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My Billionaire Mom novel Chapter 831

Chuck had entered the evaluation test area.

This was an abandoned building, but outsiders could not see what was going on inside!

There's no need for them to see!

Chuck would definitely come out begging for mercy.

Some people placed bets on the outcome.

They bet on how long Chuck could last inside!

Miss Scarlett and a few powerful coaches in the Wolfen Sect had the qualification to watch what was going on inside through the monitoring room.

"Everyone, let's head to the monitoring room!" said Miss Scarlett.

Several coaches went into the monitoring room.

They walked at a slow pace!

"Scarlett, if I remember correctly, you've only trained this Chuck for a few days. Is he capable of passing the tests?" a slightly older coach, who had a lot of muscles on his body, asked.

His voice was faint and did not seem very interested.

He really was not interested. If it was not for his duty, he did not even want to come.

This was pure nonsense!

It was a waste of time!

"Yes, he's very talented!" Miss Scarlett did not go into much details.

"I know that. He defeated Hubert last time. But his talents were not the best. It is merely excellent. Relying only on the eight-day training and the ability to defeat Hubert, the odds of passing the tests are very low! Scarlett, I think it's better to train this kind of student longer! At least, he needs to train for another one or two months before taking the test! It's too risky to take the test now!" The other coaches analyzed Chuck's condition.

"If it was an ordinary student, I would do as you said, but Chuck is not. Let me tell you, Chuck's mother is..."

"Miss Scarlett, whoever his mother is, it has nothing to do with us. Besides, I think he is only a little better than other ordinary students!"

"That's right. We don't care who his mother is, what's the point of knowing? Maybe she's a

housewife or a rich woman, so what? Can she help Chuck to pass the tests? No way! That is why I'm not interested to know about his family matters!"

"Me too."

Miss Scarlett did not say anything else.

They went into the monitoring room.

The first test had started and they could see the snake pit through the monitoring room!

There were thousands of snakes in the pit!

There were all kinds of snakes!

There were pythons, which were as thick as a person's thigh and all kinds of vipers. Those who were afraid of snakes would definitely have fainted if they were to enter.

It was a test of one's courage!

When Miss Scarlett took the test, she spent half a day at the first round!


She was afraid of snakes!

Therefore, during the first test, she used a large amount of time to convince herself!

Even now, when Miss Scarlett saw the snakes through the monitor, she still had a kind of creepy feeling.

"Is the antidote still in the pit?" asked Miss


It was for the students who had been bitten by the poisonous snakes.

It was a must-have item!


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