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My Billionaire Mom novel Chapter 480

Upon hearing the man's words, the other members of the Dakolta family exchanged a look.

They didn't know what else to say.

It was logical. It was not easy to annihilate such a big family, was it?

At least, the sudden halt of the Champ family crisis could be the doing of that person. It made sense for the perpetrator to stop after discovering just how impossible it was to completely wipe out the family.

"Waverly, what do you think?" the head of the Dakolta family asked. He was an old man with silver-white hair.

"Grandpa, I think what Uncle had just deduced is possible. I think we're a little better off than the Champ family. But the way the Champ family had been targeted should not wipe them out just like that, unless the person behind this takes a more aggressive approach like what happened with the Allen family... What do the rest of you think?" Waverly inquired.

Soon, the other members of the Dakolta family began to express their opinions.

"I think you're right. I reckon this fellow isn't even that capable! The only reason this person could destroy the Allen family must be that he got the help of the killer organization! They must have sneaked up on the Allen family. The Allen family spent less than one billion dollars on their security defense each year, they'd certainly be an easy target! But if this person tries to infiltrate us, he will have troubles coming his way! We'll wipe him out in no time!" someone snarled.

"I agree! This person can't be very wealthy. After destroying the Allen family, this fella took all the Allen family's assets and properties. Why would a rich person do that if he already has the money? The Champ family was targeted later. However, this person soon realized that he wasn't strong enough to wipe the Champ family out and decided to give up! It was too far fetched for the fella!" another added.

"However, it's amazing that this person was able to cause such a huge ruckus to the Champ family. The Champ family is quite literally in ruins right now," someone piped up.

"In ruins? What makes you say that? The leaked information contained all the Champ family's secrets. I reckon there's a whistleblower in that family! They must have cooperated with the person who destroyed the Allen family and tried to set up their own family. Perhaps, they were discovered so that's why they stopped!" another proposed.

"Hey, that does make sense!" someone agreed.

"I think so too!" another piped up.

"I'm sure that's what's going on!" someone affirmed.

Everyone in the Dakolta family was voicing their comments and agreed that the fella who destroyed the Allen family was shameless.

If he were to ever challenge the Dakolta family, he would definitely meet his end.

Waverly on the other hand was still a bit suspicious. Were these deductions accurate?

"Waverly, what do you think?" the head of the Dakolta family asked.

At that, everyone turned to look at her.

The girl was young, but she was smart.

She might be able to find out who this person was.

"I think we'd better wait and see first. I'll try my best to find out who this person is. After all, this fella was able to destroy the Allen family. We must be cautious," Waverly warned.

"Don't worry, Waverly. After the Allen family's incident, I've already ordered a bunch of stuff for defence from the United States and put them in place already. If this person dares attack us, it'll be the death of him!" Waverly's third uncle added.

"Uncle, you are a master of martial arts. If you say that there isn't a problem, of course, I'll trust you," Waverly said with a smile.

This man used to serve in the army in the United States and even had his own team of mercenaries. He had been guarding the Dakolta family well for a long time.

The rest of the family breathed out a sigh of relief at that. The Allen family had only made a small investment in defense so it was no wonder they were breached so easily. Unlike the Allen family, the Dakolta family on the other hand was definitely not stingy with defense. Each year, they spent nearly three billion dollars on upgrading their defenses.

The Dakolta family was absolutely impenetrable.

Sneak attacks on them would never be successful.

"Well then, I'll figure out who that person is," Waverly stated. She could start with Cheryl Champ for clues.

The others murmured in agreement.

Almost everyone in the Dakolta family agreed to it.

Waverly walked out not long after that. Should she try looking for Cheryl now? Would Cheryl agree to meet her? She didn't think it would be a problem to arrange a meeting with Cheryl.

With a confident smile, Waverly started to contact Cheryl...

Meanwhile, the same scenario happened in one of the other Four Greatest Households. The members of the family were trying to figure out who that person was.

However, it was to no avail.

Everyone was curious about the attack on the Champ family. Why had the attack ceased so suddenly?

What had made the person change his mind?

Was this person not strong enough to defeat the Champ family so he gave up in the end?


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