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My Blind Husband novel Chapter 656

Chapter 656 Am I Foolish?

At every formal event, she appeared calm and indifferent on the surface, but behind the scenes, she meticulously prepared her speeches in advance.

What others saw was merely an illusion. In reality, she was still the same endearing Cherise.

Damien looked at her. “If I’m not mistaken, all the content in this notebook is your preparation for speeches, isn’t it?”

Cherise pursed her lips and nodded awkwardly. I’m not good with words….

Sighing softly, Damien gently rubbed her head. “If you’re not adept at it, why do you insist on speaking at these meetings?”

He took another notebook from the table, which was filled with writings, and leafed through a few pages. “You could have delegated the speaking to others.”

“I had no other choice. Cherise pouted. Now that she had been exposed, she didn’t bother maintaining the facade.

She grabbed a pillow and helplessly leaned against the sofa. “Do you think I enjoy this?”

She buried her small face in the pillow. When she looked up at Damien, her eyes were shimmering. The director is very proud of me. He brings me to every significant meeting and always requests that I greet people and deliver speeches…”

The woman sighed in resignation, “Actually, I just want to focus on academic research. Like during my school days, the monitor would manage his job scope while I focused on being a class representative.”

She hung her head in disappointment. “Isn’t that somewhat pathetic? Every time I share this with Lucy, she reminds me that a person who can only act but not articulate will miss many opportunities. So, I taught myself to draft speeches, anticipate potential questions, and formulate responses for each question.”

Finally, in the presence of Damien, Cherise released her emotions suppressed over the years

She opened a drawer full of notebooks.

These are the notes I prepared for my university lectures over the past two years. Truth be toid, I don’t particularly enjoy this


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