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My Billionaire Mom novel Chapter 822

When everyone was pitying Chuck, Hubert remained unmoved. He smiled and kept his dagger away!

He did not even bother to throw a glance in Chuck's direction!

But what was the point of looking at Chuck?

That kick was the strongest attack from Hubert, hence he was confident that Chuck's ribs would be all snapped!

So, Chuck was probably gravely injured, and would never stand up again!

"Is there anyone else who still wants to challenge me?" Hubert asked proudly.

No one answered!

Hubert smiled and said, "Miss Scarlett, please announce it!"

Miss Scarlett frowned. "Sure! The first place of this year's freshman competition is Hu..."

Hubert was really relieved now!

Of course no one else could threaten his position as the winner of the competition!

"Look inside the ruins, something is moving!"

Someone suddenly screamed!

The shout was loud and clear, as though he had seen something incredible!

Everyone's turned their eyes to look at the ruins!

From the ruins, they saw...

A person standing up from the ground!

Like a majestic statue!

"He was kicked so badly by Hubert, and he could still stand up?"

"It's incredible!"

All of a sudden, the audience lapsed into a shock!

"Is he all right?"

While Tessa was shocked, the other girls also fell into a state of horror!

Although Chuck was the object of Hubert's mighty kick, these girls were extremely shocked by that extraordinary strength! But alas, after Hubert's kick, Chuck could still stand up?

"Could... could it be that... Chuck was the person who had saved me?" Tessa thought about it again.

Chuck was so powerful that he could fight Hubert head-on, and he could even get up after being kicked by Hubert. This clearly displayed Chuck's strength!

"Did he risk his life to lure that bear away?"

"Why would he do this?"

"Does he like me?"

Tessa's mind was in a mess...

"Geez, we've told you it's not Chuck. However, I'm now looking at Chuck in a different light!"

The girls continued to deny that possibility...

"This freshman is quite remarkable. He is able to stand up again!"

Miss Scarlett was shocked again.

"We were fighting justly and fairly, still you attacked me in a furtive manner? Well, I was wrong! I should not have considered you as my opponent!" Chuck said as he came out of the ruins.

He wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth!

This blood was proof of Hubert's sneak attack just now!

Hubert widened his eyes, a sense of shocking horror overwhelming him.

"How could you still stand up?" Hubert was greatly aware of how powerful his kick was!

Even a giant tree could be smashed by his kick, but Chuck managed to withstand it?

"You will see more from me!"

Chuck advanced towards Hubert... Step by step!

With a formidable aura!

Hubert then sneered, "So what if you can still stand up? I've seriously injured you with that kick just now. Now you're just pretending to be tough. Well, if you want to die, why don't I fulfill your wish!"


Hubert delivered a punch at Chuck!

It was at an incredible speed!

The audience was brimming with fear!

It was giddying fast! Hubert was genuinely serious now!

Would Chuck, who was seriously injured, be able to bear it?

He might not!

"Alas, I did not expect that Chuck would be ambushed sneakily by Hubert!"

"It's useless even though he can stand up. Chuck will not be able to take in Hubert's punch any longer!"

All the freshmen were underestimating Chuck!

It would be in vain even though he could stand up!

It would be to his advantage if he had continued lying on the ground, for he would not sustain any more serious injuries!



A wide palm was thrown at Hubert at an incredible angle, avoiding his fist!

Hubert gaped. He felt that his head was so heavy that he almost toppled to the ground.


Hubert spat out a mouthful of blood and his face went numb!


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