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My Billionaire Mom novel Chapter 700

"I have another choice!" Black Rose stared coldly at Edward.

At that moment, the cold character of Black Rose appeared. It was the ruthlessness belonging to that of the top killer!

"No, there are only two choices. Both consequences are to stay with me! There will be no third choice!" Edward shook his head and the smile on his face slowly turned grotesque.

He had seen too many beautiful women, but it was his first time seeing such a perfect woman like Black Rose.

Edward was determined not to let her go easily.

After all, once a man had too many delicacies, no man could resist a top-grade treat!

As of now, Black Rose seemed like a topgrade treat to him!

"You two can go ahead, but don't hurt her. I want her in perfect condition!" Edward laughed and ordered his men to attack Black Rose.

Two of his bodyguards started to take action.

They were both the top combat masters in the Yeager family. Their momentum and composure were truly different compared to normal combat fighters.

Black Rose was calm and did not retreat. She was mentally prepared since the first day she had become a killer!

In fact, she was prepared to die in any situation. But for some unknown reason, she seemed to have something weighing on her mind.

Right then, Black Rose didn't want to die. She wasn't afraid to die. She just felt that something was holding her back and that she had some unfinished business to attend to. She couldn't die here.

Was there something she was worried about?

Black Rose used to be alone, and she was an orphan. She didn't try to look for her family because the moment she was abandoned, it meant that her family didn't need her anymore. Therefore, she certainly didn't need them as well!

What were her worries then?

What was holding her back?

Black Rose didn't understand why she suddenly had such thoughts.

Maybe she was just thinking too much?

"I forgot to tell you. I already recognized the man who came with you as an enemy of the Yeager family. So, I have already sent someone to deal with him. At this moment, he should have been taken to another place!" Edward cackled.

In fact, he had already noticed Chuck when Black Rose came in.

He was glad to see that.

Getting hold of Chuck meant that he would have made a contribution to the family. Wouldn't it be more possible for him to become the head of the family?

Black Rose turned around and was about to rush out. Those who were sent to deal with Chuck must be powerful bodyguards of the Yeager family. Chuck certainly could not handle them. Black Rose's task was to protect him. She did not care about anything else!

"You're already in here, but you want to leave so soon? Haha, grab her! Don't hurt her, I want her perfectly untouched!" Edward laughed maniacally.

If he could watch Black Rose gradually succumbing to the fear, it would make him elated. It would be very interesting to see.


The two bodyguards immediately launched an attack. Their speed was too fast and they were really top combat experts. However, as the top killer, Black Rose was prepared. Even if she didn't have a weapon, she could grab whatever she found and turn them into a deadly killing machine.

In a blink of an eye, she grabbed a wine bottle and smashed it on the table. The bottom of the wine bottle shattered, leaving a sharp, pointy, and jarred glass edge.

She started to retaliate with the bottle.

Two men attacked her and Black Rose retreated. It was not that she was trying to run away or feel scared. It was just that she had to save Chuck!

"Ah! Someone's been killed!"

A sudden cry came from the outside.

It was a mess and many women were screaming their lungs out. They must have seen something terrifying.

"Oh no, why did they kill the foreigner?"

"There's so much blood! Oh my god! What's going on?"

Black Rose could hear their overlapping screams. It sounded like something horrible was happening outside.

Many people ran away, fearing that they might be accidentally injured!

Black Rose was shocked and worried. She couldn't help but call out, "Chuck!"

She wanted to rush out. She had failed to protect him so many times in the past. This time, she couldn't fail. Chuck couldn't die by her watch!

"Haha, it seems that Chuck can't do as well as he did that day. By the way, has he used the bomb? He should use it. Anyways, it won't be able to blow me up!" Edward laughed wildly!

Suddenly, he pressed a button and a bulletproof glass rolled down, protecting him!


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