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My Billionaire Mom novel Chapter 617

"If you like her, I hope you find this marriage arrangement agreeable. There are not many women with good genes like hers," Thomson said.

"Alright, but... you're sure she's really lost all her memories?" Loomis asked, turning to catch another glimpse of Willa on her bed.

"I'm sure. Look, didn't it play out well just now?"

Loomis smiled faintly at the memory. He was a pretty charming fellow, so he could make this work.

He had just been asking out of curiosity anyway.

"But she doesn't seem to trust me ... " Loomis continued. When he had touched Willa's hand just now, her subconscious reaction was to pull back from him and to tell him not to touch her coldly.

This woman was very resistant to his charms.

However, the more she resisted, the more it enticed Loomis.

It was a challenge he could not back down from.

Willa wasn't a bumbling idiot; she was smart. It would be interesting to see how far he could go to convince her that he was her lover.

After all, Loomis was not one to back down from a challenge so easily.

"You're a giant flirt. What kind of woman would trust you?" Thomson retorted.

"Dad, you only have yourself to blame! I've learned it all from you after all ... " Loomis teased.

"You're getting more and more insolent these days ... " Thomson replied without any anger. After all, he was his favourite son after all.

"Alright then. This decision you've made... I like it," Loomis said as he continued to stare longingly at Willa.

She was gorgeous.

She looked so delicate right now that it was love at first sight for him. He had never felt like this for anyone before.

"Well then, that settles it. You do know why I agreed to this, right?" Thomson questioned calmly.

"What is it? Did you want to elevate Willa's status?" Loomis asked, pretending to be confused.

"Stop joking around, Loomis. If you don't get me a grandson in a year's time, I'm getting rid of her," Thomson warned, right before leaving.

When he had stumbled upon Willa's injured state, he had already planned it all in advance.

For an aged man like him, he thought Willa was a beauty. She was 1.72 meters tall and had beautiful features. The children she would bear would no doubt inherit her genes.

They would be tall and good-looking.

The Yeager family was a powerful hidden family, so they needed more descendants to carry their family name into the far future.

Willa could help them do just that.

"Don't sweat it, Dad. I won't let you down," Loomis chuckled as he said.

He proceeded to snap his fingers to summon help.

Within moments, someone made their way over hurriedly, "Young Master, what can I help you with?"

"Get the best congee cooker here at once," Loomis instructed.

"Mr. Alvin has just left. He has a shop to tend to," The other man explained cautiously.


Loomis had landed a slap on the man's face, narrowing his eyes as he said, "Want to repeat that?"

In fear, the man started to get on his knees, "Sorry, Young Master. Please, hold on a moment. I'll call for him right now."

"Get him back here in ten minutes. If he's not here by then, I'll kill him! Ask him to prepare a pot of congee for me. I want to present it as my own to Willa," Loomis smiled as he said.

With a firm nod, the man hurried away.

Loomis turned to look at Willa through the glass again and muttered to himself with a smile, "Beauty, this is a golden opportunity for you to climb the social ladder I'm offering you. You'd better appreciate this."

Willa did not fall asleep after she was left alone. She had been thinking about that peculiar Loomis guy. If they really were a couple, why didn't she feel even a hint of a passion for him? All she felt was unfamiliarity.

Willa sighed and vaguely recalled the characteristics of the person she had liked. He was someone that she thought was cute. He was younger than her and may even still be studying in university. However, why did she feel a little sad and lost when she thought about him?


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