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My Billionaire Mom novel Chapter 720

"Let him go? Sabina, what did you say?"

Brooke coughed violently, enraged by what Sabina said. Traces of blood could be seen everywhere as he continued coughing.

"Grandpa, I..." Sabina could not comprehend how she could have said that out loud.

Perhaps it was because Chuck understood her.

She did not want someone who knew her so well to die, and to meet his end in her hands!

However, as the future heir of the Yeager family, these were words of betrayal.

Sabina understood this clearly.

"Do you know that Chuck Cannon is who I want to kill the most? I want to see him dead more than I do Karen!" Brooke gnashed his teeth in anger.

The humiliation he felt crossed his mind again!

His mind brought him back to the day Chuck caused a ruckus at Loomis' wedding!

This was the greatest humiliation in the history of the Yeager family, and this was what Chuck had brought upon him!

He was even threatened by Chuck!

Chuck threatened Brooke in front of the entire Yeager family!

Brooke hated Chuck to the core!

"Grandpa," Sabina exhaled, understanding Brooke's anger.

"This isn't up for discussion. Chuck Cannon must die. He must die!" Brooke coughed.


Sabina was disappointed. She had been testing the waters, but she did not expect Brooke to react so badly.

"Did you hear what I said?" Brooke's bony hands clutched onto her.

Sabina was at a loss for words. "I..."

"You have to understand that you belong to the Yeager family, and you're the future heir of the family. Anyone who dares to harm the family must die! And Chuck Cannon is one of them!" Brooke reminded her once more.

Sabina sighed. "I understand, Grandpa. Please just rest for now..."

With his condition, Brooke could not afford to get angry again. Otherwise, he might just die!

"I can't rest. I know my body, and I'm living on borrowed time here. Hand me Chuck and Karen's lives before I die!" Brooke refused to calm down.

He had suffered a lot because of his illness.

The hatred also had driven him to the verge of madness.

"I..." Sabina was once again rendered speechless.

"Do you not want me to be at peace after I die?" Brooke choked as dark blood pouring out of his throat.

"No, it's not like that," Sabina yelled.

"If not, then do it! All our family's resources are yours to use as you please! There are no such things as keeping promises with a woman like Karen. All's fair in war, you understand? Attack her when her guard's down!" Brooke roared with his remaining ounce of energy.

"I... I understand. Grandpa, please rest first!" Sabina sighed and covered Brooke with the quilt.

She also knew that Brooke was dying and that he may very well never wake up again once he falls asleep.

He could pass away at any time.

He had too many diseases, and all of them had gotten triggered. If not for the advanced medical treatment available in the Yeager family, he would have been dead and gone a long time ago.

Sabina was silent when she emerged from the secret passage. She looked up at the sky, and Brooke's voice kept echoing in her mind.

"Chuck Cannon must die!"

"Bring me Chuck's life, do it..."

His words sank deep into Sabina's mind, making her feel utterly helpless.

What should she do now?

"Chuck, how nice would it be if you didn't understand me? I don't want to lose a friend like you, but I'm out of options here..."

Sabina muttered to herself, neck-deep in her dilemma.


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