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My Billionaire Mom novel Chapter 156

All the students in the scene were dumbfounded and in disbelief. What was going on?

This receptionist was so respectful towards him. Could Chuck really be a gold card holder?

The class monitor's eyes widened, he couldn't believe it!

The students who betted on eating sh*t with Chuck started to turn pale and tremble all over.

Francis was stunned. How could Chuck possibly be the gold card holder?

Even his shabby old car was borrowed from someone else!

But Queenie was unfazed. She had already heard Chuck tell her about it just now, so she had expected a greeting like this from the receptionist. Now she was curious about what happened to him recently to be able to date the most gorgeous teacher in the school and even be a gold card member of this KTV...

"Impossible! The gold card holder is Chuck?"

"If not, then why would the receptionist be so polite to him?"

"D*mn it, I know what happened. If Chuck could find a fake celebrity to impersonate Zabrina who was 'looking for him', then there would be no problem for him to hire this receptionist and play along with him right?"

"I remember now, Chuck used to be a waiter here. Maybe he knew this receptionist from back then, so he must have called the receptionist just now and asked her to play along with him!"

The class monitor immediately came to his senses after hearing the other students' analysis. He snorted and said, "Did you really have to find someone to play along with your acting? Why do you resort yourself to such low and disgusting tricks?"

"Yeah! Besides, this person that you found is even so bad at acting. Did you really think we didn't know that you used to be a waiter here?" A classmate who betted with Chuck said sarcastically.

The receptionist was confused. When had this gentleman ever worked here?

Chuck looked at them. They really knew how to find excuses to back themselves up.

"Get your manager here!" The class monitor sneered. He was really annoyed. How could Chuck be so shameless as to ask someone to cooperate with him in his act?

The receptionist had no choice but to call the manager over through the walkie-talkie.

The class monitor snorted. The whole class couldn't wait to find out the truth, thinking that the manager would come over to expose Chuck’s lies.


"Chuck! It's really you!" A voice suddenly sounded from inside, and a young man came out of the KTV with several women.

Chuck looked over and was stunned. Wilbur Wendel, the son of the previous boss of the plaza, was actually here.

"Yes, it's me!" Chuck nodded.

"Did you come here to sing some karaoke? You should have told me earlier..." Wilbur came over and said, "My friend over there has just opened a new outlet with many pretty girls, some of them are even from the United States. Come on..."

Chuck shook his head. He didn't want to go to a place like that. Queenie, who was by his side, heard everything. She knew exactly what kind of place they were talking about and she blushed. Chuck really went to places like that?

The class monitor frowned. He didn't know this person, but his clothes looked to be very high-end. Obviously, this was a rich kid from a wealthy background.

"Wilbur Wendel..." Francis widened his eyes and said in an incredible tone.

"Wilbur Wendel?" The class monitor frowned even harder.

"Don't you know Wilbur? He's the son of the owner of the plaza!" Francis was shocked. He was not shocked to see him, but rather was shocked to see Wilbur approaching and talking to Chuck in such a friendly tone.

This was a rich kid with a fortune of more than a hundred million dollars!

"What?" The class monitor was shocked. He really didn't know who he was, but started to feel scared.

If Chuck really knew the plaza owner's son, then was it possible that he really was the KTV gold card holder?

How is this possible!

When the other students heard the conversation between the class monitor and Francis, they were also shocked.

Chuck actually had some ties with a rich kid?

"No need, you can go on ahead." Chuck shook his head. If his mother knew of him going to a place like that, then she would be really disappointed in him.

"Alright then, but are you free these days? I have some business to discuss with you." Wilbur hesitated as he asked.

Chuck nodded. "Okay, just give me a call."

"Alright then, thanks. I'll get going now." Wilbur waved his hand and happily walked out with pretty girls wrapped around his arms.

"You..." The class monitor glared at Chuck, his voice trembling. "Are you really the gold card holder?"


All the students fixed their eyes on Chuck. At this moment, the atmosphere fell silent.

"Sir, nice to see you here." The manager came out of the room with a surprised look on his face. He ran over and asked respectfully, "Sir, should I get you a VIP room now?"

All the students present there were shocked again!


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