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My Billionaire Mom novel Chapter 560

The audience was shocked!

Be the audience or the gamblers, everyone was dumbfounded by how Owen was beaten with one punch!

Such a tall and strong man was knocked to the ground, just like that?

In addition, he was struggling to even stand up. What happened?

Everyone crowded around him.

The two girls were shocked. Were they dreaming?

Regine's eyes widened. How could this be possible?

Chuck, who was physically smaller, actually managed to fell a larger man with one punch?

Her mind went blank. She was ready to send Chuck to the hospital just a while ago, but now it seemed that it wasn't necessary.

To be fair, Chuck did mention that he also trained previously. Could he have learnt martial arts before?

Was she just misunderstanding Chuck all along? Was he in reality a master of martial arts?

Outside the casino, Black Rose witnessed this scene through her telescope. She muttered expressionlessly, "He improved in such a short time?"

She was a little surprised. She put down the telescope, picked up the unfinished green bean cake and continued to nibble at it. She wondered how on earth the cake was made. It was so delicious...

Meanwhile, there was absolute silence in the casino.

Those who were most shocked were none other than Elise and Owen, who was currently on the ground stupefied.

Owen clasped his stomach in pain and stood up in disbelief. Was he actually defeated?

Soon, his feeling of shock was replaced by immense anger. That b*stard Chuck! Did he just pull a sneak attack?

Similarly, Elise was at a loss. What was going on? How could this timid man beat Owen?!

It had to be an illusion!

"Owen was actually pushed backwards by a single punch! Who is this foreign man? He's amazing!"

"He really is. Owen really lost it today! Such a strong guy can't beat a foreign man, what a shame!"

The crowd gossiped feverishly about Owen's loss, their mocks reaching Owen's ear. He was exasperated by the humiliation and shame he had to bear in front of so many people.


Owen roared angrily and charged towards Chuck.

Chuck shook his head. With Owen's emotions in a knot, he was full of loopholes and flaws. Owen was pretty emotionally weak to be provoked so easily. Chuck seized the opportunity and struck another punch. Since he wore a special metal ring weighing ten pounds on his hand, his fist packed an extremely strong punch!

It landed on Owen's stomach.

Owen screamed and knelt on the ground from the impact. He groaned as he clutched his stomach and vomited. A pungent smell instantly filled the room.

There was dead silence once again.

If Chuck's previous punch was a sneak attack, then what about this time? What was this? It was a one shot one kill move for sure!

Elise gawked at the sight of Owen on the ground.

"How can this be!" Owen gritted his teeth and panted heavily from the pain.

"You're just trash," Chuck gave him a kick.


Owen howled and laid on the ground. As Chuck's fist headed towards him like a flash of lightning, Owen cowered like a mouse and begged, "Don't hit me. I admit defeat!"

Owen climbed to his feet.

What the hell?

Such a strong man was actually begging for mercy?

The audience was in denial.

The two girls were completely shocked and almost dropped their jaws. "How's this possible? Why is he so powerful?"

Regine was even more surprised at Chuck.

Was Chuck actually so skilled? She remembered that when he was in high school, he seemed very weak. When did he become so powerful?

"Owen, how could you?!" Elise glared at Owen angrily.

"I..." Owen's face was hot from the shame, too embarrassed to even stay for another second. He stared at Chuck viciously and mumbled through gritted teeth, "Exchange the tokens for him!"

He got up and stumbled towards the exit. Today was an absolute embarrassment for him, and he couldn't possibly stay longer. The fact that he couldn't even defeat a weak foreign man made him want to bury himself in a hole.

What more, he was defeated in front of the pretty Regine Johnson. There was no way that he could stay in the room!

The people in the casino looked at each other in dismay.

Someone came over with a stunned look and said, "Sir, I'll help you exchange these for money!"

"Okay, exchange all of these, please," Chuck stretched and said.

Some people carried his tokens away to be exchanged for cash.

Everyone looked at Chuck with envy.

"Chuck, you've actually learned martial arts before?" Regine walked over blankly and asked. She thought that Chuck had just worked out casually. Her heart thumped loudly at the sight of Chuck's muscular biceps. Seriously, why was he so skilled?

She seemed to have gone back to the times where she accidentally saw Chuck's six pack in the bar...

At that time, she remembered her intent to approach him and talk to him...


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