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My Accidental Husband is a Billionaire novel Chapter 81

81 Meet Up

Keira didn’t care about those five million.

After all, the money that Finley owed was all thanks to her schemes. This money, eventually, would end up

back in her hands.

Finley lowered his voice, “Then send me the money


Keira narrowed her eyes. “Tell me the secret first.”

“No way, give me the money first!”

11 11

Keira Olsen knew very well about her uncle’s


He dared to ask for five million from Isla for a single

secret, which meant the secret was worth much more

than that. Keira remembered the last time when she

gave a deposit of two hundred thousand. If she sent the money now, he wouldn’t tell her the truth.

Keira sneered. “If you don’t want to sell, then forget it.”

Having said that, she waited quietly.



As expected, Finley panicked. “I’ll sell it! I’ll sell it! Keira, please help me! I can’t repay their money, and they are about to kill me! I’m hiding in the suburbs, and I dare not show my face!”

Keira stayed calm. “Didn’t you try to get help from


“Of course I did!” There was anger in Finley’s voice. “But she said she couldn’t give me that much money. The Olsen family is worth billions, so how could she

not have five million? She has climbed that high branch and doesn’t need the Olsen family anymore, so she’s gambling with her luck and isn’t afraid of me revealing the truth. That’s why she refuses to help me!”

Finley was pleading. “Niece, please help me. You won’t regret this. This secret is worth even ten million!”

Keira’s voice remained calm and casual. “Are you saying it’s worth ten million? I still need to assess whether this secret of yours is worth the money!”

The more indifferent she was, the more information Finley would disclose, out of fear that she might not




Keira was playing a psychological game with him.

Being on the run for the past few days had left Finley neurotic and tense. Upon hearing her words, he

exclaimed, “It is worth it! This matter involves you and the Olsen family!”

“What does it have to do with me and the Olsen

family? I have nothing to do with the Olsen family!”

Keira continued to coax information from him.

Defending himself, Finley said, “I can’t say more unless you give me the money!”

Keira understood. Finley was no fool. With his street smarts, she wouldn’t be able to squeeze any more information out of him. She asked, “Where are you?”


“I’ll send you my on WhatsApp. Come here with the money.”


After hanging up, Finley sent her a location on WhatsApp.

Keira had already left the villa complex and was standing on the roadside.



She touched her swollen cheek and was about to order a cab online when a familiar black Bentley suddenly stopped in front of her.

Keira was slightly stunned, then saw the back door of

the car slowly open. Lewis sat there looking at his computer, participating in an international conference


He was speaking French, his deep voice sounding incredibly pleasant.

He glanced at Keira before quickly turning his head and looking at her cheek.

He paused in his speech, and his voice turned cold when he spoke again. “J’ai quelque chose. Continuez.” (I have something to do, you carry on.)

He took off his headphones, closed the laptop, and pointed to the seat, instructing her to get in.

Then he opened the car refrigerator, took out an ice bag wrapped in a towel, and handed it to her. “Apply this first.”


Keira looked at him blankly. “Why do you have it in



your car?”

Lewis’s gaze was indifferent, and he said casually, “Tom often gets injured, so we keep these things handy.”

Tom, who was driving, was dumbfounded.

As Lewis’s personal assistant, why was he not aware that he often got injured?

The truth was, after Keira came here, Lewis felt uneasy and followed her. While holding a meeting and looking outside, he ran into Frankie and heard that Keira had been hit. Immediately, he asked Frankie to find a supermarket and buy these things.

But Tom didn’t dare to expose the truth.

Instead, Keira said, “I see.”

She got into the car, took the ice pack, and applied it to her face. The burning sensation eased somewhat, clearing her head a bit.

However, her gaze fell on a supermarket receipt. Even though she merely glanced at it, she noticed that the items were just bought.

For some reason, the sense of grievance she had just



suppressed suddenly welled up again, making her want

to cry.

Keira remembered as a child when her deskmate was

injured at school. He appeared strong when

questioned by teachers and classmates, but the

moment school was over and he saw his mother at the

school gate, he would cry his eyes out despite his minor injury.

