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My Bad Girl is a Sweet Wife novel Chapter 189

Chapter 189: Why won't he listen?!

Imperial City, Si Corporation:

After Xu Yi answered a call, his face changed as he opened the office door anxiously, "9th master, the school just called; they said that young master Si Xia had a relapse!"

When Si Ye Han heard that, he looked up from the pile of documents and said with a straight face, "Prepare the car."

"Yes!" Xu Yi was surprised.

Young master Si Xia was mischievous and rebellious; he didn't even listen to his parents so the old madam specifically instructed the master to look after him. If anything happened to him, master was responsible or else he might raise the old madam's suspicions again.

At Qing He, only the principal and a handful of top management knew about Si Xia's identity.

Hearing that Si Ye Han would be making a trip down personally, the principal went to the gates and awaited his arrival. When he arrived, he even accompanied Si Ye Han to the sickbay himself.

"Why would he have a relapse when he was doing just fine?" Xu Yi asked.

The principal wiped his sweat, afraid that he'd be blamed for not taking proper care of Si Xia and replied hastily, "This... this was... because he had a little fright during the rehearsal..."

"Had a little fright?" Xu Yi didn't understand, how could he have a fright during rehearsal?

The principal replied nervously, as he was put on the spot, "The girl that he acts with, she looks a bit frightening..."

Xu Yi: "Uh..."

That girl wouldn't happen to be... Ms Ye right...

"How is he?" Si Ye Han asked.

"He's not in any danger right now. He just has a slight fever; he's on a drip."

Qing He, sickbay:

After everybody had left, there was only Ye Wanwan and Si Xia left in the sickbay staring at each other.


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