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My Accidental Husband is a Billionaire novel Chapter 91

91 Conversation

Keira shook her head, struggling.”

She didn’t want to rot there forever!

She didn’t want to live in the filthy ditch either!

So, with the little time she had, she studied hard, striving to work her way up. She was determined to change her own fate!

At the age of four, she had never been to kindergarten. She secretly observed Isla, learning a foreign language. When Isla stumbled over a word, Keira was quick to respond. She thought she would receive praise from her mother. However, she never ever expected that what was about to occur was almost a complete


Poppy praised her and unexpectedly, gave her a piece

of cake.

The sweet and rich cream in her mouth gave her a

sense of satisfaction. She was reluctant to swallow it.

She thought her life was going to change. Poppy held her hand with a smile and took her out, only to hand



her over to a human trafficker.

She didn’t cry or make a fuss. After all, the human traffickers at least gave her tasty candy, showed her kindness, and smiled at her.

Until they locked her in a basement with a bunch of

other children.

There, she met an older boy.

They spent a month together, having a good time…

In the beginning, the boy didn’t talk much. Later, he asked her, “Don’t you want to escape?”

She said happily, “I don’t.”

Although there was no freedom, she got enough to eat, had warm clothes, and didn’t have to see her mother. She felt that was the happiest time in her life.

The boy was puzzled and asked, “Why?”

She said, “Because no one hits me here.”

The boy pondered her words before asking, “What’s

your name?”

She shook her head.

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didn’t have a name and didn’t have a household

registration number…

All the other children would cry and make a fuss, while she smiled every day. The human trafficker was the least guarded against her. So in the end, the boy handed her a bag of sleeping drugs to put in the trafficker’s food.

She did it.

As the children were running haphazardly away, she just stood there.

The boy asked her, “Why don’t you leave?”

She shook her head. “I don’t know where to go.”

“Then, come home with me.”

The boy extended a hand toward her, and she took his


She didn’t go home with him in the end. Because they were so young, they were rescued by the police as soon as they descended the mountain. Her identity was confirmed, and she was sent back to the Olsen




Before parting, she held onto the boy’s leg and asked him in confusion, “Didn’t you say you would take me


A police officer beside them chuckled. “Little girl, you aren’t his kin. You can’t go to his home.”

She had tears in her eyes. “But I don’t want to go home! I want to be with him forever!”

The boy stroked her head and asked her, “Is it because you’ll be beaten when you go home?”

The police officer didn’t take note of this. After all, children of their age often made a big fuss at home, and getting spanked was just a part of life.

However, the boy took her seriously and said, “Wait for me. When we grow up, I’ll come and marry you, and take you to my home.”

Keira woke up abruptly.

The scenes from her dream passed by like a fast-forwarded slideshow, leaving her momentarily confused about what was real and what was a dream…

She didn’t know about others. but she remembered

12:23 –


clearly everything that happened when she was four.

She remembered that the boy gave her a nickname, Eleven, because she was the eleventh child who was

trafficked there.

She remembered the taste of chocolate.

She remembered the sunlight pouring into the dark

basement, and the dust dancing in the light.

That was the happiest time when she was a kid.

And this year, she turned 22, yet, that boy still hasn’t come to marry her.

A bitter smile emerged on Keira’s face.

It wasn’t that she was really fond of him. A

four-year-old child knew nothing about love, but his existence was the pillar that supported her through countless episodes of abuse and assault.

For other children, their light was Ultraman.

Her Ultraman was that boy…

Unfortunately, the boy was only a kid. He must have long forgotten about her.

Keira blinked and finally realized the strange



atmosphere in the room.

She turned her head and saw Lewis sitting next to her, asking, “Do you want some water?”

Before Keira could react, Matthew’s voice came from

the other side. “Irrelevant people should leave now. I have to examine the patient.

He picked up the stethoscope and came to the bedside, looking at Lewis.

Lewis’s face was gloomy. “I’m not an irrelevant person.”

