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My Billionaire Mom novel Chapter 485

"My goodness, Willa. Don't you feel lonely? You've lived life alone like this for a whole thirty years?" Willa's friends were astonished.

They were really taken aback.

It was natural for both men and women to have a s*x drive. However, how could that not cross Willa's mind? She had even spent every night watching movies and reading books!

"Do you really not do anything else?" Emily hinted with a 'you-know-what-I-mean' expression.

Willa did not seem to understand what she had meant but she nodded anyway.

A few of her friends exchanged glances and smiled. They were women, after all, so talking about this topic shouldn't be a problem.

It seemed to them that Willa did have other ways of relieving her boredom.

"What are you all laughing about? Why are you smiling like that..."

Willa was dumbfounded. A moment later, she finally understood what they were implying and quickly spoke up to correct them, "Hold on, no! I don't do whatever it is you're all thinking about right now, okay? I swear I only read books or watch TV shows. Either that or I would continue training myself."

Willa was speaking the truth. Whenever she was alone at home, she was nothing but productive. Her favorite thing to do was learning and she liked martial arts.

Training, running, punching... She loved all kinds of martial arts. They allowed her to stay young.

Her friends were rendered speechless. It would be unbelievable if these words were uttered by any other person, but this was Willa. She would not lie to them.

They knew Willa's personality very well.

While some of them were the same age as Willa, one of them was three years younger than her.

However, Willa looked much younger than them. Her constant exercising had made her stay youthful.

Exercising gave her a smooth and perfect skin complexion, and she didn't have any wrinkles at all. She even looked beautiful without any make-up.

Some of her friends didn't dare compare themselves to her beauty.

One could not achieve her standard without strong determination.

So, this was Willa's life. If she wasn't reading books, she would be training.

This was how she had always lived.

"Willa, I really admire you. A few of us would feel really uncomfortable if we don't get some affection from our boyfriends every day. Compared to us, you're like a saint!" Willa's friends felt sorry for her. They couldn't fathom how she could stand it.

"Willa, how do you do it?"

"Yeah, how? Do tell us!"

Her friends chattered away.

"Just be in a state of calm. If you don't have anything that needs getting done, just go to bed," Willa replied with a smile.

Her friends looked at each other in dismay.

"Willa, I'm sorry but I have to ask. Are you... Are you still the same as you were when you were younger? You know what I mean, that is..." Emily trailed off.

Willa was startled by her audacity. "I refuse to answer that," she managed to get out eventually.

"Tsk, you must still be a virgin then," one of them said.

"Yeah, that much is clear," another added.

Willa felt a little overwhelmed by their comments and she spoke up, "Let's not talk about that. Yes, okay. I'm still a virgin."

It was true. After all, Willa had never had a boyfriend.

Her friends were stunned by this information. She had no boyfriend and no nightlife? How could she spend her nights like this?

"Willa, you're thirty now and still don't have a boyfriend. You must fancy someone, right?" Emily asked.

"That's right. It's impossible for you to not like someone. You must be really loyal to him if that's the case."

Willa's friends looked at her expectantly.

All of a sudden, Willa fell silent.

Who did she like?

She had already admitted to herself that she had fallen for Chuck, hadn't she?

"Jackpot! Willa finally has someone in mind! Tell us! We want to know who this lucky man is," Emily squealed in excitement.

"Who is it?" one of them probed.

"Are you okay, Willa? Why aren't you speaking?" another friend asked upon noticing her silence.

Someone interjected, "Oh no, it can't be, can it?"


"I have never seen Willa with other men before. I think she might be hiding her feelings for this man! She must be secretly crushing on them!"

"That's impossible. Why would she need to do that? People are queueing miles just to get together with her!"

Her friends started to discuss.


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