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My Billionaire Mom novel Chapter 595

The woman shown on the screen was dressed in full black with her hair tied up. It was none other than Karen Lee.

Sophia felt an overwhelming sense of anger.

She had concluded that this was probably the doing of the secret families. Under her strict surveillance, who else could've managed to pull off something like this?

How could someone other than the people from those families accomplish this?

However, it turned out to be the doings of an exiled member of Lee family instead.

Truth to be told, Sophia had excluded Karen from her list of suspects immediately after finding out that her bases had been attacked.

There were several reasons for it.

First of all, Karen was incapable of accomplishing something of this scale.

Besides, she was chased out of the Lee family.

Furthermore, she even dared to attack her own family after being exiled, which was absolutely despicable.

Moreover, wasn't she currently in search of her son? How could she have managed to do this even while looking for her son?

Yet, the truth was that Karen really was the one behind it all.

Sophia could feel the anger boiling in her veins.

"Mom, this is..." Elise saw the frozen image on the monitor, realizing that the figure shown was somewhat familiar.

After all, she barely saw Karen around.

"What?! Karen Lee? How dare she provoke the Lawrence family?!" Sonia exclaimed in shock and anger.

She didn't expect it to be Karen as well. The hypothesis that it was done by the secret families was much more plausible.

"Huh? Karen Lee?" Elise asked in surprise.

What was going on?

What business did Karen have with the Lawrence family? How dare she try to do something like this?

Was she just looking for her own death?

Elise couldn't understand it at all.

How could a woman, who was abandoned by her family, possibly be so bold?

"Sophia, why would she attack us? Is she trying to use the same excuse as she did when she attacked her own family? That she's looking for her son?" Sonia's gaze was cold.

"Possibly. Karen Lee, how dare you provoke me on your own even when I left you alone!" Sophia said icily.

Within two days, ten of the Lawrence family's bases had been destroyed. The family's pride had been trampled on and tainted.

What should they do now?

"Hmph, humiliating the Lawrence family like this is unforgivable. No matter what, I'll return her favor ten times over. Sophia, let's go destroy her company!" Sonia was extremely angry.

How infuriating!

The prestige of the Lawrence family was being destroyed by someone like Karen Lee.

How dare she!

"Very well. Make the arrangements for it now. Make sure that it's done perfectly, and don't bother to hide that we were the ones who did it. I will let everyone know of the consequences should they provoke us!" Sophia's eyes narrowed.

An eye for an eye.

"Yes. I will make sure that everything is carried out perfectly," Sonia left with an eerie smile on her face.

All of a sudden, the phone rang again.

It was Sophia's phone.

Sonia stopped in her tracks. She was agitated, "Could it be that another base has been destroyed?"

Sophia stared at her mobile phone. The person was calling from her own house.

Elise was surprised and prompted her mother to take the call, "Mom?"

Sophia accepted the call, "Speak."

"Karen Lee wants to see you!" It was the captain of the Lawrence family's Superb Household Forces.

"What?" Sophia's anger instantly flared up.

Was Karen coming voluntarily to own up to her crimes?

Not only did she not hide, she actually had the audacity to come to them?!

Sophia sneered, "How many men did she bring with her? There must be a lot, right?"

Was she trying to use the same tactics as she did when she attacked the Lee family?

How unfortunate. As a major dealer of armory, the amount of money that Sophia invested in her own home security annually was astounding.

How dare Karen try to sneak an attack on her?

Elise and Sonia looked at each other in utter shock. Did Karen really just appear on her own?

What was she trying to do?

"Only a few! All of them can fit in one car," The captain was also stunned. He was still oblivious to the fact that the bases had been destroyed by Karen Lee.

Therefore, he was just astonished and not angered.


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