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My Billionaire Mom novel Chapter 584

Chuck continued on his way without looking back. Adriana was too proud, but she didn't even have a single penny with her. On top of that, he didn't owe her any favors, so what was she acting up for?

After walking around for a long while, he decided that he couldn't continue wandering aimlessly. He needed to call Karen for help.

What Adriana said about her family must be true, but was the difference between his and her family really as vast as she had said?

Was the amount of money that they earned annually really equivalent to all of Karen's wealth accumulated throughout her life?

If that was true, it would be a terrifying amount indeed!

Chuck felt a little uneasy. It would best if he could get in contact with Karen now.

However, he couldn't even understand the language here, so how on earth would he be able to borrow a phone? Suddenly, he thought of a plan. Since he was hungry anyway, he could just eat for free and have the owners lend him a phone for him to pay for the meal. That would work, right?

By then, he would simply need to ask Karen to send someone over.

Chuck saw a restaurant nearby and immediately entered it. After a waiter seated him, he ordered a few dishes and waited for the food to arrive.

Truth to be told, the dishes here did not suit his taste buds. However, he was famished, so he couldn't afford to be picky.

After he finished his meal, he called the waiter over. After an attempt to signal that he had no money on him, the waiter was immediately infuriated. With one loud roar, several bulky men came over and prepared to beat Chuck up.

Meanwhile, Chuck was at a loss for words. Was violence what these people resorted to when resolving conflicts?

However, he was full of energy now that he had a meal. He managed to overtake all of them and asked one of them to hand over his phone.

The man who was caught was scared half to death. Chuck stared at him speechlessly. He suddenly understood the importance of understanding other languages.


Suddenly, a man carrying a gun came over. Chuck immediately started to run, the loud bangs of the gun right behind him.

The shots of the gun continued on and on.


Chuck felt agitated and helpless. He ran into the crowds, hoping that the man wouldn't dare to fire into the crowd.

Weaving between the crowd, his skin crawled in fear. No matter how powerful he was, a single bullet to the heart would still take away his life.


While he was busy escaping the bullets, he suddenly bumped into a person.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Chuck started to run off without even looking at the person he bumped into.

However, a hand held onto him just as he was about to move again.

Chuck pleaded desperately, "I'm sorry, I didn't do it on purpose."

Being caught by someone while escaping - how scary was that?!

"I know. I did it on purpose," The voice that replied sounded extremely emotional.

It was the voice of someone Chuck knew. He looked up immediately, his eyes meeting with the eyes of a woman who was tearing up. Her lips were trembling as she looked at him.

He felt overwhelmed with happiness and relief, hugging her tightly while exclaiming, "Auntie Logan... Is it really you?"

Chuck was overwhelmed. Being able to meet a familiar face such as Willa at this timing was a miracle.

"Yes, it's me," Willa reassured him gently.

Tears rolled down her eyes. She had been searching for him for so long. Her days were filled with constant worry for Chuck's safety.

She was so concerned that something might have happened to him. Just as she was about to leave this place and head for somewhere else in search of him, he had collided into her. When she saw him, she instantly burst into tears.

Ever since she saw Chuck being hit in the head with a steel pipe, she had been on edge.

On her journey to search for him, she had always been worried about the mountains of obstacles that he would have had to overcome in order to escape. After all, he barely had any experience or knowledge of surviving in the wild.

At first, she was reluctant to leave the Amazon forest. She was initially doubtful that Chuck would find his way out, but eventually tried trusting in his ability to make it out safely.

Hence, she followed her guts and came out of the forest. However, she had searched for a whole day for him to no avail. She then assumed that he was still in the forest and was about to return, only to bump into him here.


The group of men who were after Chuck finally caught up to him. Chuck let go of Willa and stood in front of her.

They had murderous intent in their eyes. Glaring at him fiercely, they had him at gunpoint.

"What are you doing?" Willa asked in a cold tone.

Chuck was taken aback when Willa spoke to them in their native language. She understood them?

On top of that, she was even quite fluent in their language. What an amazing woman. Chuck was in awe at her abilities.

"He didn't pay for his meal and even hit us," Someone replied angrily.

This time, it was Willa's turn to be surprised. She exclaimed in disbelief, "Chucky, did you not pay for your meal?"

"I-1 don't have money on me, Auntie Logan," Chuck was embarrassed.


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