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My Accidental Husband is a Billionaire novel Chapter 347

347 Chapter 346

Ellis was initially stunned

But he quickly let out a low laugh

Fine, fine! You really are stubborn!” 

Right away, Ellis took out a medical report and threw it in her face. Take a good look. I believed your lies and thought that this child might have that oneinamillion chance of being mine, so I went for another test. The result is nothing but a selfinflicted humiliation!” 

Ellis’s eyes were red

He clenched his fists

When he was at the Davis family, he felt he had been wronged and took it out on Mary, but afterward, he didn’t feel any relief

On one hand, he despised himself for bullying a woman

On the other, he couldn’t help but remember Mary’s words and went to the hospital for another test

The doctor who had always treated him presented a result this time, which was azoospermia

The doctor held his report and sighed. Mr. Ellis, there truly is no medical cure for this condition. You should try to accept it.” 


With oligospermia, there was still a slim chance, but with azoospermia, how could there possibly be


Ellis, with bloodshot eyes, glared at her. He stepped forward and firmly grasped her shoulders. You insisted I acknowledge this child, and I did publicly. You wanted to get married, so I married you. You wanted to keep this child, and I’m letting you keep it for now. What I want to know now is who the real father of the child is. You’re protecting him so fiercely!” 

Mary looked at the report and was also puzzled, not understanding what was going on

Her silence, however, made Ellis let out a low laugh and let go of her. Mary, you won’t talk, right? Fine, I won’t attend the wedding tomorrow. I’ll see who you’ll marry!!” 

He dropped these words and left

Mary glanced at the time on the wall; it was already the best time to pick up the bride, but there was still no movement outside… 

Mary’s parents had already run out to check multiple times. Her mother couldn’t help but urge her. Mary, why hasn’t Mr. Ellis arrived yet? If he doesn’t come soon, you’ll miss the best time to leave! Call him and ask!” 

Mary looked down and stared at her phone

She obediently dialed Ellis’s number, but it only rang twice before being hastily hung up

Mary couldn’t help but bitterly laugh to herself. Ellis really wasn’t going to come, was he

347 Chapter 340 

A wedding without a groom… 

After today, she might become the biggest joke in Clance

Seeing her make the call, her mother went out again while Rebecca and Tina stood by, watching show, Keira was beside Mary, asking. What’s going on?” 

Mary let out a low laugh. It’s nothing 

Keira immediately took out her phone and dialed Ellis’s number

But Ellis’s phone still rang only twice before being promptly hung up

Keira stood up. I’ll go find him.” 

But her arm was grabbed by Mary. No need to.” 

Keira turned to look at her, and Mary slowly said, The time has come. If he doesn’t show up, we’ll go to the wedding venue by ourselves.” 

Her words caused an uproar at the scene

The people guarding her weren’t just bridesmaids but also various relatives and friends who had come to send her off. Hearing this, they immediately began whispering among themselves

What’s going on?“ 

Is Mr. Ellis backing out? Has he changed his mind about Mary?” 

It can’t be that bad, can it? Mary is so beautiful, and even though her family background can’t match the first branch of the family, she is, after all, the daughter who has just left the Davis family to start her own. That should count for something, right?” 

No, haven’t you heard? Ever since they split from the main house, the second branch has been treating Mary as a tool. I heard she often has to accompany clients for drinks… 

What? It can’t be! The second branch would let their own daughter do such a thing? That’s a real drop in status!” 

Once they’re split off, they’re not the main branch anymore, are they? Life isn’t going to be easy from now on, especially since the Davis family has so many descendants, and not every household can be wealthy.. 

Do you think the child in her belly might not be Mr. Ellis’s?” 

Mr. Ellis isn’t stupid. If the child isn’t his, would he acknowledge it? But I heard that Mr. Ellis has always been quite reluctant. I heard that at the recognition ceremony at the last celebration banquet, he was forced by that cunning Ken and had no choice but to acknowledge the child.” 

This is a reallife marriage because of pregnancysituation!” 

Speaking of which, Mary really has some skills. After mixing in these circles for so many years, she actually ended up with Mr. Ellis, the ultimate fallback guy..” 

The conversation was getting increasingly unpleasant

Mary clenched her fingers tightly, her fingernails digging deep into her flesh, seemingly numb to the 


347 Chapter 346 


A feeling of unprecedented humiliation rushed to her heart, causing her eyes to redden uncontrollably

She realized that her preparations were still not enough

She knew he wouldn’t come today, and she knew she would encounter this situation. She had long told herself not to listen to the nonsense of those around her, but once those words passed through her ears, the hurt lingered in her heart no matter what

It turned out that ignoring the opinions of those around her and disregarding their words was very difficult… 

Within the group of bridesmaids, Tina couldn’t help but turn to look at Victoria. Miss Olsen, what’s going on? Your cousin isn’t really not coming, is he?” 