She had always found it confusing.

But at this moment, she suddenly understood that feeling.


How pathetic she was, getting weaker as she got older,

Keira turned her head and pressed the towel against her swollen cheek. Her eyes stung.

She tried hard to control herself, but the grievances that had been buried deep in her heart for many years fermented, and in an instant, strong emotions welled up, and she couldn’t suppress them.

She took in a deep breath and suddenly said, “Mr. Horton, can I borrow your shoulder for a minute?”

Lewis stiffened, his face turning pale.



Only then did Keira abruptly realize her blunder. She wanted to say something to smooth it over but saw him cough a little. He leaned toward her, patted his shoulder, and said, “You can have it for five minutes.”


Keira buried her head in his shoulder, and her tears. finally overflowed.

She never knew that someone could shed so many


After all, since she could remember, she never cried

out loud.

She knew that when others cried, someone would feel sorry for them, but she had no one.

Five minutes later, seeing a large stain on Lewis’s suit, Keira felt a bit embarrassed. Just as she was about to

apologize, Lewis gave her an anti-swelling ointment and an Eronase capsule that could be taken orally.

Keira was dumbfounded.

She didn’t need them for such a minor injury.

But she didn’t want to ruin the mood, so she took them. with a simple “Thank you.”



“You’re welcome.”

The car became quiet again.

Keira straightened up.

After shedding her tears, she felt much better. Only

then did she realize that the car was heading for a hospital.

Keira remembered the matter at hand and quickly took out her phone. “Can we go here instead?”


The car changed direction swiftly. and they soon

arrived in the suburbs.

It was an abandoned hospital.

In the dark night, the dim light from the street lam made the dilapidated buildings seem a bit desolate.

Keira took out her phone and texted Finley. “I’m here Where are you?”

Finley responded quickly. “Room 303, come quickly.”

Keira headed straight for the third floor.

Lewis was watching her with a furrowed brow, and he



They soon arrived at 303.

Keira knocked on the door. “Uncle, it’s me.”

Finley’s voice rang out. “Come in.”

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82 Secret

Lewis stepped forward, intending to go in first.


But Keira didn’t wait for him to speak. She quietly pushed open the door.

She didn’t trust her uncle very much, afraid that he would threaten or coerce her into some trap, so she

was very vigilant.

The room was dark, and the light was not turned on.

Keira slowly entered, and as soon as she walked in, she saw a dark figure rushing toward her. “Niece, if you don’t give me money today, you won’t leave!”

That threatening tone…

Keira squinted, sneered, and swiftly raised her foot to give the figure a heavy kick.


The figure fell to the ground.

Hearing the noise, Lewis hurriedly pushed the door and entered. He couldn’t see what was happening and asked anxiously, “Is everything okay?”



“It’s fine.”

As these words fell, Tom, who was following behind, took out a powerful flashlight and directed it toward Keira, illuminating half of the room.

As Keira was alert for any movement from Finley, she glanced at Lewis and noticed that he was staring hard at something behind her, his pupils slightly dilated,

chin tense.

Keira frowned and turned her head involuntarily.

Lewis instinctively took a step forward, trying to block her line of sight.

But Keira shook her head slightly, avoiding his protection, and looked.

The next moment, she stood rooted to the spot in


Finley lay there face up, his eyes wide open, his body twitching slightly. His chest was pierced through by an

old steel bar!

His clothes were soaked with blood, creating a horrifying sight.

Keira’s heart sank a little. She hurriedly went forward



to check.

Just then, an impatient voice came from outside the door. “Dad, I am here.”

A man in his twenties, who bore a resemblance to Finley, rushed in.

Keira recognized him. It was Finley’s son, Connor.

He was one year junior to Isla and Keira, currently studying at Oceanion University.

Finley had once asked Keira for tuition fees when Connor got admitted into the university, but Keira refused.

She knew that even if she gave him, it would just end up fueling his gambling addiction.

Having such a father made Connor a rather gloomy person. He hardly socialized and even had a strained relationship with his family.

