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My Billionaire Mom novel Chapter 850

"Miss Yeager?"

Sabina remained unresponsive for a long time.

Therefore, Alfred called out to her.

"Whatever!" Sabina sighed.

"Then I'll go and make preparations to deal with it, Miss Yeager."

"Go!" In fact, Sabina wasn't listening to him at all.

After all, the reason why she had been practicing like crazy recently was because she wanted to fight with Karen again in the future!

She refused to lose so quickly like she had previously.

However, her wish could not become a reality.

Unexpectedly, Karen had died in an accident.

She suddenly felt that life was too unpredictable...

Meanwhile, Alfred was grinning from ear to ear. Turning around, he left to deal with that matter.

Without Karen, Chuck would come to an end as well!


"All I can say is, rest in peace!" Sabina sighed and muttered to herself.


Meanwhile, in a hidden location deep in the mountains.

Black Rose was training herself. Last time when she was shot, all of her wounds had been stitched up by Karen.

Karen's operation turned out to be very successful as Black Rose suffered no after effects.

At the moment, she was training herself to restore her strength.

All of a sudden!

She received a phone call.

Looking at the phone, she saw that it was Alexandrina, the head of the assassin organization.

Black Rose was reluctant to pick up.

After all, she didn't want to be a killer anymore.

Over the past few years, she had made enough money. Therefore, she suddenly thought of finding a guiet place to spend the rest of her life.

Yet, her phone kept ringing.

Finally, Black Rose relented and picked up the call. "Hello..."

"Where are you?" Alexandrina's tone sounded very solemn!

"I'm at home. What's the matter?"

"I know you're at home. That's why you haven't received news about someone!"

"Yes, I'm at home and I haven't paid any attention to what's happening outside. So... Who's in trouble?"

Black Rose finally asked.

"I just can't believe that something that something happened to her... because it's her I find it most unbelievable." Her voice grew even heavier.

"Who is it?"


"What happened to her?" Black Rose instantly became nervous.

Black Rose was still alive because Karen had let her go when they had first met.

During their last encounter, it was also Karen's operation that saved her life!

Therefore, she was absolutely grateful to Karen!

It was true that she was furious when Chuck drove her away.

Nevertheless, from the beginning to the end, she harboured no anger towards Karen.

Not a single bit!

"She died in a car accident." On the other end, Alexandrina breathed a heavy sigh.


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