Victoria frowned and said, I’m not sure about this, but I did see my brother go out for drinks last nightMaybe he drank too much and hasn’t gotten up yet?” 

Immediately, someone asked, Today he’s supposed to come for the bridal procession early in the morning. Why was he out drinking late at night?” 

Victoria seemed to realize that she had said something wrong and quickly waved her hands. I’m not too clear on thisMy brother should come. After all, they’ve already taken the marriage certificate. He can’t divorce now, can he?” 

The word divorce immediately sparked everyone’s interest

Could Mr. Ellis be having regrets? He’s not really planning to divorce, is he?” 

To be divorced the day after getting marriedthe bride is so pitiful

The crowd began to sigh as if Mary had already been divorced

Keira hurriedly looked at Mary, asking. Mary, you… 

But Mary held her hand. Keera, I’m fine.” 

Though she said she was fine, her voice choked up

She suddenly stood up and said, No need to wait any longer. Let’s go to the wedding venue!” 

She straightened her spine, picked up her skirt, lifted her chin slightly, and tried to maintain her last shred of pride with this proper demeanor

Then, she walked out of the room, one step at a time, and down the stairs

Seeing Mary, her father abruptly stood up, rushed in front of her, and scolded, Did you upset Mr. Ellis? Why hasn’t he come?!” 

Mary didn’t speak

To face such a disgrace on your wedding day, why did I end up with a daughter like you?!” 

He was so angry that he raised his hand as if trying to regain the face he had lost today by hitting Mary

But just then, a commotion erupted at the door



348 Chapter 347 

348 Chapter 347 

arriving for the wedding procession, stopping 

Everyone turned their heads and saw a line of cars at the entrance

The door of the lead car was opened, and Ellis, dressed in a suit, got out with a dark expression on his face

Upon seeing him, Mary blinked in disbelief and screamed inwardly

She thought he wasn’t coming

Ellis walked up to her, ignoring the people around him

Mary’s father’s hand froze midair before he hurriedly lowered it, and then he smiled ingratiatingly. Mr. Ellis, was there a traffic jam on the way?” 

He was making an excuse for Ellis

But Ellis just sneered, saying flatly, I woke up late.” 

There was indeed a look of fatigue on his face as if he hadn’t slept all night. He seemed somewhat haggard. Anyone with eyes could see his displeasure with the marriage

Still, he had come after all

Mary’s father laughed awkwardly. It’s not late at all. I’m so glad you could come.” 

Then, turning his head, he tried to welcome Ellis into the room. We’ve prepared tea and” 

Don’t bother. Any further delay and the auspicious hour will pass.” 

He looked directly at Mary. Are you coming or not?” 

Mary’s eyes welled up slightly, and she lowered her head. I am.” 

Ellis didn’t pick her up but turned around and walked briskly ahead, reaching the car door

Mary immediately followed, trailing her wedding dress behind her as she got into the car with Ellis. Then, suddenly remembering Keira, she turned back to look for her

But the car was already surrounded by people, and it was impossible to see the situation around them

By now, the other groomsmen had stepped forward, beginning to arrange for the bridesmaidsrides

Most of the young ladies from the Davis family’s main branch, Victoria, Rebecca, and the bridesmaids. who had come for the procession had been friends since childhood

So, they were quickly escorted and got into vehicles


group of 

It happened that someone had seen Keira, who was unmistakably eyecatching among bridesmaids, but just as that person was about to approach her, he was stopped by Victoria, Miss South offended Rebecca. It’s best you don’t poke your nose into this.” 

Rebecca was the Allen family’s precious treasure

Who, after all, would want to attract unnecessary trouble by challenging someone like Ellis, known 


348 Chapter 347 

for his devilmaycare attitude

Therefore, hearing Victoria’s words, no other groomsmen dared to come forward

For a moment, Keira stood there, becoming the center of attention

Anyone else would have felt extremely awkward

But she seemed perfectly at ease, not caring in the slightest about the people around her, even glancing into the convoy to see if there was an empty car she could get in

As she was surveying the surroundings, Rebecca suddenly stood beside her and said, Miss South, it’s quite awkward, isn’t it?” 

Keira looked at her

She didn’t quite understand how Rebecca had changed so much; in that moment, she even felt estranged from the Rebecca she knew

Where had the kind, gentle, and slightly timid girl gone

Keira didn’t say anything, and Rebecca continued. I can spare you this embarrassment. I could have my brother invite you into the car, and I could also agree to a partnership between the Allen family and Keera Technology 

She lowered her voice suddenly. As long as you give up Lewis Horton to me!” 


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