At this moment, his face was filled with anger. “I’ve borrowed twenty thousand from a classmate. I have nothing else. If you push me any further, I’ll go abroad and never concern myself with you again… Dad?!”

Upon seeing Finley, Connor froze in shock, dropping



the bag he was carrying. The twenty thousand scattered out of the bag…

Rushing to Finley’s side, he trembled as he touched his

father’s nose…

The next moment, he swiftly retreated and squatted on the floor. Then, looking at Keira, he shouted in terror, “You… Did you kill him?!”

He frantically groped on the floor for his phone, trembling as he dialed 911. “Hello, I want to report a case, My father has been killed!”…

The police arrived quickly. They located the power switch for the abandoned building. When they switched it on, the entire building lit up.

Keira and the others were being interrogated by the police.

Connor’s eyes were red, but he wasn’t crying. He looked somewhat relieved. “My dad sent me a message asking me to get five million for him, or else he’ll be killed. But I’m only a student. Where can I get that money?

“I managed to borrow twenty thousand from my friends thinking it would be enough to tide him over



for the time being…

“I didn’t expect that when I arrived, my father was already dead! That’s when I called the police.”

Tom was also giving his statement. “Mr. Horton and I had accompanied Miss Olsen here to meet with

someone. We decided to accompany her because the building was pitch dark. Miss Olsen entered the room first, then we heard a scuffle inside. Worried that Miss Olsen might be at a disadvantage, we went in… I opened my flashlight and saw him lying on the floor…”

The police asked, “Was he alive or dead before you guys entered the room?”

At this question, Tom subconsciously looked at Keira, feeling guilty.

The police stated sternly, “Bear in mind that perjury

a crime.”

Tom remained silent.

It was Lewis who spoke up. “Before entering the room, Miss Olsen knocked on the door, and a man’s voice

was heard from inside, telling her to come in.”

The police asked, “Was it the victim’s voice?”



Lewis stated honestly, “I don’t know.”

Eventually, the police turned to Keira. “Miss Olsen, whose voice did you hear? What exactly happened


“It was his voice,” Keira said, eyes fixated on Finley’s body in deep thought. “When I entered, I heard him threatening me and launching at me. I instinctively kicked him away, and then this happened.”

Before the police could speak, Connor immediately clenched his fists. “So, you didn’t do it intentionally? Was it self-defense gone wrong?”

Keira responded calmly, “I don’t know.”

The police were puzzled. “What don’t you know?”

Before Keira could respond, Lewis interjected, “It w dark in the room. Miss Olsen merely kicked the pers away. It’s unclear how he died.”

Lewis then turned to Keira.” Miss Olsen, think carefully Did you hear the sound of a weapon penetrating a body, or a knife going through? Did you hear his


Keira, who had been reviewing every detail prior to



the police’s arrival, immediately shook her head when

asked. “No.”

Connor stood still. “What do you mean?”

Keira looked at the police, her tone resolute. “I did not

kill him.”

The policeman hesitated for a moment.

A young woman would have vomited in terror after witnessing such a ghastly murder scene. However, this woman not only maintained a straight face, but she was also incredibly logical in explaining her thoughts. It was quite impressive.

He said straightforwardly, “We have recorded all the evidence at the scene and your statements. Miss Olsen, as it stands, you’re the prime suspect. Please

wait here for the forensic doctor to arrive and cond

an examination. If no new evidence is found, we’ll th let you leave.”

Keira nodded. “Okay.”

She and Lewis were also looking for clues.

The old factory was filled with dust, but Finley spent a day hiding there and touched many things, leaving



traces of his presence everywhere. This actually made it difficult to discern any leads.

Just then, a technical criminal police officer reported, “His mobile phone has been unlocked!”

Keira immediately looked over to see the officer walk over and take the phone, scrolling through the chat content and call history.

He appeared to have been pressing keys haphazardly and landed on a voice memo.

Then, his eyes lit up. “Just an hour ago, he saved a voice message!”

