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My Billionaire Mom novel Chapter 379

Quinn was left alone in her car, feeling upset. "How could it all turn out like this?" she thought.

She hated herself for being so impulsive earlier. All men were horrible beings.

Quinn wiped her tears dry and smoothed her clothes down. "Nothing had happened, absolutely nothing," she tried to convince herself.

She had to forget what had occurred in the past few minutes. "It was all just a dream," she thought to herself.

It was definitely just a dream.

Quinn had calmed down, but there was still the scent of sex lingering in her car. She pushed the car door open and moved herself to sit in the driver's seat. But she was feeling a bit absent-minded at the moment so as she was driving out of the parking lot, she hit a pillar when she made a sharp turn.

Quinn's hand slapped the steering wheel hard to brace for the impact. She didn't feel sorry for the car in the slightest. This just made her feel that the incident moments ago was all too real, it was not a dream at all.

She had just done it with Chuck and she hadn't even wanted him to return her any favors at all. Everything that happened just now was pure impulse.

Quinn had never thought to force Chuck into taking responsibility. Since Quinn was an adult herself, what possible responsibility could he even take on?

If Chuck had just hugged her affectionately without saying a word, then Quinn would have felt better. Instead, he had to open that gob of his and speak words that hurt her deeply. Was it necessary for Chuck to be that anxious to dismiss the connection they had just now?

Quinn's hand was hurt from the impact. She braced herself against the steering wheel, feeling horribly upset for a long while. She decided to never step foot in this place ever again.

"Are you President Miller?" a voice suddenly sounded.

Quinn looked up and saw that it was a handsome boy speaking to her.

That's right, this boy was none other than Aaron.

He had come to see if Chuck was here, but unfortunately for him, he had just missed him. Later, he had heard the sound of a car crash so he decided to walk over to see what had happened. He hadn't expected to see such a beautiful woman leaning on the steering wheel like that. Aaron had walked closer and soon found out that it was Quinn.

She was such a beauty.

Aaron didn't want to know why Quinn was sad at the moment. He only knew that this was a golden opportunity to take advantage of her. If he seized this opportunity, he could definitely get Quinn into his bed that night!

It would be such a waste to let her go without sleeping with her.

"Oh, it really is you, President Miller. Are you alright?" Aaron asked, concern in his voice.

Quinn stared at him questioningly. She had never seen this person before.

"President Miller, I'll help you get your car moving now, is that alright?" Aaron said as he walked over to the car door, his eyes looked as if he could see right through her. When Quinn finally got out of the driver's seat, Aaron smiled at his success.

Patricia had said that Quinn didn't like men who were younger than her. However, wasn't he succeeding right now?

Aaron was very confident with his handsome appearance. Quinn must like good-looking people like him. H*ck, all women liked him.

"President Miller, please wait a minute, I'll help you..." Aaron smiled slightly as he offered.

However, Quinn had only given him a stare and then slapped him in the face as hard as she could

Aaron was stunned and confused at that.

What was going on here?

"Get lost!" Quinn yelled at him.

After Quinn had slapped him, she promptly got into her car and drove off.

Aaron was startled after Quinn's departure even after her car wasn't in sight anymore, his face was burning with pain. He had just processed that he had been slapped a moment later.

Aaron couldn't figure this out. He was so handsome, how could he not get Quinn? How did Chuck manage to do it then?

"He must have just stuck to her shamelessly, that's for sure!" Aaron's mentality had changed after being beaten. He became even more perverted. He looked upon the direction of Quinn's departure and threatened lowly, "How dare you hit me? Fine, I'll make you pay for it one day!"


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