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My Adorable Twin Babies novel Chapter 1


Early in the morning!

Awakened by the dazzling sunlight, Claire Tong opened her eyes while feeling a splitting headache.

What she saw was a strange room, and down there were clothes scattered all over the floor.

With her eyes widely open, she used one hand to support her back, trying her best to recall what happened last night.

She was knocked unconscious. She really had no memory of what happened last night.

At this moment, there was not even a single trace of cloth on her body. The faint burning sensation of pain on her body stimulated her nerves.

No matter how dull she was, she should know what had happened.

Enduring the pain in her body, Claire pulled the quilt over and wrapped herself tightly in it.

The air was still filled with the feeling of desolation.

Having overheard her stepmother calling her mother a mistress, she was angry and let her younger brother, who had been teasing her, fall off the


Then, she was knocked out.

When she woke up, she was in this hotel.

Claire pushed the quilt away angrily and got off the bed. She picked up her clothes in a hurry. Suddenly, a watch fell down...

On the back of the chair, there was a man's suit jacket...

Claire was so angry. She threw the watch to the wall. He had taken away her innocence, did he leave his watch as a trade?

Go to hell!

Her legs were sticky and uncomfortable. She went to the bathroom. In the mirror, she could see herself with a swollen face.

Both of her eyes were black and purple, and the eye sockets were swollen. At this moment, her original beautiful almond eyes became slits.

Claire Tong looked at her swollen face and recalled the scene of being beaten by the stepmother and her daughter the day before. She was scared and resentful.


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