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My Billionaire Mom novel Chapter 446

Chuck and Willa were going to Central City together.

Meanwhile, Lara finally got the answer she was waiting for. A talent agency saw her photos and said that she could check out their office in Central City.

It was a man who had called and he had spoken highly of Lara. He said that her figure was very good. He had seen women with great figures definitely became big-name celebrities. When Lara heard this, she was over the moon.

Indeed, looking at her situation, it was too easy to be a star. She had thought too lowly of her own talents before.

She would definitely become a world-famous star!

She packed up her things immediately and couldn't wait to buy a flight ticket to Central City. Not long after that, she landed in the city.

After leaving the airport, she took a taxi to the agency.

"Wow, this company's magnificent!"

Lara was shocked as she looked up at the splendid building. Such a powerful company should be able to make her famous in no time!

Lara entered merrily and went to the front desk to inquire. Then, she was taken to a place by the receptionist.

She walked in and exclaimed with glee, "This place's so spacious. I'm going to be a star soon. I'm really looking forward to it!"

Lara was very eager as she waited in the room, which was the place for the actress' audition.

Soon, a man came in.

When he saw Lara, his eyes lit up. She was young and beautiful, and her figure was flawless.

He had been doing this line of business for a long time but he had never seen such a woman with such an immaculate body. She was 20 years old and filled with energy. She was full of youth, especially in regards to her frame.

"Ahem!" The man cleared his throat.

Lara was nervous as she introduced herself, "Hello, my name's Lara Jean..."

The man closed the door and locked it.

He sat down.

"Give me your measurements," the man said.

"Well, my measurements are..." Lara began.

"Not bad. Which aspects are you prepared to do? Looking at your resume, I see you'd like to be an actress?" he questioned as he opened up the file containing her information.

"Yes, I'd like to be an actress and be a part of television shows. I want to be famous," Lara answered and came over to him excitedly.

"Okay. Show me what you've got. Make a sad face for me."

Lara thought of not having seen Chuck for a long time. She was saddened at once and tears welled up in her eyes.

"Good. To get to the specifics, you need to come to my room." Saying this, the man stood up.

"Okay." Lara was stoked. Was he going to mentor her?

Come downstairs with me." The man opened the door and went out. Lara followed him with her bag on her back.

When they arrived at the car park, Lara followed the man into the car. She hesitated for a moment and asked, "Why do you want to go out of the office?"

"No reason. Are you hopping in?"

Lara bit her lip and said reluctantly, "Yes."

She thought that she must be overthinking. This company would not mess around. Thus, Lara got into the car, noting that the man was used to this procedure.

Then, he drove Lara to a hotel.

"Why are we here?" Lara was alerted. What was going on?

"No reason. Are you coming?" The man looked back and Lara shook her head. She said, "I won't. I'm here to be an actress."

"There's a crew filming something there," he said indifferently. "You sure you aren't going?"

"Are you going to let me act now?" Lara was surprised. That was fast!

"Yes. Are you up for it?"

"Yes, I am. I'm sorry. I was just..." Lara apologized hurriedly. The man glanced at her and went out straight away. Lara followed him out of the car cautiously. They went into the hotel and arrived at the door of his room.

The man took out the room card, opened the door, and went in. Lara followed him excitedly but after she went in, she didn't see any filming equipment. What was going on?

"Aren't you filming?" Lara asked in a low voice, "Why's there not a single camera?"


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