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My Billionaire Mom novel Chapter 307

Chuck and Betty approached the house. Betty was particularly good at sneak attacks, although Chuck was not as skilful in this aspect. Nevertheless, he had learned a lot from Betty. Chuck had his dagger ready.

He had to kill the old man that day!

In the interim, in a luxurious room, Prince smiled faintly and said, "It should be about time. If Yvette finds out that you killed her grandfather, it should get very interesting. However, the arrogant old man is so useless. Hasn't he noticed anything? Hmph, it'll be too easy for you, Chuck."

He took out his mobile phone and called a person, the old man.

Meanwhile, Levi woke up from his dream. He looked at the strange number on his phone. He answered the phone doubtfully, and a mocking voice sounded from the other end, "Old man, no wonder your sons died! You are careless, how much better could your three sons be?"

"Who are you?" Levi sat up on the bed angrily.

Prince replied, "You don't have to know who I am. According to the time, it's about to happen. Look outside and we'll talk later." After that, the phone was hung up.

Levi walked to the window with vigilance and took out an infrared telescope. Soon, he was shocked. "How is it possible? How did these people find this place? Did Yvette bring them here? It's impossible!"

He snorted and said, "Hmph, do you think it's that easy to catch me?"

Then, he went to the secret door in the room right away. He had prepared a helicopter, so he could leave at any moment.

He got into the helicopter, flicked a switch on the overhead panel, and started the helicopter.

"Young Master, you... are too nervous." Betty turned her head as she uttered. She felt awkward because Chuck's hand had accidentally touched her butt. Betty knew that it was not intentional, but...

"I'm sorry, Betty." Chuck was embarrassed as well. Of course, he didn't do it on purpose. How could he possibly do that?

Chuck was worried that the old man might run away. After all, things had been going too well. He felt that something must be wrong.

"It's okay, Young Master. You didn't do it on purpose." Betty's expression soon returned to normal.

He said, "Betty, don't tell my mother about what happened just now." Chuck was very nervous. He really didn't mean to. It would be bad if his mother knew about it.

"I won't, don't worry, Young Master." Betty was speechless at Chuck's words. Why would she tell Karen about this? She didn't know how Karen would react if she said that. She couldn't imagine it.

Chuck felt relieved and said, "Thank you, Betty."

"It's okay, Young Master," she dismissed. Suddenly, she heard a sound and she was shocked, exclaiming, "On the roof! Everyone get on the roof! That person is going to escape!"

After Betty instructed the men, she turned to Chuck and said, "Be careful, Young Master."

As soon as Betty spoke, she climbed up. She was very fast as if she was climbing a mountain. Chuck was shocked and he climbed hurriedly as well. After more than 20 days of training, he had a different level of physical strength.

When he reached the top, he suddenly heard the sound of an explosion.

Chuck was shocked. He saw Betty take out a round object, then she aimed at a direction and threw it. At this moment, a helicopter rose vertically, but Betty's object hit the propeller and it exploded.

The helicopter crashed and fell onto the roof.

Betty rushed over with her team of five. Levi staggered out of the mess and he fought fiercely with Betty. However, the five people were all masters of martial arts. Especially with Betty in the mix, the old man was soon injured. After all, the six people besieged him. How could he win?

When Willa saw this scene from a distance, she was relieved. All the men she had called over maintained in hiding and they did not make a move. She watched everything closely, especially Chuck, fearing that something would happen to him.

Fortunately, the process went smoothly. Betty was experienced, and her stealth attack was particularly perfect this time.

However, Willa was still nervous. "Is Chucky going to surprise me with this?"

"Don't even try to escape," Betty sneered and kicked Levi. He spat a mouthful of blood, falling to the ground pitifully.

Betty's dagger was drawn, and she stabbed the old man's thigh, nailing his leg to the ground.

"Break his hands!" Betty ordered, and the other five people immediately did as she ordered. They stabbed Levi's hands with daggers, and he screamed in agony, "You, you..."

Betty stared at him and said mercilessly, "You're done, Old Master."

Then, Betty called Chuck over. He had joined them a long while ago. He felt happy that he could finally catch the person who had hurt Willa badly before.

When the old man saw that it was Chuck, he was angry. "It's you!"


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