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My Billionaire Mom novel Chapter 621

The audience burst into an uproar.

Guffaws of disbelief and surprise echoed the halls.

"What?! Who is it?"

"400 million dollars?! That guy must be seriously rich!"

Everyone started to discuss amongst themselves.

Maria was stunned. When she had finally come back to her senses, she exclaimed out loud, "400 million dollars! The guest from private room number 16 has bid 400 million dollars! Is anyone willing to go higher?"

Once she said that, the hall fell absolutely silent.

"No one's going to bid more, right? They can't possibly bear to do so!"

After all, this was all for a mere ginseng plant!

Meanwhile, in the private room.

Indeed, it was Chuck who bid the 400 million.

He needed the ginseng to cure his head injury! He had to obtain it no matter how much it would cost.

"Hubby, I think the other person's trying to one-up you," Yvette said unhappily.

She believed that the other person had done this on purpose.

Chuck shook his head a little dismissively, showing that he did not care much even if that was the case.

Black Rose spoke up from her corner, "Well, there are a lot of wealthy people in this country as well."

Chuck nodded in agreement.

To the truly wealthy individuals, bidding a few hundred million or even tens of billions of dollars would not be a problem. It was merely a spare change for them.

Everyone in the hall was silent with anticipation.

"800 million dollars!"

This voice that rang out sounded incredibly indifferent.

This dumbfounded everyone that was present.

They couldn't believe that the price was still rising!

And to 800 million dollars?!

Was this ginseng Immortal Exilir? Even if it was, 800 million dollars was too much.

The price was already unbelievable.

Of course, the person who bid 800 million dollars was Loomis.

He was just entertaining himself now. After all, he was a member of a hidden family. No one could possibly outbid him.

On this Earth, the only families that could compare with the Yeager family were the other two hidden families.

Every other family was trash.

Willa felt a little taken aback by the development of things. She felt something tapping into her mind. However, she did not know what it was trying to tell her.

"You want to pay that much for a simple ginseng?" Willa asked.

"That's right," Loomis answered firmly.

"But it's..."

"I will do everything I can to pursue what I like. For example, since I like you so much, I'm willing to do my absolute best to gain your affection," Loomis smiled.

Willa shook her head at that, remaining quiet.

"800 million dollars! To the guest from the first private room! Absolutely incredible! Does anyone want to bid higher than 800 million dollars?" Maria announced.

There was no way anyone else would bid higher.

It was already too much for mere ginseng.

Hence, there was no way the guest from the 16th private room would bid higher than that.

Everyone in the hall looked at each other in dismay.

It had gone extremely quiet.

However, just when everyone thought that the auction would end just like that, a voice rang out like thunder and said, "1 billion dollars!"

Chuck had decided to bid again.

He had to get his hand on the ginseng!

Silence ensued.

It was as if everyone had been put on mute.

A few seconds later, the audience was overcome with waves of shock.

"Goodness! Did someone actually bid 1 billion dollars?! Did I hear it wrongly?"


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