Matthew continued. “Apart from the patient and the doctor, everyone else is irrelevant. Moreover, I have to examine the patient, which requires removing her clothes. It’s not appropriate for you to be here.”

Lewis frowned, “It’s appropriate for you to do it?”

Matthew walked to Keira and lifted her blouse. “I’m a

doctor. In my eyes, there is no distinction of gender.”

Lewis wanted to say something more, but when he saw the segment of her slender waist beneath her blouse, he blushed and immediately left the room.



After leaving the room, Tom, who was waiting outside, subconsciously peeked inside.

Lewis immediately blocked the doorway, shut the door, and scolded, “What are you looking at?”

Tom was perplexed.

He cleared his throat and said, “Boss, Miss Olsen’s

name is a trending topic.”

Then he handed over his mobile phone.

Lewis took it and saw the top trends showing a journalist conducting an interview.

The interviewee was Finley Hill’s son, Connor Hill, who was wearing his school uniform, his face

characteristically filled with discomfort and caution.

The journalist enquired, “About your father’s murder case, what do you have to say?”

Connor seemed somewhat not used to face the

camera, so he faltered. “My cousin…she didn’t do it intentionally. It was an accident…”

“Your father was a gambler. Didn’t you hate him too?”

Connor hesitated for a moment. “Sometimes yes, but



there’s nothing much to do about it. You can’t change

who you are born to, but I would lik

to say one thing

for my cousin. Over the years, my father has been constantly going to her for money, and what happened was indeed manslaughter. I’m ready to issue a letter of understanding for my cousin, and hope that the police will deal with her leniently.”

This interview was initially unremarkable, but after these words, someone in the crowd shouted, “Did you know that your good cousin has been released on bail for a ridiculous reason? Anemia is said to have affected her health! Is she going to evade the crime?”

With these words, the whole news suddenly heated up.

Hashtags such as

#SecondGenerationRichEligibleForBail#, #RichBratGetsAwayWithMurder#, and #MoneyBuysInnocenceForTheRich# immediately

went onto the trending list.

Everyone questioned Keira’s eligibility for bail.

At a glance, it was clear someone was behind this and paid for the top trends.






Lewis’s face darkened. “Go find out who paid for it.”


After that, Tom surveyed the surroundings. “I just discovered that some reporters have sneaked in.”

Lewis’s face suddenly turned cold. “Find some people

and secure the area.”

Keira was physically weak and shouldn’t be disturbed


Inside the ward.

When Lewis left the room, Matthew put the stethoscope aside and sat next to Keira.

Keira asked, “Matthew, why are you teasing him?”

Matthew sneered. “You didn’t even tell me you got married. Am I still your brother?”

Keira said indifferently, “I didn’t want to disturb you.”

Matthew seemed to perceive something and changed the topic. “What dream did you just have? You kept calling someone ‘Brother…”

Keira smiled. “I dreamt of when I was three or four

years old…”




If it weren’t for this, she wouldn’t have felt anything, but bringing it up like this, she suddenly remembered the conversation in the dream…



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92 Mother

Apart from being abducted by traffickers at the age of four, she also remembered being beaten at three.

In reality, most children at the age of three should have little memory. She vaguely remembered being beaten at that age, but perhaps the memory was too profound that in her dreams, she could clearly hear Poppy’s scolding.

“Listen, my daughter should be living a life of luxury, and you, you only deserve to live forever in this filthy gutter, in the stinking sewer!!”

Keira smiled bitterly.

She didn’t expect to have such a dream after so long.

Perhaps dreams revealed one’s thoughts. She often dreamed of being Isla and Mrs. Olsen being her


Matthew asked, “What about when you were three or



Keira didn’t want to talk about the past.






Her condition was peculiar. After iron was introduced into her system, all symptoms of anemia gradually disappeared, and she was fully revitalized.

However, she still needed to store more iron, so she had to stay on an IV for a couple more days. Taking in too much in one day could overwhelm her body.

She picked up her phone and found a message on her


Her Twitter username was “Ms. S”, and she was fairly well known in the reporter circle.

