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My Billionaire Mom novel Chapter 565

Seeing that Karen's mobile phone had fallen to the ground, Betty was shocked and hurriedly picked up the phone.

However, when Karen came back to her senses, she grabbed up her phone immediately with trembling hands and asked, "Black Rose, what did you say? What did you say about my son?"

Did something happen to the Young Master?

Betty was extremely shocked because she had been with Karen for so many years and had never seen Karen lose her composure like this. The only person who could possibly make Karen act like this was Chuck.

"I came back with Chuck just now. On the way, there was a car tailing me, so I made Chuck leave first. I followed him, but I was stopped by a big truck. When I caught up with him, I saw..."

"What did you see??" Karen's voice was trembling.

"I saw Chuck's car on fire..." Black Rose continued.

"My-my son is inside? Inside the car?" Karen's eyes were red-rimmed.

"No, but there is a pool of blood at the scene."

"If he's not there, then I'm sure he's still alive. Where are you now?"

"I'm 30 kilometers away from your house..."

"I'll be right there." Karen hung up. Her eyes were tearing up. Betty asked carefully, "President Lee, the Young Master..."

"Something happened to my son," Karen replied as she ran outside, closely followed by Betty.

When they rushed out, Yvette had just finished her work. She was exhausted and came out to have some water. Seeing Karen and Betty so anxious, she was stunned. What was going on?

Yvette was hesitant, but there was a kind of strange nervousness in her heart.

"Urn... Karen, what's wrong? What happened?" Yvette ran over and felt that something was amiss.

How could Karen, such a calm woman, be so anxious?

No trivial matter could cause Karen to behave like this.

"Something happened to Chucky," Karen turned around and said.


Yvette was shocked. She felt that her heart was suddenly empty. Her eyes were blurry and she asked anxiously, "What happened to him?"

"Chucky was being tailed. When Black Rose hurried over, she saw Chucky's car on fire, but he's gone," Karen responded quickly.

Tears welled up in Yvette's eyes as she said, "I'll come with you."


The trio rushed out of the villa. Karen was behind the wheel. With a loud roar, they left the villa in a rush.

"How can this happen?" Yvette dialed Chuck's number, only to find that his phone was turned off.

Her heart pounded loudly.

"Don't panic. Let's deal with it when we reach there." Karen remained calm.

"Yes." Yvette wiped away her anxious tears.

In less than five minutes, they arrived and got out of the car.

By now, the pool of blood that Black Rose saw was almost dry.

Black Rose saw Karen coming over.

She stood up and was silent.

"Betty, check all surveillance cameras within a 30-mile radius right away," Karen ordered.

"Understood." Betty immediately went about it.

When Yvette saw the burnt car, her tears flowed silently. How could this be?

She was planning to talk to Chuck before going to bed.

But now, was he not coming back?

Karen was calm. For the first time since she started working, Black Rose found herself at a loss for words. She could not face Karen, but she forced herself to say something, "I'm sorry, I..."

"I know you've tried your best. Black Rose, tell me what happened. Who was tailing my son..."

"Okay," Black Rose gave her the details. Karen was trying to look for clues.

She had been silent all these while and did not interrupt Black Rose, carefully considering each and every detail Black Rose provided.

She kept at it until Black Rose finished.

"Who do you think is after my son?" Karen asked.

"Well, it should be a member of the Lee family. Otherwise, who would go after him?" Black Rose had analysed on her own before they arrived.


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