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My Billionaire Mom novel Chapter 415

With loud screeches, a motorcade owned by the Allen family started to drive out of their hide.

They formed a barricade against the approaching vehicles.

Chuck sat in his car, face devoid of all emotions. On the other hand, Zelda had been nervous. She wasn't dreaming, was she? Were they really on the Allen family's property right now?

"Three of you, go. Run them over!" Betty ordered the three cars behind her.

The cars behind her were no ordinary vehicles. They were comparable to armored cars from the military as every one of them had undergone special modifications.

These cars were built with brand new alloys. The material was something Karen's tech company had developed and it could withstand almost anything.

This material hadn't been announced to the public yet but it had piqued the interest of the United States military. However, Karen had refused to sell it to them.

Soon enough, the three vehicles drove up front.

The head of the Superb Household Forces of the Allen family who was in charge of the motorcade frowned at the scene and barked, "These people surely have a death wish! Everyone, on your marks!"

There were dozens of cars on their side. What was there to be afraid of?

"Sir, they're not slowing down!" one of his subordinates pointed out.

"What are you afraid of? Go get 'em!" he ordered fiercely. Did these people think they were better than the Allen family? The audacity they had!

The cars gradually sped up on both sides.

Their engines roared loudly.

It was deafening.

As the cars collided, the head was shocked still. After the collision, the opposing cars stood unmoved and intact. On the other hand, the cars on his side had all flipped upside down and skidded quite a distance away.

Just what was going on here?

"Ah! Sir, their cars are too tough!" someone cried out.

"That's it! They're dead meat, I don't care. Keep going!" the head scoffed as he barked the order at them.

Successive collisions occurred not long after.

More than a dozen cars had crashed into one another. The scene was terrifying to watch.

However, as all the Allen family's cars had gotten wrecked and overturned, the three cars on Chuck's end didn't look to be damaged in the slightest.

The head's eyes widened in disbelief as he muttered, "How could this be? What sort of cars are those? How are they so durable? Ah!"

He was cut off with a scream as he saw the three cars inch closer to him.

He hurriedly turned his steering wheel to get himself out of the way but it was too late. The drivers on the other end did not care for mercy. They were specially-trained for this after all.

A loud crash sounded.

The head screamed as his car was knocked over.

Just when he had gotten his bearings, he watched as the three cars drove past him in quick succession. The other cars proceeded to follow behind them one at a time. He thought this was incredulous! Just who on earth were these people?

Seeing this, the captain started to report in disbelief, "Elder Allen, the guards, they're..."

This whole thing was utterly ridiculous. The motorcade wholly consisted of security guards working for the Allen family. All of them were masters in driving and some of them were even race-car drivers. How could their cars get flipped over in the blink of an eye?

Elder Allen narrowed his eyes and commanded coldly, "Issue the warning! Summon Forces No. 3!"

The captain nodded in acknowledgement and followed the elder's instructions hastily.

What sort of rampaging creatures were these cars? This was all too dreadful.

With a loud rumble, ten helicopters flew out from the Allen family helipad, flying in the direction of Chuck's motorcade.

"Betty!" Chuck yelled in alarm as he saw the helicopters. This was definite proof that the Allen family truly were one of the Four Greatest Households, weren't they? It was just insane.

The helicopters resembled the beginnings of a tornado as they slowly flew towards them.

"Young Master, don't worry! These cars were developed by President Lee's tech company in the States. They're more than capable of withstand anything," Betty reassured him. She then proceeded to give orders through her walky-talky, "Ten of you! Out now! Deal with them!"

Chuck didn't understand how they could possibly deal with the problem. While he was wondering, he watched as ten cars emerged from behind them in a flash, the drivers stepping hard on the gas pedals. Suddenly, the front of each of these cars parted and revealed a hole. Harpoons that were thicker than a human's arm shot out of them.

The harpoons had chains that were attached to the car.

An earth-shattering boom rang.

One of them had pierced through a helicopter's fuel tank.

Then, the car that had its harpoon attached to the fuel tank started to turn around and drove on. The car managed to pull the helicopter in its direction. It was that powerful! The person driving the helicopter was aghast, scrambling to regain control of the helicopter. However, the force of the car was too strong. The helicopter went down in seconds.

"Boom!" An explosion sounded.

The helicopter had crashed.

Chuck was astounded by that. This was awesome! Zelda watched with wide eyes and mouth agape as she wondered, "What kind of car could do that? How can it be so powerful?"

The drivers trained under Karen were nothing but efficient. After the first helicopter was pulled off the air, the other cars had followed suit, firing their harpoons towards the rest of the helicopters.

The ten choppers rumbled loudly with their efforts to stay in the sky.

But despite their efforts, the Superb Household Forces had all been annihilated very quickly.


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