The person who sent her the message was named Josh, who had been following her for over two years.

Josh wrote, “Ms. S, I won’t back down this time! I want to be like you, fearless in the face of authority, and brave enough to expose the truth to the public! If you can see this message, I hope you can give me your


Keira was perplexed.

As she was puzzling over it, there was a knock at her door.

Holly walked in with Connor Hill.




Connor kept his head down, looking as timid as ever.

When he entered the ward, he first glanced at Keira and then immediately lowered his head again. “Hello,


Keira wasn’t close to the Hill family members, and

Finley Hill had only sought her out for money over the years. This cousin of hers was quiet and studious. He managed to earn a spot at the prestigious Oceanion University through sheer effort.

She was still courteous toward him, “What’s up?”

Connor then spoke, “I, I came to deliver a letter of forgiveness.”

Keira was taken aback.

Connor then looked at Captain Lincoln, who had com in with him, his eyes teary. “I consulted with a lawyer. By submitting a letter of forgiveness, even if you’re sentenced, it can be reduced to within ten years.”

He bowed his head. “Keira, I was terrified when I called

the police… I didn’t mean to… My father wasn’t a good person. He got what he deserved… It was my fault that you ended up behind bars…



Captain Lincoln frowned. “Even if he was a bad person, he should have been punished by the law, not dealt with privately by you.”

Connor’s eyes were bloodshot, and he growled, “I did report him! When he was gambling, I called the police, but after you arrested him, he was only detained for a month, and then released. He continued to gamble. We lost our house, my mom ran off with someone else, and I had no place to live… I had no choice but to work my hardest. He even took my scholarship money! Even his own son was treated like this, let alone his niece! You don’t understand our suffering, so don’t stand on your high moral ground and judge us!”

He tried to wipe away the tears. “I know I shouldn’t say this, but when I saw he was dead, I was confused, but now I only feel relieved!”

After saying this, he covered his face and squatted down slowly. “I’m such a jerk. My dad’s dead, and I can finally breathe. Even though I have to repay his debt of five million, I see hope…You wouldn’t understand. When he was alive, he was greedy like a bottomless pit.”

His sobs choked his words.



Captain Lincoln stiffened but remained silent.

The only sound in the room was Connor’s stifling sobs.

Keira said nothing.

Others might think she had lived a comfortable life, but the truth was, her life hadn’t been any better than


At least Finley Hill had never starved Connor.

After a while, Connor finally stopped crying, wiped his tears, and stood up. “I’m sorry. I, I lost my composure.

“It’s ok,” Captain Lincoln patted his shoulder. “We


Keira then slowly said, “Thank you for your letter of forgiveness, but… I don’t need it. As I said, I’m not the


Connor was stunned as if he didn’t understand, “Keira, I, I asked about this. If you plead guilty and show remorse, you’ll at most be sentenced to three years, but if you insist on being innocent, you might be sentenced to over ten years…”

“I know.



“But I didn’t kill him. If I didn’t kill them, I can’t admit to anything,” said Keira flatly

Connor didn’t say anything. After a moment, he turned toward Captain Lincoln to ask a stupid question. “As my father’s son, can I choose not to pursue this


Captain Lincoln said, “This is a criminal case. Even if you don’t pursue it, we still will.”

Connor tightened his jaw and looked at Keira. “Then I can’t help you.”

Keira shook her head. “That’s alright.”

Again, Connor lowered his head. “Keira, get some rest. I… I have to leave now…”


Connor took two steps away and suddenly turned to Captain Lincoln. “Captain Lincoln, about the money that was found at the scene, could you give it to me now? I borrowed it from my classmates…”

The money was scattered on the ground, and some of it was stained with blood, so it was used as evidence




and kept at the police station.

Captain Lincoln shook his head. “The police department has its rules. It’s evidence, and we can’t give it to you for now. Only after we have confirmed that there are no clues can it be returned to you.”

Connor then hung his head. “But that’s next month’s living expenses of my dorm mates…I promised them that I would return it as soon as possible.”

