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My Billionaire Mom novel Chapter 789

"What did you say? You're at the front door of my house?" Quinn was shocked.

Why did Chuck appear in front of her house? She didn't remember telling him where her hometown was.

No, she did not.

How did he find out?

Sergio and Libby were shocked as well. They turned to look at the door at the same time.

"He's already at the door? Is that even possible?" Sergio smiled and asked.

Libby's eyebrows furrowed. Her daughter's boyfriend was actually right in front of the door?

Was that a joke?

Wasn't he in the United States? Why was he here now?

How did a man full of lies like him end up as her daughter's boyfriend?

Libby was truly furious. Her daughter was simply too disappointing!


"Yes, I'm at your door."

"Chuck, are you serious?" Quinn's beautiful face turned serious!

She understood. Chuck's mother was so powerful that it would not be difficult for him to locate her whereabouts!

But, when did he return?

It was too sudden!

Did he come back on purpose after discovering that something had happened to her?

Women really liked to let their imagination run wild, even a strong and independent woman like Quinn.

"Of course I am. Come out for a moment. I'm a little lost."

"Okay! I'll be out!" Quinn ran out immediately, looking surprised.

Libby was annoyed. "Quinn, do you believe him? How could he be outside? He's playing you!"

Sergio was still there, yet Quinn went to welcome another man. What about Sergio?

Libby had already accepted the ten million dollars engagement gift!

"Mom, I believe him. If he says that he is at the door, he must be there!" Quinn said firmly.

Ever since the two of them had slept together, Quinn believed in Chuck!

She believed in him unconditionally!

If Chuck said that he was outside the door, he would definitely be there!

Quinn ran to the door and opened it!

Libby was furious. "Sergio, don't mind her. This is how Quinn is. She will give up on that man eventually! Don't worry! I'm on your side!"

"Madam Libby, I'm assured by your words," Sergio said with a smile.

Although Quinn usually did not listen to Libby, if Libby really threatened her with her life, Quinn would definitely give in!

Therefore, what else did he have to worry about?

Nothing else!

"Didn’t I tell you? He is just messing with you, Quinn!" Libby walked out of the house with anger in her eyes. Quinn was disappointed as she did not see Chuck. There was no one outside the door.

Sergio laughed in his heart.

The more disappointed Quinn was, the happier he was!

"Mom, Chuck would not lie to me. If he said that he is at the door, it means that he definitely is. Just wait and see!" Quinn explained.

Even at that time, she still believed in Chuck, even though she could not see him!

The reason Chuck had not appeared was that the entrance of the community was too complicated. There were too many blocks. It was Chuck's first time there, therefore it was normal that he could not find his way.

"Quinn, are you trying to piss me off? Where's this person you're talking about? Where is he?"

"He is..."

"I want to see him! Where is he?" Libby was enraged!

Quinn could not answer because she could not see Chuck either.

"Why would you choose a piece of trash? Why do you want to give up a good man like Sergio? Look at him. When you're in trouble, he won't appear. He'll disappear and go missing. When you're in great debt, he's still playing with you. What does this mean? Tell me, what does this mean?" Libby was really upset with Quinn for not coming to her senses!

What was wrong with her daughter?


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