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My Billionaire Mom novel Chapter 871

"Haven't your family been silent for a long time?" Chuck asked. His tone seemed to be implying otherwise.

"Mr. Osford, how dare he try to bluff!" Luqman was furious!

Osford's eyes darkened as his anger grew. He said, "I should kill you right here!"

"If you do so, then you will lose a good chance to rise back again!" said Chuck and shrugged his shoulders.

"You think that my family would rise again if I cooperated with you? You think too highly of yourself!"

"I know my place, but you don't seem to know yours!" Chuck giggled slightly.

Osford glared treacherously at him. "What did you say?"

At that moment, Osford was so furious he wanted to kill Chuck.

"I know that even after inheriting my mother's estate, there is still a large gap between me and the hidden family. It is because you all have been around for more than a thousand years, whereas my mother had only been around for twenty years. That's what I know! But what you don't know is that your family is in danger right now!"

"Danger? Are you kidding me?" Osford sneered.

"Yes, your family has been idly hiding for so long. However, you should be familiar with Adriana. She is about to take over the Whitlock family soon! Do you know this?"

"I know!" Of course Osford knew!

Because how could he, the leader of the third hidden family, not know about that?

It was true that the hidden families always kept everything a secret!

However, the three hidden families would always announce the head of the family to each other!

It wasn't just limited to an announcement.

They would also invite the other two families to attend the succession ceremony!

"It's good that you know. Adriana is a possessive and a control freak. What gift will you prepare for her on that day? I think she will be coming for your family soon. What better present for herself than to revive the Whitlock family?" Chuck shrugged his shoulders.

Luqman's eyes narrowed!

Osford scoffed. "I know Adriana's character, but she won't attack my family at the moment!"

"Oh, so you already knew that she would do something to you?" Chuck laughed softly!

Osford was rendered speechless, his expression livid.

Osford had underestimated Chuck's ability to improvise.

Chuck could think quickly on his feet. In that aspect, he had even inherited a certain part of Karen!

"So what if I knew? Even if I don't know, you won't be able to convince me!"

"I think you have misunderstood me. I came here to cooperate with you, and I came prepared! Did you think I came here empty-handed?"

Chuck revealed a small grin!

He seemed completely calm and collected!

That grin truly annoyed Osford!

Osford was disgusted. How could that young man smile in such a manner in front of him?

"Tell me, what did you bring with you?"


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