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My Billionaire Mom novel Chapter 396

Not a hint of expression was on Karen's face as she stood face-to-face with Duncan. The tension in the air was suffocating. The whole house felt chilly.

Chuck did not move his gaze away from Karen.

Willa did not make a move, neither did Yvette.

Duncan started to walk towards them, they were quite startled by his imposing figure.

Yvette had dealt with Duncan before. She knew how powerful he was. Subconsciously, she moved to grab Chuck's hand and warned, "Hubby, he's going to make a move..."

Chuck was absorbed in his own thoughts about training and thinking about ways to improve his skills. However, Yvette's words had startled him out of it. He turned his head to look at her curiously.

"What's wrong?" Yvette asked softly.

"Do you wish for my mom to win, or..." Chuck asked.

"I... I hope she does," Yvette answered.

Chuck felt at ease having heard that reply. "However, I'll kill her after that..." Yvette continued.

Chuck let out a huge sigh at that. He did not know how to deal with this at all. Having seen Chuck upset, Yvette started to feel the same as well. How else was she supposed to answer without lying?

She wanted Karen to die by her hand alone and no one else's.

Yvette had loosened her grip on Chuck's hand as her thoughts trailed. Noticing this, Chuck went to grab her hand tightly in his. Her head was bowed, she felt miserable.

Meanwhile, Duncan had initiated combat with Karen. Sure enough, he decided to start with a ruthless kick.

Chuck was startled as he witnessed the amount of force Duncan had exerted. If he were the target, he would definitely pass out right after. "I really have to train harder!" Chuck thought.

It was his first time seeing Duncan in action. It inspired Chuck's desire to become powerful.

"I must get stronger!" he swore to himself.

Chuck also saw how Karen defended herself. She had stepped back and threw a punch. The delivery of the force guaranteed a killer blow.

The two of them were now engaged in a fierce battle. Chuck was star-struck by this. It was a duel between two professionals, both sides were pulling lethal moves.

Duncan sneered in the midst of it all and said, "My father told me you were strong. Ten years ago, you could barely hold your own against my father. You should be able to resist ten moves from him now, I think. Not bad, but is this all you got?"

Mouth still curled into a mocking smile, he raised his fists and aimed it at Karen's vital body parts.

Chuck couldn't bear to watch. This was too horrifying.

Ordinary people would have died almost instantly at the impact, but Karen had successfully evaded the attack. Duncan had forced her to take a step back.

Chuck's heart sank as he saw her retreat. "Is Duncan really that powerful?" he thought.

Meanwhile, Willa's expression had changed a little. She was out of it, too engaged with the fight going on before her. Maybe it was because she hadn't seen Karen fight in a long while now. She was enraptured.

Just as Chuck was about to fret, he watched as Duncan pulled his fist back and went for another punch. It was so quick!

"Mom!" Chuck exclaimed in warning.

Karen's face was still blank with no emotion. She merely reached her hand out and caught Duncan's approaching fist firmly.

Men had larger hands than women. The same logic applied to both Duncan and Karen as well. Miraculously, Karen's small hands were able to withhold Duncan's fist. She managed to catch it without flinching.

This was incredible!

"Do you think you can stop me by grabbing my fist? You must be joking..." Duncan burst out laughing as he said. But not a moment after, he felt a painful sting on his face.


The loud smack echoed the walls. Karen had slapped Duncan's face and he was paralyzed with shock. The burning pain confused him momentarily. "How dare you!" he then managed to get out eventually.


Another slap sounded. Duncan staggered back and nearly fell. The only reason he didn't was that Karen still had his fist clenched in her hand.

"You were reckless," Karen said curtly.

"How dare you hit me?" Duncan spat viciously. A mix of blood and saliva was trailing out of his mouth.

Karen's slaps were really powerful.


Karen threw a few heavy kicks at Duncan. It sounded as if a car had hit him.

"Ah!" Duncan yelled as he was thrown into the air by Karen's forceful kick. Like a worm, he ended up curled into a ball as he landed on the ground. He spat out another mouthful of blood, he was in utter disbelief.


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