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My Billionaire Mom novel Chapter 593

"Mom, it's fine, we'll just put out the fire! It's just one base, don't we have more than that?" Elise didn't seem to think this was a big deal at all.

Something similar had happened before. Hence, it wasn't anything too alarming.

They had other bases anyway. Damage to one of them was practically nothing.

"It's not that. The entire place has almost been burnt to the ground," Sophia explained. If this was really a mistake, it was a fatal one.

It should not have been possible.

"It's alright. We can always get people to rebuild it, right?" Elise suggested.

"You're right. Let's just forget about it and have fun," Sophia regained her cheerfulness.

Her daughter had grown up. To be cool-headed in a time of crisis was a good thing.

In the future, Sophia thought Elise would make a good heir.

After all, this was their family's way of doing things: to never panic and lose their cool.

Things could only get done by not panicking.

"Alright, Mom, let's go get a drink. You know, that man over there keeps looking at you," Elise teased. He seemed like a slightly older man from the United States and was pretty handsome. "Please, I'm not in the mood," Sophia shook her head. She was in charge of the Lawrence family now, so she had to be wary of everyone around her.

"Fine, let's go grab a drink then. I'm getting bored over here," Elise wanted to get drunk. She hoped the mercenaries would bring her results when she sobered up the next day.

And so, the women went to get their drinks.

However, just as Sophia was about to take her first sip, her phone rang. She frowned at it and answered the call.

"What is it?" Sophia asked coldly.

She was now the leader of the household. When speaking to her subordinates, she had to put on a tough facade.

"It's terrible!" The voice trembled.

"What happened?"

"Base number three..."

"What's wrong with it?" Sophia's face sank.

"It's on fire! All the weapons are in the fire as well. And the ten newly developed helicopters, they're also..." The voice trailed off.

There had been a fire followed by an explosion just now. There was essentially no time to contain the fire so it started to spread at an alarming rate.

In the explosion, the valuable data on weapons' research kept in the base had been completely destroyed.

"Are you pulling my leg? You have a death wish, don't you?" Sophia's expression darkened. It was data worth billions of dollars.

All that valuable research was all gone!

The fire had destroyed them.

"I... Please spare me! I've been watching the area very strictly! But, the fire was too sudden, I wasn't able to put it out in time..." Over on the other end of the phone, the bald man, Bob, was almost scared to tears.

"Look into it. If you can't find the cause behind all of this, I'll kill your entire family!" Sophia spat and hung up the phone.

"Mom, what's wrong?" Elise asked. Why did her mother look so solemn all of a sudden?

What was going on?

"Base No. 3 has caught fire. Ten helicopters worth 150 million US dollars each have been burned down."

"What?!" Elise exclaimed loudly. Why was there another fire?

Did it have something to do with the previous one as well? The time difference between them was too short to be a coincidence.

"I think someone might be messing with us," Sophia couldn't help but consider this possibility.

If it was only the one fire in the base, the cause might have been one of the workers' negligence.

However, two bases caught fire in a short period of time. Everything had been burnt to a crisp. This was a dire situation indeed.

It was unlikely that this was merely a coincidence. "Mom, it's impossible, right? Who would dare provoke us?" Elise voiced out.

The Lawrence family was one of the Four Greatest Households. There were only a few other families in the world that could be compared with them. Who would have the guts to do this to them?

Weren't they afraid of dying?

"I think someone has a death wish," Sophia gritted her teeth.

The other families in the The Four Greatest Households wouldn't commit such an act so flagrantly. After all, they had to worry about the repercussions.

Therefore, this possibly couldn't be the work of the other prominent households. It was someone else.

"What should we do then?" Elise asked angrily.

This loss was not a big deal to her family.

However, it had openly challenged the power of the Lawrence family.

This was unacceptable.

The reputation of their family was particularly important. If someone wronged them, they had to be severely punished. Otherwise, other families would think that it was okay to bully their family like this as well.

"I'll ask the other bases to maximise their security," Sophia replied.

She was honestly taken aback. The base's defences were top-notch. In theory, nothing should have been able to get past them, not even a mosquito! Even if one were to fly in, the guards would be alerted instantly.


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