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My Billionaire Mom novel Chapter 679

"Okay. If you need anything, feel free to let me know," Chuck smiled.

"Okay," Patricia lowered her head.

In fact, she needed something.

She needed to talk to a friend.

Usually, after Patricia finished her work, she would just go home alone to her room. She felt a little lonely.

In the past, Patricia didn't feel this way at all. Her family members were still with her, so she could talk to them if she encountered any problems. Now that they weren't here by her side, who else could she turn to?

The other day, on her way home, she even met a pervert who almost sexually assaulted her. After she got home, she had been so traumatized that she cried for the entire night.

However, because of the work due the next day, she had forced herself to forget all about it.

If someone had been there to comfort her, she would not have cried alone in the bed in such a lonely and helpless way.

Fortunately, Patricia was still strong and managed to overcome it herself.

In fact, she had wanted to call Chuck that night. However, he was only her boss. What right did she have to call him for emotional support?

Patricia felt disappointed at the thought of this. "Patricia, what's wrong?" Chuck asked in confusion. It seemed that she had wanted to say something. "Nothing. I'm good," Patricia lowered her head and took a sip of water.

"Just let me know if anything happens to you," Chuck said with a serious expression.

"Alright," Patricia nodded, feeling a bit of warmth in her heart. To be able to hear something like this right here, right now, made her feel touched.

She didn't expect to be moved by him.

"I'm serious!" Chuck sighed and held Patricia's hand, hoping that she would feel a little better.

There was no other meaning behind his actions. It was just comfort coming from a friend.

He hoped that she could cheer up soon.

Patricia blushed. She carefully withdrew her hand and said, "I got it. Thank you."

Chuck felt slightly relieved after hearing that. Someone as strong and smart as Patricia should be able to solve any problems that she would encounter.

At this time, a voice suddenly gasped, "Patricia? It's really you! It's great to meet you here!"

It was Jasper, one of the locals who was currently pursuing her.

Ever since Jasper had met her, he had fallen for her beautiful looks.

Jasper had deliberately come to this restaurant for lunch in hopes of meeting her. Fortunately, his efforts paid off and he was finally able to meet her.

Chuck was astonished, but after thinking about it, this was pretty normal. After all, Patricia was a beauty.

She had actually wanted to reject Jasper, but Chuck's sincere concern towards her aroused a strange feeling in her heart.

She didn't really understand why, but she was filled with warmth when Chuck was holding her hand. She didn't hate it at all.

It felt like the first rays of sunlight on a cold winter day, warming her up during her weakest times. She didn't dislike it.

She didn't know what she was thinking, but she just had this urge to show off her charm in front of Chuck.

"Hi," Patricia looked at Jasper and said.

"Wow, you’re finally talking to me. Nice to meet you too," Jasper was ecstatic.

He had noticed that Patricia was having lunch with another man and had initially assumed that it was her boyfriend. He was surprised to find that he was mistaken.

Oh well, Patricia was so beautiful, so how could her boyfriend be such an ordinary man?

Patricia noticed that Chuck hadn't reacted at all. He even smiled at her, as if he was giving her his blessings.

When she saw that, she had mixed feelings. She felt slightly disappointed.

"Let me treat you to lunch," Jasper suggested.

"No, thanks," Patricia's attitude towards him suddenly became cold. She didn't really know what she was doing either.

"Why? Didn't you look happy just now?" Jasper was stunned.

"No," Patricia shook her head.

"Is it because of him?" Jasper suddenly glared at Chuck.

Chuck was speechless when he felt Jasper's murderous gaze on him. He hadn't even done anything!

It was none of his business!

"No, I was just greeting you," Patricia shook her head again.

"What? Oh... I understand. You were deliberately trying to elicit a reaction out of him, right? You wanted to know how he would react if you talked to me! Who do you think I am?" Jasper was instantly enraged.

Upon hearing this, Patricia panicked. Her expression was stiff as she realized that it was indeed what she was trying to do.

Was she trying to test Chuck?

"What are you talking about?" Patricia hissed angrily.


Jasper slapped her right on the face and insulted her, "B*tch!"

Patricia immediately felt a stinging pain on her cheek. Her face was burning red, and she was tearing up.

As she thought of what happened a few days ago, Patricia tried her best to hold in her tears. However, she felt wronged with everything that had happened, her tears overflowing and running down her cheeks.

Chuck was startled. What was wrong with this guy?

He was fine just a few moments ago. All of a sudden, he had slapped Patricia in the face. Chuck was shocked. This was such a drastic turn of events!

As Chuck watched the tears streaming down Patricia's face, he felt sorry for her. He stood up and shouted at Jasper coldly, "What the hell are you doing? Stop right there!"

Seeing that Chuck had stood up for her, Patricia couldn't help but shed even more tears. She couldn't control herself at all.

"F*ck, what do you want? You shorty, are you going to fight me? Are you trying to be a hero here? I'll beat the sh*t out of you!" Jasper cursed in annoyance, about to slap Chuck in a fit of rage.

Chuck's expression was grim, and Patricia was frightened as well. She tried to pull him away to avoid a direct confrontation.

However, Chuck managed to grab hold of Jasper's wrist easily. He tightened his grip.

He was extremely strong!

"Ouch!" Jasper screamed in shock.

He didn't expect Chuck to be able to stop him.


Chuck was expressionless as he slapped Jasper heavily in the face.

In an instant, Jasper's face became red and swollen.


That was followed by a kick in the stomach, and Jasper immediately flew backward from the impact.

He then fell to the ground in a sorry state.

Jasper was both frightened and terrified. He couldn't even get up, but he still struggled and escaped quickly.

The other guests who were eating here stared at Chuck, bewildered.


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