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My Billionaire Mom novel Chapter 184

The man's eyes lit up, and the other rich people nearby looked at him. Did someone just buy this building with that price?

"Are you sure?" The boss contained his excitement and stood up to ask.

"Yes, you can prepare the contract now, and the money will be transferred to your account soon." It was Chuck Cannon who spoke.

He caught a glimpse of many wealthy people looking angry but nobody took action. Since the owner's attitude stayed resolute, he could only call his mother to inquire. Unexpectedly, she only smiled and gave him the go signal to buy the property.

Chuck heaved a sigh of relief. His mother had such a strong desire to own this place, but he didn't know what she planned to develop here.

This aroused Chuck's interest.

Everyone in the room grew quiet as they look at him in odd surprise.

Who could this young man be?

The owner bowled over because he managed to acquire 2.5 billion dollars within a minute. He examined it thoroughly and confirmed it was a legitimate transaction. He said in haste, "Okay, I have received the money. Please follow me to sign the contract."

"What? You already have the money?" The others were shell-shocked.

How could that man directly send 2.5 billion dollars to the owner's account? Every bank transaction had a limit allowed for each transfer, so how high could his be?


Quinn, who was sitting in the corner, found it hard to believe. How could he give it to him right away?

By the looks of it, Chuck was probably taking Zelda as a mistress instead of the other way round. However, why would he take interest in a woman 10 years older than him?

"It's alright, someone will contact you about it." Chuck shook his head. Just now, his mother said that she would let Chuck sign on her behalf. However, he thought that the scale of the contract was too large, so he decided his mother should sign the contract herself. When he had the capacity, he could buy it later on his own.

Chuck didn't know his mother's intention in buying this place. He would feel embarrassed if he had to ask money from his mother again next time.

Besides, he didn't have any other ideas. After signing, the contract would still be left aside for now. It was better to let his mother carry out her plan.

"Sister Zelda, let's get going," Chuck said.

Zelda was still in amazement, "Chuck, you've given him the payment, but you don't want to sign the contract or complete processing the documents. Aren't you afraid he'll run away with the money?"

He had spent 2.5 billion dollars on buying this building in less than a minute!

This changed Zelda's concept of being wealthy. He was filthy rich.

"Nobody could run and hide with my money. Let's go." Chuck laughed. Who would dare to escape with his money? Where could that person run to?

His mother would catch that person at once.

When Chuck asked his mother the same question, she just chuckled, and Chuck got the message.

Zelda followed Chuck closely in a daze. Quinn stood up and asked, "Who the hell are you?"

She was hopping mad. She yearned to buy this building, but she failed.

"It's none of your d*mn business." Chuck shook his head.

Quinn narrowed her eyes and said, "I had my eyes on this building."

"If so, why didn't you buy it earlier? Now that I have already bought it, what are you bothering me for?" Chuck ignored her and went outside with Zelda.

Quinn was foaming at the mouth.

The affluent people left in the room were all caught off guard. Did that man leave just like that?

"Mr. Carter, who was that young man? Why haven't I seen him before?"

"I know the woman he was with. She runs her own business at a restaurant. I've eaten at her restaurant a few times, but I'm pretty sure she can't afford this place!"

Several people with deep pockets were talking about it as well. They could not bear to spend so much money at once. Even if they did, they needed to save up for a long time first.

The building owner came to his senses at last. He felt like he was in a beautiful dream and just shook his head with a wry smile, "I don't know, but the young man gave me a feeling that there is a formidable figure we can't imagine behind him."

His tone became dignified as he spoke.

"Like an influential person?" Everyone present was appalled. If he could take out 2.5 billion dollars with just one phone call, he could possess more than 10 billion dollars.


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