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My Billionaire Mom novel Chapter 888

"Exactly! It means that you like him."

Nancy had dated before, and that was how she had felt back then.

She longed to see him to an overwhelming extent!

She wanted nothing more than to see him!

She would be flustered whenever she did not see him, and she would feel comfortable and at ease when she saw him.

Yolanda's description matched that to a T.

"Is that so?"

Yolanda did not think so. This was her being concerned as a friend, right?

"Do I like Chuck?"

Yolanda had never thought about him that way.

The desire to meet him was a kind of feeling between a boss and his subordinate.

There was no love involved.

"Absolutely! Do you feel disappointed at times because of Chuck?" Nancy asked.

"Sometimes." "Right. There's no denying it, this is the feeling of love," Nancy said with certainty.

Yolanda was stunned.

Did that mean that she liked him?

When did this feeling start?

Yolanda wasn't sure herself.

It seemed that it had been set in motion ever since Chuck left the country for the United States.

Yes, that was exactly when it started.

"Fine then, if you call it that. Be that as it may, if I am able to come out of this alive, I will not confess to Chuck."

This was Yolanda's personality.

"You won't?"

"Of course not. I'll just keep it to myself. I have always regarded him as my boss. I am his subordinate, I can't have a dual relationship, can I?"

"Then, if I am able to emerge from this alive, don't tell Chuck about what I've just confessed," Nancy said.

It would be very embarrassing if Chuck knew about it!

He probably wouldn't allow her to work with him once this relationship was tainted.

Nancy knew this very well.

"Alright then. We will just keep whatever we have just said to ourselves." Yolanda agreed.


Nancy was no longer in despair. She felt much more at ease now that she had expressed her inner feelings.

As for the rest, she had to leave it to fate!

If she really had to die, there was nothing she could do.

Man proposes, God disposes!

"That psycho is coming. I'm scared!" Nancy was terrified.

Frieda assumed a cold smile on her face, carrying with it a mad-hatter feeling!

She had been slapped more than ten times ever since she had been captured.

Their faces would be disfigured if Frieda continued to slap them.

A loud sound rang in the air.

Frieda slapped Nancy in the face.

Nancy sobbed, "Stop hitting me!"

Another piercing slap echoed across the room.

Frieda slapped Yolanda on her face.

Yolanda, ever the stubborn one, did not lower her head even after being slapped!

Frieda extended her arm once again.

And slapped Yolanda hard.

Yolanda still did not lower her head. "If you have the guts, slap me to death!"

Frieda smiled slightly. "How could I bear to slap you to death? You must mean something to Chuck. Otherwise, why would he allow you to manage all the business? Let me ask you, are you not Chuck's mistress? You really worked hard, huh!"

"No! I'm his subordinate!" Yolanda said stubbornly.

"Hah, just a subordinate?!"

Yolanda suddenly thought back about her harrowing past.

At that time, Chuck was not interested in her at all!

Yolanda had misunderstood Chuck's love for her. Chuck had never been interested in her at all!


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