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My Bad Girl is a Sweet Wife novel Chapter 716

Chapter 716: You've been well since we last met

The crowd chatted for a while and the Grand Fashion Ceremony was about to begin, but Felix still hadn't arrived.

Quite a number of people had shown up because of him tonight; it could even be said that they were all anxiously awaiting his arrival at this moment.

Shen Meng Qi was bored stiff as she chatted about fashion and accessories with a couple small artists while He Jun Cheng was shooting his mouth off with a few stylists.

At this moment, a stylist with a low ponytail standing across from He Jun Cheng suddenly turned and said in an exaggerated manner, "Aiyo, what a rare sight. Guess who I just saw?"

"Who? You're being so dramatic! Could it be Felix?"

"Pui! Don't insult my prince charming! It's that useless great young master from the Ye family, the crown prince of Emperor Sky Entertainment!"

"Crown prince of Emperor Sky Entertainment? Are you referring to Ye Mu Fan?"

I thought Ye Mu Fan's entire family had been chased out of the family because of what his dad did? He hasn't appeared at such high profile events for quite some time."

"No way... what's he doing here? Did you see wrong?"

The crowd was gossiping while looking at the man with long hair. With one glance, he really did look like that good-for-nothing great young master.

Hearing the gossip, He Jun Cheng turned and looked as well. As expected, he saw Ye Mu Fan avoiding the crowd and entering the ballroom.

All he saw was Ye Mu Fan's hair in a mess and his attire crumpled and stained. It even had some leaves on it and he looked extremely pathetic.

"Pfffft—— why did he come over looking like this? Is this crown prince letting himself go with completely no sense of shame anymore?"


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