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My Accidental Husband is a Billionaire novel Chapter 508

509 Chapter 508 

What is it?” 

Startled, Gary looked at Austin in bewilderment and 

then glanced back at Nara

Austin was about to say, She is my…” 


Before he could finish, Nara suddenly snatched the broom and swung it at Austin

Her eyes were bloodshot as she stared at Austin

Seeing how natural Gary’s reaction was, one knew Austin must have bullied him often, or else the simple act of taking a step forward wouldn’t have frightened Gary so much

Nara looked at Austin with resentment

Scenes of being humiliated by him flashed through her mind… 

In the hospital, he forced her to apologize to Jackson… 

On the roof of the hospital building, he forced her to jump… 



509 Chapter 508 

He was no longer the brother who used to protect her when they were little; he had become a bad person! 

She did not want such a brother

As for the Gill family, she had no intention of acknowledging them

Nara’s sudden outburst stunned everyone

Even Austin stood still and didn’t move

He knew he had done too many bad things, so it was normal for his sister to vent her anger. He shouldn’t 

resist. He should bear it

All the faults were his

Austin silently stood in place, turning his side toward Nara, enduring her strikes one after another

Seeing that he didn’t dodge, Nara struck with even more force

She thought of the words Gary had just saidand she was enraged

Her brother even meddled with Miss Keera’selder 

brother and sisterinlaw’s relationshipHow could there be such a bad person in the world



509 Chapter 508 

Why did such a lousy person have to be her brother… 

Her tears fell in large drops

Having only recently recovered from a severe illness, she grew weak from all the striking. Finally, her arms felt limp, and the broom fell to the ground, her energy 


Matias immediately held her

Austin also looked at her with concern. He took a step forward, about to say something, when Matias said, Can you leave? Nara has just recovered from a major illness and can’t get excited right now! Are you trying 

to kill her?” 

Hearing this, Austin immediately froze in his tracks

He looked pleadingly at Nara but saw his sister wasn’t looking at him at all. She was leaning into Matias’s arms, her chest heaving, her small face pale with 


Austin clenched his jaw

The pain from the beating on his body was nothing compared to the pain in his heart at that moment

If it were possibleif there was a time machinehe 



509 Chapter 508 

would do whatever it took to go back to the past, to 

the time when he’d helped Jackson bully his sister and stop himself

Austin clenched his fists

Keira didn’t approach them all this while. Seeing the situation, she stepped forward. You should go now

Let Nara rest.” 

All the strength seemed to drain from Austin’s body. He lowered his head and, after a long pause, said, I’ll come back.” 

He turned and left

He wouldn’t give up on his sisterHe must make an effort to gain Nara’s forgiveness

Once Austin had gone, Gary looked at Nara incredulously. Nara, how could you hit Austin? It’s over, it’s all over! The last thing he said was he would come back. Is he going to bring people to retaliate? No, I need to think of something. I’m going back to call my mother to help you!” 

Having said that, he ran off

Matias called after him. Hey, don’t run. It’s not like 



509 Chapter 508 

that, it’s” 

But Gary didn’t hear him at all and had already disappeared at the entrance of the alley

Matias took Nara into the room

With her eyes rimmed red, Nara held Keira’s hand, using sign language that Matias helped translate. I’m sorry. He even affected your elder brother and sisterinlaw’s relationship” 

Keira couldn’t help but chuckle when she heard this. She sighed and patted Nara’s head. What do you have to be sorry for? Actually, what he said didn’t have the biggest impact on my elder brother and sisterinlaw. If my brother had always trusted my sisterinlaw, no matter how others tried to cause a rift, it wouldn’t have succeeded. Ultimately, the problem between them is lack of trust.” 

Upon hearing this, Nara finally relaxed

Keira saw that Nara had calmed down a bit, so she 

said, You should have some rest. Don’t overthink about other things. You’re still very weak. Actually, you should be in the hospital.” 

Nara iust waved her hand and lowered her gaze



509 Chapter 508 

Matias explained on her behalf. My sister doesn’t want to see Lady Gill and Austin, and she doesn’t want to spend their money to stay in the hospital, so she came back. I’ve already asked the doctor, and he said that my sister doesn’t have any serious issues now, only that she needs to rest well” 

Keira just nodded

Matias then said, Let me walk you out!” 

Keira looked toward Nara. Seeing that Nara was already in bed, Keira didn’t plan to stay any longer

She stood up and walked outside

After they left the room, Matias let out a deep sigh. Who would have thought that Nara is the daughter that the Gill family has lost for so many years? For Nara, this is indeed too much to accept! After all, she was bullied so miserably” 

Keira nodded

When they arrived at the alley’s entrance, Keira and Matias saw Austin, who was standing not far away. 

Matias frowned. He’s quite stubborn.” 

Keira said. My family also has a stubborn one. When 



509 Chapter 508 

people like them do evil deeds, they don’t think things through. My brother is desperately asking for his wife’s forgiveness, while Austin is doing the same thing with his sisterForget it. Let them be.” 

Matias nodded in agreement

After seeing Keira off, Matias limped to the market for some groceries

They had been in the hospital for so long that there 

was no food left at home

Austin, however, was silently watching the entrance of the alley from a distance

He hadn’t treated his wounds. Instead, he just stood there quietly, letting out a sigh

After a short while, he suddenly caught sight of

woman hurriedly entering the alley. Wasn’t that Gary’s 


Austin was slightly startled when he noticed her pale complexion and immediately followed her

Nara was very sad. Lying on her bed, she was unable to sleep for a long time. She was tormented



509 Chapter 508 

As she was struggling with her thoughts, suddenly, there came a loud knocking at the door

Her brother had gone out to see Keeraoff and wasn’t 


She struggled to get up from the bed, walked to the door, and opened it

As soon as the door was unlocked, it was rudely pushed open, forcing Nara to step back

Nara was stunned for a moment. When she composed her expression, she saw a middleaged woman stride 

  1. in

The woman was dressed lavishly, adorned with pearl jewelry that radiated wealth and luxury


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