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My Billionaire Mom novel Chapter 370

When Yolanda got off from work, she had received a call from the plaza security, informing her that the plaza was on fire. She was put in a state of panic and shock.

She was in charge of the plaza, so she knew the entire layout of it like the back of her hand. She had been asking people to check up on the plaza constantly because she was afraid that such a thing would happen.

The first thing she thought of when she received this call was that this was clearly set up by someone!

Yolanda had just returned home and was ready to shower and rest up. However, before she could even step foot in her bathroom, she had received the call and rushed out instantly to drive to the plaza.

Her place was close to the plaza. When she pulled out and started heading towards the plaza, she could see black rings of smoke billowing towards the sky where the plaza was.

Just as she got out of her car, a woman ran past her towards the commotion.

It was still very early in the morning.

There was no one on the street, but the sudden fire had attracted a lot of attention. People started to take pictures and videos, no doubt to upload them onto the Internet.

Among Lara's classmates, a few of them had just finished partying someplace else when they were met with the fire.

They laughed at that.

"Wow, there's a fire, guys!" a girl exclaimed.

"Take a photo, quick!" another girl said.

Several students took photos, videos, and had uploaded them onto the Internet in a matter of seconds. They gloated as they did so.

The headline was: Shocking News! Fire in City Square! Death Ensued!

Very soon, students started to comment on those posts.

"What's going on?"

"The plaza is on fire!"

"What kind of trashy plaza doesn't have better safety? They must have not had safety features set up! Take care not to go there anymore, everyone!" a person insisted in the comments.

"I feel that City Square is pretty good. Yolanda, the former campus belle, is still the manager there, do you know that?"

"Really? Would that mean Yolanda was going to lose her job this time?" a person mocked in the comments.

"Haha, she may be fired. Let's group together so we can offer her comfort!" one of them said.

"Haha, yes, count me in!" they laughed.


"Charlotte, where are my pajamas?" Lara asked as she came out of the bathroom.

Charlotte was envious at what she saw. She curled her lips and accused, "Hey, would you mind putting on your clothes after you've finished washing up? Are you trying to show off?"

Lara had such a good figure. For a skinny woman like Charlotte, Lara's body was envy-inducing. Why did they look so much different? They were relatives, after all, the difference couldn't have been that far off. Charlotte was upset.

Lara grinned at that. "I'm not showing off," she said.

"Here, take this. Hurry up and put it on. You are so annoying," Charlotte said as she threw Lara her pajamas. Lara giggled as she put it on.

After blow-drying her hair, she lay on the sofa and logged into her WhatsApp to send a message to Chuck, but she noticed that he had not replied to her previous message. Lara pouted a bit. "When will he pay attention to me?" she thought.

Lara was disappointed because Chuck did not reply to her message. But at the same time, she was feeling a bit excited, anticipating his eventual reply to her.

She got bored and quit the chat group to look at some news online. Soon, she saw a person's post and read aloud, "City Square is on fire..."

Lara's eyes went wide with shock, trying to reread what she had just read. The plaza was on fire, the picture showed black smoke...

"Charlotte, Charlotte!" Lara yelled, shock coursing through her body.

"What is it now? I'm going to bed," Charlotte said, her eyes already closed and she was laying in her bed snugly. She had a long day of work the next day, and she was exhausted now.

"It's about City Square, Chuck's plaza is on fire!" Lara explained as she jumped out of bed, changing out of her pajamas hurriedly.

Charlotte sat up in shock at that. "What did you say?" she asked in disbelief.

City Square was on fire? What was going on?

"Hurry up, let's get to the plaza!" Lara had put on her clothes. Charlotte was stunned, following Lara's actions as well. The two rushed out and took a taxi hurriedly.

"Could Chuck still be in the building?" Lara asked out loud, anxious. She was not worried about her cafe because looking at the photos online, her cafe did not seem to be in the line of fire. But this was Chuck's very own plaza they were talking about.

"I don't know about that either," Charlotte said anxiously. "Sir, please. Could you drive a little faster?" she proceeded to ask the taxi driver.


Quinn was sleeping and was dreaming about Chuck. In her dream, she had a meeting in the conference room. Chuck had barged in when she was in the middle of it and had forced himself onto her, taking her as he pleased. In the dream, she tried to resist, but Chuck was too strong, he was like a beast.


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