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My Billionaire Mom novel Chapter 637

"Where are we?"

Chuck was confused. The plane had been flying for a very long time, and they had entered a mountain.

To his surprise, there was a huge empty space under the mountain. Several private jets were already parked there, and the whole place looked ostentatious.

What kind of place was this?

How could there be anyone living in the mountains? It seemed like they were living in seclusion. However, apart from being surprised, Chuck also seemed to have understood.

They didn't require cars to go out, they could just use planes.

Perhaps this was the life of a billionaire?

This was the true luxurious lifestyle. Everything could be sent through planes - food, drinks, and even women...

"You'll see for yourself later," Adriana replied.

Of course, the Whitlock family lived inside a mountain too. Although the mountain looked ordinary, no one would've noticed that there were multiple security cameras monitoring the movement of people entering and exiting the mountain.

There were even multiple guns aimed at the visitors.

If anyone knew the exact numbers, they would be shocked.

Since Adriana had said so, Chuck naturally stopped asking any more questions. She wouldn't answer them anyway.

At this moment, he only wished to see Willa. He would try his best to endure everything else.

The plane headed for the drop point and was about to land.

"Chuck, don't wander around. Follow me," Adriana said.

If she wanted Chuck to rely on her, she had to show him her true abilities, and how much weight her words carried.

Once she conquered him, it would only be a matter of time for him to marry into her family.

''Got it," Chuck was not dumb. He understood that he shouldn't walk off by himself.

He wasn't here to cause trouble but to find Willa. He wouldn't do anything else either way.

The plane finally landed.

Adriana walked in front while Nelson followed behind them with the gifts.

Chuck fell speechless upon checking his phone. Black Rose hadn't replied anything at all. What was going on with her?

Even if she was angry, she needn't do this.

The only thing Chuck could do now was to apologize to her after returning. Then, she would probably calm down, right?

After all, Black Rose wasn't someone who would just put up an attitude for no reason.

They got off the plane.

Chuck saw a gold Rolls Royce coming from afar.

A man in black stepped out of the car and politely greeted them, "Welcome, Miss Whitlock."

They had noticed Adriana's private jet and had come out to greet her.

Adriana nodded and then scanned her surroundings. All other planes belonged to the Yeager family, so it meant that the Yeager family hadn't invited any other outsiders for today's wedding.

In fact, it could be said that the other families were not even qualified to be invited.

Although the Yeager family did not want to be known by the public, they had certainly sent out invitations to the other two hidden families. The Whitlock family was one of them.

This was simple courtesy on the Yeager family's part. It was up to the recipients to choose to attend.

The hidden families were quite secretive and would never reveal themselves to the public. There were only two other hidden families, so the Yeager family would naturally invite them.

Adriana was not surprised. Similarly, she thought that other people were not qualified to attend the wedding. If she were to marry Chuck, she too would not invite outsiders, because other normal families were also not allowed to visit the Whitlock family.

However, was the other hidden family really not planning to attend?

This was the only thing that caught Adriana's attention.

"Get in," Adriana looked at Chuck, who had a strange look on his face.

"Okay," Chuck got into the car.

The man who greeted them glanced over at Chuck. For Adriana to bring this guy over personally, he had to be Adriana's boyfriend.

He was envious. It appeared that the wealthier one was, the more unique their tastes were.

The gold Rolls Royce drove quickly. After a while, Chuck saw a white building that looked like a castle. It looked absolutely luxurious.

Where on earth was this? Which family did it belong to?

As he approached the building, Chuck noticed that the entire castle had already been decorated for a grand wedding ceremony.

It was only then that he realized he was here to attend a couple's wedding ceremony.

Adriana had brought him to someone else's wedding, so was Willa also here to attend the wedding too?


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