All of them had worked part-time before, and they knew that the students needed their every

hard-earned penny.

Suddenly losing twenty thousand was bound to cause strain among these students

Keira narrowed her eyes.

All of a sudden, she said, “Wait.”

Connor then turned back.

Keira picked up her phone. “I’ll have Samuel give you twenty thousand for your emergency needs.”

Connor’s eyes lit up. “Thank you, Keira. As soon as the money at the police station is returned, I’ll give it back

to you.”



Keira sent a message to Samuel.

Not long after, Samuel walked in with twenty thousand in cash and handed it to Connor.

Connor’s eyes stung.

He took the money. “Keira, my father has borrowed a lot of money from you over the years. Don’t worry. Once I start earning money, I’ll pay you back.”

“Don’t worry about it. He is he, and you’re you.”

Just as Keira finished saying that, there was a sudden

click at the door.

Everyone turned their heads to see a thin, unfamiliar man, nervously clutching his mobile phone, having captured the earlier moment.

When everyone noticed him, the man immediately charged in. “Connor Hill, I knew there must be a financial transaction when you granted forgiveness to the murderer of your father! You are not worthy to be

a son!”

After he finished speaking, he turned his gaze to Keira.

Noticing her healthy complexion without any signs of anemia. he scoffed. “What’s all this about being on bail

12:23 (→)



pending trial due to a near-death condition? Is this what a near-death condition looks like?”

He took out his phone and shot a video of Keira. “So, wealthy people have privileges, right? They can find a way to get bail, no matter what?”

He turned to Captain Lincoln. “Is this how you guys uphold the law impartially?”

Captain Lincoln frowned, and declared sternly, “Journalists are not allowed in here. Please leave!”

“I’m not leaving!” The journalist was very agitated as he directed his camera at them. “I’m live-streaming! All

these procedures are being broadcast live, and I’ll

expose you!”

Captain Lincoln immediately made a move to stop the man. “You are invading other people’s privacy!”

“When cases are not clear enough, many people are getting away with it. As a citizen, I have the right to know the truth of any case!”

The young journalist was fearless.

Unfortunately, Captain Lincoln had already taken his mobile phone, cutting off his live-streaming. Captain




Lincoln was furious. “What’s your name? Which newspaper are you from? I’ll hold you responsible!”

The young journalist lifted his chin and sneered. “Don’t try to scare me. My idol is Ms. S, who bravely reported on a certain company’s pollution discharge despite the strong power at the time. I’m afraid of nothing but only seeking the truth!”

Hearing these words, Keira was perplexed.

Suddenly recalling the message on her Twitter from earlier, she was greatly amazed. “Are you Josh Josh?”

The young journalist was surprised. “How do you know


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93 It’s Him

Keira opened her phone, found Twitter, clicked into Josh’s homepage, and sure enough, she saw his photo.

But Josh misunderstood her. “I didn’t expect you to know who I am, but even if you do know my work address and company, and try to use power to pressure the company to fire me, I won’t compromise!”

He took a step forward and continued.

“Ms. S once said, if every journalist is looking out for their own safety, then many truths in this world will be covered up.

“Even if I can’t be a journalist anymore, there are millions of journalists who will stand out! Don’t think that you can hide what you’ve done forever!”

Keira didn’t know what to say.

Listening to his clichéd speech, she chuckled. “You just graduated from college, didn’t you?”

Josh nodded, “Yes, what about it?”

“No wonder you’re so naive.”



Josh was dumbfounded.

He couldn’t help but look at Keira. It was as if she didn’t realize he was talking about her.

Captain Lincoln grabbed his arm. “Enough. This is a hospital. Please leave.”

He threw Josh’s phone back to him, then grabbed his arm, and took him straight out the door.

It wasn’t until then that Keira turned to look at Holly.

But when she did, Holly immediately avoided her gaze. Her pretty face was tense, and she seemed rather uncomfortable. Only then did she say, “Well… I have things to do. I’ll step out for a moment.”

She quickly left the room.


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