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My Bad Girl is a Sweet Wife novel Chapter 324

Chapter 324: Unprecedented grand occasion

At the old residence of the Ye family.

Outside the grand manor, it was almost completely blocked off by security personnel, forming a restricted area.

Many reporters waited a few hundred yards away, each of them stretching their heads out, trying to peek into the old residence of the Ye family.

One after another, numerous luxurious sports cars slowly made their way to the old residence. The stream of cars dazzled all the reporters.

Big stars dressed in gorgeous outfits came out of the cars, walking out gracefully with poise towards the old house.

The reporters stood outside the restricted area and gasped in shock continuously. They kept clicking their cameras and fought to get the best shots of famous figures.

"Cheng Man Ni... currently one of the top ten A-list celebrities in the country..." One of the reporters raised his camera up high and glanced at the wonderful figure that just passed.

"That's the big brother and sister from Emperor Sky? They're actually here?!"

Each of the celebrities that arrived was extremely popular, making the crowd wish they could grow another pair of hands so they could take more pictures.

"Today's Old Ye's birthday and half of the entertainment industry's arrived. This attendance surpasses even the Golden Orchid award ceremony!"

"Doesn't the Ye family already control half the entire entertainment industry?!"

"Too bad the place is entirely cordoned off. If only we could get in and take a few pictures, that would really be..."

With that said, the reporters started to complain and sigh, shaking their heads.


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