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My Billionaire Mom novel Chapter 425

The car engine roared loudly.

Yvette drove the car at a frightful speed but she was hit from behind again. In an instant, she decided to make a huge swerve.

It was amazing.

Patricia was dazzled by Yvette's driving skills.

However, it didn't quite work in their favor. The others caught up to them in no time.

"Hold on. Mr. Cannon promised to help us already," Patricia said hastily.

Deep down, she was panicking. She couldn't believe Landon had taken the effort to order people to capture her. This meant that he was furious. If he were to be successful, she couldn't imagine what he would do to her. She might even be tortured...

Patricia didn't even dare think about it too much. It was too horrifying.


Patricia screamed as a car rammed into her side. The window next to her shattered and the car stopped. The four cars had closed in on them from all sides. They were trapped.

Patricia's face turned pale whereas Yvette's face remained emotionless.

She had just started her career as an assassin but her psyche was already outstanding for her level. Under such circumstances, it was useless to beg or pray for mercy. She could give her all into the fight.

"I'll get out of this car and deal with them. Once you get the chance, drive away!" Yvette said. She had to fulfill her duty in protecting her client.

At this time, the people inside the four cars started to get out of their cars, one after another. They all looked sinister.

"D*mn it! Still wanna run away? Brothers, let's smash up their ride! Get 'em out without hurting them! That's a personal order from the young master!" one of them said.

His accomplice echoed, "Oh, I know. We can't bear to hurt such beautiful women, especially the one driving. She's too pretty to hurt..."

The men started to gather around the women.

"What are you going to do?" Patricia bit her lip as she asked Yvette.

"You're the boss. I've already told you, I'd protect you. Once I fend them off, look for an opening. Step on the gas hard and leave right away!" Yvette responded as she took out a dagger.

She exited the car right after that. Patricia struggled a little but she successfully moved herself to the driver's seat. She had to leave this place. Otherwise, she would be in trouble.

Moreover, she had hired Blood Leopard to protect her after all. She ought to do her job this way.

There was no use worrying about her.

This was part of her job. It was what she was paid to do.

Patricia tried convincing herself to feel more at ease.

As Yvette got out, she stared at the twenty or so men around her with a face devoid of any expression.

"Hey, Gorgeous, you wanna fight back? Just be a good girl and listen to us, yeah? You won't be able to fight all of us. Our young master wants you back in one piece," someone spoke up with a smile. It was the leader among the men, who had a scar on his face.

Yvette didn't waste any time speaking to them, initiating combat in an instant.

She had a great knack for fighting. After constant training, she was already much more powerful than before. She would find a way to survive this, even if it meant that she had to murder other people in her way. She would not let herself be beaten by others. It was insulting.

"This b*tch sure knows how to fight! Everyone, get her!" one of the men yelled, clutching his bleeding belly.

She was too fast! He couldn't have evaded her attacks even if he had tried.

Everyone rushed forward, charging towards her. At that moment, Yvette turned around to look at Patricia and yelled, "Get outta here!"

She would find a way out of this by herself once her client, Patricia, was safe.

When Patricia saw blood, she panicked. Heeding Yvette's order, she stepped on the gas pedal with a pale face. The engine rumbled to life despite the damage done to its exterior. Eventually, she managed to drive away. She could care less about Yvette at this moment. She paid for her services anyway.

The car sped off into the distance.

"F*ck! Quick, go get her!" the leader, Abel, ordered some of his men.

It was not difficult to catch up to her because Patricia's driving skills weren't great. She was usually a decent driver but the panicked state she was in had thrown that out the window.

While two cars had departed to chase after Patricia, there were still more than a dozen people surrounding Yvette.

When she saw that Patricia had managed to get away, she felt reassured and began to think of a way to get herself out of there.

"She's still fighting back! Everyone, charge!" Abel instructed.

Yvette knew that the situation was getting dangerous. She knew the only way out of this was to kill the leader off.


She planned to aim her dagger straight at Abel's heart!


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