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My Billionaire Mom novel Chapter 691

"All right, let's lay off the small talk. I'm going to school to work," Sabina shook her head, yawned, and began to pack up her things.

Chuck approached her with a dagger. However, Sabina didn't even bother to pay attention to him. She couldn't understand why she had such a gripping sense of trust even though they had only met for the first time. Perhaps their similar childhood played a role in it!

Chuck was speechless and sighed, "I think that if it weren't for the different stances we both hold, we could have become brother and sister."

The precious feeling of cherishing each other's talents was probably what he was feeling now.

Sabina didn't look at Chuck.

She packed up her things and went to make breakfast. Given that she would be very busy in school, lunch at noon might not be possible.

"Less salt for me please," Chuck sat down and waited.

Sabina was outright ignoring Chuck. She cooked herself a bowl of noodles and was about to take a bite. However, he snatched her bowl along with her fork.

Sabina was furious and frowned, "What are you doing? Don't you want to pay for eating my noodles? I bought the noodles with my money, and my expenses only last me for a week. If you ate my portion, I will have to starve!"

Chuck continued, "I told you not to put much salt in it. Your palate is a bit heavy... Hey, did you brush your teeth just now?"

"Goto hell."

Sabina glared at Chuck angrily. Was he implying that she didn't brush her teeth??

Her home was simple. The furniture was either bought at a low price or salvaged from the garbage heap. However, all the furniture had been cleaned thoroughly before being placed in her home.

In other words, Sabina placed the utmost importance on hygiene, so she would brush her teeth as soon as she got up.

Chuck finished his meal. Just then, Sabina took another bowl and gobbled it down a hurry. Then, she pointed to the bowl that Chuck had just taken and said, "You have to finish the soup too. We can't take the food for granted. Don't waste it!"

Sabina was particularly serious because she had finished all the soup in her bowl. She was the kind of person who had suffered a lot and knew how precious it was to eat a filling meal.

Chuck didn't have such a hard time, but he could empathize.

Therefore, he did as he was told and finished everything till the last drop.

Sabina nodded, packed up berthings, and left for school. Chuck sat in the car and slammed the door shut. She was annoyed to see him and said, "You should cherish my things."

"But your car is quite old. If you don't use enough strength, you can't lock it," Chuck muttered.

Sabina blushed. She coughed and said, "Mind you, please cherish my car. It's something that others didn't want, so of course it won't be as modern and brand new as other cars."

"I'll go to the school with you and look around. We're still going to have to end this today. If not, I'll have to start scaring your students away," Chuck said.

"You won't. In your eyes, there is something akin to my students," Sabina said sincerely.

"Uh..." Chuck was startled. Was that so?

"Yes, I can feel kindness in you. I learned how to judge people since I was released from the family at four years old," As Sabina said this, her gaze had an indescribable equanimity to them.

It was as if everyone had nothing to hide in front of her.

This was what she had learned after being abandoned for so many years? Reading a person?

"So, you deemed me a good person at first sight?" Chuck was shocked.

Was there such an intuitive person?

"Yes, I did, which is why I don't really bother dealing with you. If you have experienced everything I had, your judgment about someone will be eerily accurate, possibly even more so than mine. Judging people is based on senses, but you don't have a good sense. Men have a lot on their minds, but well, you can barely pass as a good person," Sabina started to drive.

Chuck was not good at judging people. With his experience alone, he was not a match for Sabina, who grew up alone.

He admitted this point.

Therefore, if he had this experience, he would also be able to read people accurately.


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