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My Blind Husband novel Chapter 228

Chapter 228 Malicious Comments

Lennon was ruthless when beating up lan

“I got beaten up like this, and no one cared. Tan said in a plaintive voice.

“I was just trying to do a good deed to help a junior who got pregnant, but look what happened,” he continued.

“Their influence is just too great. They came to hit me yesterday, and today, the research lab I work for fired me.” His voice was filled with distress, almost to the point of tears.

Cherise frowned and turned up the volume on the online live broadcast.

“I got him fired from the research institute,” Damien said while leaning back in his chair, not bothering to look up, as he sliced an apple for Cherise. “I was the one who got him into that job in the first place. But he did something against my trust, so I requested that the institute terminate his employment. I don’t see anything wrong with that.”

Cherise pondered momentarily and agreed, “That’s fair enough.”

It was Cherise who had initially requested Damien’s help to secure a job for lan at the research institute. He had gotten the position solely because of the connections related to his association with Damien. Losing a job essentially handed to him through those connections when those ties were cut wasn’t an unexpected outcome. But online netizens had a different perspective.

“Poor guy, don’t lose hope, bro!”

“Don’t stress, buddy, we’ve got your back for some sweet revenge!”

“@AdianaOfficial, you just gonna let them get away with this?”

“Lennon, that’s cold-hearted!”

“Cherise, that’s not cool!”

“Lennon, this is unacceptable!”

“Cherise, you should know better!”


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