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My Billionaire Mom novel Chapter 169

All the guests at Opulence Retreat were stunned as they stared at the sky in the distance. They also took out their phones to record it.

"Oh my God!"

"That's a helicopter!"

"That's right. The roar is so loud!"

"Why did a helicopter suddenly come to Opulence Retreat?"

"Maybe some rich powerful boss is coming here for dinner."

The crowd was talking about it. They stared at the black dot, never letting it out of their sights.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

There was the sound of blowing wind everywhere as the helicopter approached them. Its rotating fan blades made the body of the helicopter look grand as it sped towards them.

The wind blew and the distant lawn seemed to surrender to its wrath. It was as if they were welcoming the arrival of the helicopter!

Everyone who saw it was shocked.

"Whose helicopter is this?"

"I don't know, but I do know that the cheapest helicopter you can buy costs around ten to twenty million dollars!"

"What? That expensive?" Someone was shocked.

"Also, I recognize this helicopter too. It's developed and produced by a European company. It's practically a Rolls-Royce in the air, and one costs at least forty million dollars!" The man said this, feeling especially shocked!

"Yeah, I can also see that now. But which boss is coming?"

Everyone in Opulence Retreat was in shock. It was something one could only witness in a movie scene!

Opulence Retreat was a high-class and expensive place, but they had never heard of such rich bosses coming over here for a meal!

Who on earth was it?

The helicopter landed on the ground, and its violent propeller gradually stopped spinning and became quiet. Everyone who witnessed this scene was so shocked that they could not utter another word!

The cabin door opened and several people stepped out from the helicopter. The four of them were dressed in black suits and carrying a big box. Then they walked towards a table in an orderly fashion.

"What are they doing? What's in the box?"

"Who knows? But the boss didn't come down from there. What does this mean?"

While everyone was still in a daze, the four men, who were carrying a big box, had finally stopped in front of a table.

Respectfully, they shouted in unison, "Young Master! We've brought the food that you wanted!"

Their voices were as loud as a ringing bell!

Everyone was shocked. What? Young Master?

"Who is it?"

"I don't know. But if he could to deploy helicopters, then it definitely shouldn't be anyone we know."

These people all shook their heads, obviously still in shock.

At the table, all of Zelda's relatives were dumbfounded.

They were surprised at the arrival of the helicopter. But once it landed, these people exited the helicopter and walked up to Chuck and called him Young Master?

Manny Lowe was stunned. What was going on?

Her two best friends were also dumbstruck. Didn't Chuck Cannon only own a plaza?

Zelda Maine was stunned too. At this moment, she had way too many questions. Chuck Cannon, who are you really?!

Rainie and Wallace's eyes widened in shock

Especially Wallace Hanne. He was completely dumbfounded. The other means of transportation he was talking about was actually... this?

"This is the means of transportation I was talking about," Chuck said as he looked at Wallace.

He was completely speechless now. He raised his hand, trembling, "How, how did you get a helicopter?"

He knew that this helicopter was custom-made, and it probably cost around forty to fifty million dollars, which was more than his entire fortune. This was undoubtedly a huge blow and shock to him!

"I just made a phone call," Chuck said.

Wallace was stunned. Just a call? It was that simple?

The relatives on the table were completely dumbfounded. To be able to summon a helicopter with just a phone call. Was he really the plaza owner?

But didn’t Wallace say that the owner of City Square was someone else?

"The... The plaza is not yours. How did you call a helicopter to come here?" Wallace was the first to regain his senses.

"Do I need to inform you if I'm taking over a plaza?" Chuck said calmly.


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