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My Billionaire Mom novel Chapter 587

Betty was furious. This was the first time that anyone had treated Karen this way. How infuriating!

How dare they make Karen sit in a corner?

"What's wrong? Don't you wanna sit down? The only reason I'm letting you sit right now is because of Chuck. If you do not want to sit on the chairs, you're welcome to sit on the floor. The only rule is that you have to always be ten meters away from me. Other than that, you can sit anywhere on the floor as you please. Remember to put a tissue down before you sit down. I hate other people dirtying my floor," Adriana stated coldly.

Karen shook her head and remained standing, "Let's cut to the chase. Chuck is not interested in you, so you don't need to make me sit down out of consideration for him. I will leave as soon as I finish what I came here to say."

"No, you're wrong again."

Adriana glanced over at her and smirked, "It doesn't matter if he's interested in me or not. As long as I'm invested in him, then no one can stop me."

"You... Fine, whatever..." Karen was rendered speechless after hearing her words.

This was the first time in forty years that she had met anyone like Adriana.

"Do not speak to Miss Adriana in this tone," Nelson suddenly spoke up, glaring at Karen. "The same goes for you. Do not speak to me in this tone," Karen warned, frowning.

"Miss, can I slap her?" Nelson asked for Adriana's permission.

If she wasn't here, he would've slapped Karen the moment that she opened her mouth.

"Forget it, give her a chance!"

Adriana wagged a finger at Karen and remarked, "Karen Lee, it seems that you still don't know the Whitlock family very well."

"You don't know me very well, either," Karen shot back, her eyes narrowed dangerously.

"Really? Haha, as long as I'm interested, nobody can hide anything from me." Adriana smiled.

Karen looked at her sharply.

Adriana raised her hand as she gazed at Karen. She suddenly smiled and said, "If you don't believe me, I will prove it to you. You have taken good care of yourself and your facial features aren't shabby. There must be a lot of men who are interested in you. It must be hard to control yourself with that many temptations. Nelson, find out how many times has she cheated..."

Nelson nodded, his eyes scanning Karen from top to bottom as he made a phone call.

Betty was getting more annoyed by the moment. Adriana really was despicable!

However, Karen remained calm. She was confident since she did nothing wrong, so there was nothing to be afraid of! A moment later, Nelson's call finally connected. With a frown, he walked over to Adriana and shook his head, reporting, "There are none."

Adriana was a bit taken aback. She regarded Karen once again in a new light, "You've never cheated?"

"Well, can you really find out anything about any woman in the world?" Karen questioned her instead.

"Yes, as long as I want to. But you've surprised me. How could you not have cheated, not even once? Well, I see that we at least have something in common. I would never cheat in marriage too," Adriana replied calmly.

"Then you should investigate your own mother. See for yourself, if she has ever cheated. To you, this shouldn't be difficult at all," Karen remarked.



Within a moment, Nelson appeared in front of Karen, his eyes glaring at her fiercely.

He could kill her any moment at Adriana's order.

Regardless, Karen remained unnervingly calm. She barely blinked at his sudden movement.

She would never be surprised by something as trivial as this.

Adriana's face froze. She stared at Karen in disbelief, "Karen Lee, what did you just say?"

"Well, you said it yourself," Karen shrugged.

Betty was amused. True! If they could find out the truth about anyone, how about Adriana's own mother? "Young Miss, do you want me to finish her now?" Nelson asked.

"Karen Lee, you are bold. How I wonder where that confidence of yours came from?" Adriana stood up from the sofa and walked towards Karen gracefully, as though a queen approaching her subjects.

"You can look it up yourself. I've finished what I came here to say. My son isn't interested in you, so you should just give up now," Karen replied, shaking her head, "Also, your bodyguard has a really bad temper. You should keep him in check."


All of a sudden, Nelson's fist was aimed directly at Karen's face.

The tension in the air grew heavy all of a sudden. Betty grew pale as she realized that his fist was coming for Karen.

However, Karen remained expressionless, even though his fist was mere millimeters away from her face.


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