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My Billionaire Mom novel Chapter 709

"Gold? What the heck are you doing?"

Patricia was dumbfounded. She was not shocked by the gold. After all, her family's assets were worth over ten billion dollars; gold was nothing to her. But who the heck sent so much gold over?

Were they going to smash the floor and pave it again?

It was too extravagant to pave it with gold!

More boxes of gold were brought in. She wondered how many boxes were there.

Were they trying to pave the entire floor of the lobby?

Did Chuck send them over? But how could Chuck not tell her about this?

Patricia was astonished, and so were the other workers.

Everyone could see what was going on, that these people were paving the floor with gold. In the past, the workers too had come across clients who paved their floors with gold. However, none of them used this much gold!

How scary was that?

Everyone was appalled. When Patricia came to her senses, she immediately stopped them, "Stop! Who called you over? All of you stop now!"

Yet no one stopped!

The people carried on in an orderly manner. Since they didn't listen to Patricia, she couldn't stop them. She could only call Chuck and tell him about it.

"What? I'll be right there." Chuck said in shock.

He hung up. As he and Willa were in the middle of a conversation, he said to her, "Auntie Logan, I'm going to the casino now. Would you like to come with me?"

Willa was curious, "To the casino? And meet Patricia?"

Thinking of this, Willa unconsciously thought of what happened that day after she got drunk with Chuck.

Well, well, well.

Chuck still didn't know about it yet.

Did Chuck want to be drunk again?

Willa felt a little embarrassed thinking of this.

"Okay. I'll go wherever you go." Willa nodded, not being able to refuse Chuck.

It was fine to let it happen again, as long as

Chuck liked it.

"Well." Chuck's expression was unreadable.

"Chuck, is something the matter?" Willa suddenly saw Chuck's face changed, and she asked with concern.

"Auntie Logan, there's some trouble down at the casino."

"Trouble?" Willa's beautiful eyes turned cold. She would absolutely not allow anyone to cause trouble at Chuck's place.

No wonder Chuck said that he wanted to go to the casino with her. It turned out that someone was there to cause a ruckus.

To tell the truth, Willa was a little disappointed. She had given her most precious thing to Chuck, but Chuck was still in the dark about it.

Was Willa sad?

Actually, she was not. She willingly did it anyway. What was there to be sad about?

She had given her most precious thing to someone she liked, and not to others.

Therefore, Willa didn't feel sad at all.

So, what was Willa feeling? She felt lost and disappointed, like she had gained something, and lost it at the same time.

"Well, it's not exactly trouble. Just someone smashing up the casino lobby..."

"They're destroying the casino!" Willa was very angry.

"No, they're paving the lobby with gold after smashing it up." Chuck wondered who was behind this.

Paving the lobby? With gold?

How luxurious was that?

When Chuck planned to open a casino, he once had this idea in mind, but it was just an idea. He didn't actually do it.

Of course, when Chuck told his mother about it, she agreed and supported him. She had many gold mines in the United States, so there was absolutely no problem with paving the floor with gold.


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