pondered, his large hand tightly encircled her waist, Keira” 

Keira immediately stopped her wild thoughts. Tm here

The banquet ended with the good news of Mary and Ellis’s impending engagement

After everyone dispersed

Mary finally had the chance to speak alone with Ellis

She followed him into his car, Ellis was going to drive her home himself

In the car

Mary still found it unbelievable

Was she really together with Ellis

Her youthful fondness had turned into current joy. 

While she was still basking in happiness, the cold voice of the man next to her suddenly came through. Find a time to get rid of the child.” 

Upon hearing these words, Mary stiffened instantly

She looked at Ellis in disbelief. Whatdid you just say?” 

Ellis irritably loosened his tie. Mary, what are you still pretending for? This act you and your uncle are putting on, isn’t it just to force me? Fine. I’ll accept you as a person, but that doesn’t mean I’m ready to happily be a father, does it?!” 

What Lewis could see, Ellis could see as well

Ken was clearly putting on an act

But Mary only felt a chill rush from the top of her head to the soles of her feet, drenching her, as she looked at Ellis in shock. You still don’t believe this child is yours?” 

Ellis suddenly tugged at his tie again, I told you I have a low sperm count!” 

Ever since he learned about this condition, he consulted several doctors and even tried traditional 

medicine, but nothing worked



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