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My Billionaire Mom novel Chapter 668

The sound of a trigger being pulled was heard.

From an unknown direction, a spark emerged and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

A bullet was fired.

It whizzed past the bushes.

The silence in the air was cut through.

It buried itself in Seth's body almost instantaneously.


Seth couldn't believe it. The blood was dripping from his shoulder and he didn't feel any pain. However, Karen actually managed to land a hit on him!

"Die, Karen Lee!" Seth was anxious to look for cover.

All of a sudden.

The sound of the trigger was heard again.

Bullets pierced the air.

Seth, who was hiding, was startled and immediately sneered. It seems that he had overestimated her. Her previous shot on him was mostly just a lucky shot.


He was stupefied because...

One of the men hiding beside him touched his bleeding head. A look of horror appeared on his face before he fell in a pool of crimson blood, convulsing and slowly falling silent.

Seth was astonished. It was only then that he started to feel afraid.

"I'm keeping you alive. It's not your own will nor a show of your strength. I just want you to witness the people around you die one by one."

Karen's voice could be heard softly and gently.

The members of the Oatker family were finally panicking.

How on earth did Karen manage to do this?

How did she get in?

More importantly, how did she manage to kill one person with each shot?

It was as if she was a death god!

Seth was trembling and could only stammer, "Karen, y-you..."


Every sound of bullets whirring in the air were announcements of someone's fearful death.

Seth was bewildered. He watched as his fellow companions dropped dead to the ground.

He had suffered so much and had his whole body remade just so he could become stronger and lose his sense of pain. However, what was the use of that?

In the end, he couldn't even resist a single bullet.

The whole Oatker family had fallen into fear. A lot of people were already dead!


Just when Seth was at a loss, he was shot. Out of fear, he tried to dodge the bullet and it hit his hand. With a loud thud, his gun fell onto the ground.

Immediately after that, someone broke down the front door.

A group of men dressed in black marched in. All of them were expressionless and well-trained.

At the very front of the pack was a woman. It was none other than Karen Lee!

"Oh no!"

Everyone was instantly filled with terror.

They were swiftly surrounded by Karen's men.

Everyone was scared. They were held at gunpoint and started begging for mercy on the ground.

Meanwhile, Earl was dumbfounded. Was he dreaming?

Just half an hour ago, things were going great for him. He could already picture Karen's death at his hands. Yet, the tables had turned on him...

He sat helplessly in his chair, his gaze blank and devoid of hope. Fear had already crept onto his expression silently.

At that moment, he regretted what he did to Karen.

He swore he did. Why did he underestimate Karen's strength in the first place?

He should've never become an enemy to Karen.

"Please spare me! I beg you! I promise I will follow you!" Seth begged as he fell to his knees.

He was once a killing machine that could make the Oatker family proud. Yet, none of his feats could take on Karen's remarkable marksmanship. Now, he was the only one left.

It was utterly terrifying!!

"The reason why I kept you alive until now is not so you can beg me for mercy. Instead, you're the last one left only so I can make you understand that I'm capable of killing you!" Karen glanced at him coldly.

Seth's eyes widened as he begged, "Don't kill..."

He couldn't even finish his words. He could only watch as Karen shot a bullet right through his brain.

It stung!

It was a feeling that he hadn't felt in a long time. It was painful...

"1-1..." Seth fell face down onto the ground.


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