Upon finishing the sentence, the officer played the voice message. Coming from the phone was Finley’s voice. “Dear niece, about that secret…”

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83 Old Friend

Keira’s heart leaped, and she quickly moved toward

the police officer, wanting to hear clearly what he was


But in the next moment, a hand was extended from beside that police officer, hastily pressing the pause button. A cold rebuke rang out. “The case is unsolved, and no evidence can be revealed in front of the suspect! Have you learned nothing from the police academy?!”

The police officer cleared his throat hastily and said with a wry smile, “I’m sorry, Dr. Sims. I shouldn’t have done that.”

The one who spoke was a female forensic doctor with a serious expression in her eyes that reflected the shroud of peace and security of the nation. She said coldly, “No more mistakes.”


Only then did the forensic doctor turn her gaze to Keira. Her eyebrows furrowed slightly, but she didn’t say a word. She put on her gloves and carried her



83 Old Friend

toolbox toward the corpse.

Keira was stunned for a moment. She didn’t expect it

to be her.

She was Keira’s middle school classmate, and her first

female friend, Holly Sims.

Holly’s family had been forensic doctors for generations. From middle school, she already had a clear life plan, saying that she was born to uphold justice in the world.

The naive words of that time became her lifelong goal.

She attended a vocational school related to her field during high school and at a young age, she had already become a respected forensic doctor.


Keira looked down.

Holly had some misunderstandings about Keira, and judging from her recent actions, it appeared that Holly still held a grudge.

Keira sighed silently.

A few minutes later, after Dr. Sims finished examining



83 Old Friend

the body, she stood up and pronounced her verdict. “The victim died instantly from a penetrating wound. There are signs of being hit in the chest. The time of death should be…”

She checked the time. “Between thirty to thirty-five

minutes ago.”

The police officer immediately said, “We received the emergency call exactly thirty minutes ago, so, the victim died just as Miss Olsen entered.”

He looked toward Keira. “At present, all evidence points to you, Miss Olsen. As for the voice you mentioned earlier, it could be that the heavy fall of the victim drowned out his cries. You just didn’t hear it. Besides, there is a witness who proved that the victim did speak before you entered the room, so you are now the murder suspect. Please come with us to the police station for further investigation!”

Keira glanced at Holly and didn’t resist. “Okay.”

Seeing her compliance, the police officer walked her, preparing to take her downstairs.



But at that moment, Holly scoffed and said, “Is a murder suspect not supposed to be handcuffed to



< 83 Old Friend

prevent escape? Don’t you even have the basic training of a police officer?”


The police officer was stunned and immediately gave a bitter laugh.

The lady was very cooperative in their investigation, and even assuming that she really was the killer, it would still be classified as excessive self-defense. It wasn’t intentional, and she wasn’t a violent offender, so handcuffs weren’t necessarily required.

But he didn’t refute her. After all, it seemed quite clear that Dr. Sims was unhappy with this woman, hence she was picking on her.

He cleared his throat and looked apologetically at


At this point, Lewis, who was standing beside them, immediately took a step forward, intending to speak, but Keira subtly shook her head at him and then complied by extending her hands out.

After the cold handcuffs were put on her, that was

when the police officer started escorting her down the


Lewis followed her. “I’ll hire a lawver for you



83 Old Friend

immediately. Until the lawyer arrives, you have the

right to remain silent.”

Keira nodded. “Just tell Grandma I’m going home for a couple of days.”


As they reached downstairs, Keira got into the police car, and then suddenly felt a heavy presence beside her. She turned her head to see Holly instead of the police officer from earlier.

As the car started, Keira asked calmly, looking straight ahead, “How have you been these years?”

Holly looked at her. Her eyes were cold and deep. “I’ve been doing very well. Sorry to disappoint you.”

Keira was taken aback and hesitated for a moment

before saying, “Back then, I …”

“Shut up!” Holly blurted out coldly. “You’re a liar. I don’t

believe a word you say!”

Keira was speechless.

She heaved a sigh quietly.

Holly, however, asked, “The man from just now, is he




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