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My Darling Plays Tricks On Me novel Chapter 2

“B-But… Janet is arriving home soon, and this home will no longer belong to me.”

“Emily, what are you talking about? This home is always yours; you can’t leave!” Megan held Emily in her arms.

Megan was rather upset because she had invested eighteen years of affection for Emily. How could she possibly abandon her at a moment’s notice?

On the other side, her biological daughter was merely a failing Young Miss Jackson.

Janet’s information and background flashed through Megan’s mind. Janet Jackson, 18 years old, junior high school graduate, mediocre student who is always playing truant. Later, she went missing for three years.

Nobody knew where she was during those three years. There were horrible rumors claiming that she ran away with an old man. I just can’t imagine someone like her as my biological daughter.

Coincidentally, Janet had just arrived home, and her gaze was hollow while she took in the sight in front of her.

She stood still for the longest time. Finally, Brian was the one who noticed her.

“Janet?” Brian greeted her dubiously.

The middle-aged man turned to look at Janet, and he released his arm from Emily’s grip, looking rather uncomfortable.

Emily’s sobs paused for a moment, and she shifted her focus onto Janet.

The girl had fair skin and a petite frame. Her face was small with delicate facial features, and she looked almost like a porcelain doll. Both her appearance and temperament were somewhat a reflection of Megan—she was their biological daughter, after all.

A trace of jealousy glinted in Emily’s eyes. However, when she saw the rags Janet was wearing, her gaze turned into one of disgust.

She came from the village indeed, and that explains her poor taste. She can’t compare to someone like me, who has been living in the city.

At a quick glance, Emily looked much more like a Young Miss Jackson in comparison.

“Janet, is that you? Quick, come in.”

Janet nodded calmly before she made her way to Brian’s side and took her seat.

Megan gave the young girl, who closely resembled her, a once-over before breaking the silence awkwardly. “Janet, this is your younger sister, Emily.”

“Janet, nice to meet you; I’m Emily,” greeted Emily tentatively. Megan noticed how timid Emily was, and her heart clenched in pain.

Janet’s lips curled faintly into a smile, and she greeted them in a distant tone, “Nice to meet you.”

Brian stared at Janet; he observed her from head-to-toe, and a complex emotion flashed across his face!

“Are you still trying to adapt since you just got home?” Brian stood up to pour Janet a glass of water.

Janet responded with a faint smile. “I’m fine.”

Brian nodded. “That’s good. As parents, we’ve owed you. From now on, you should live in the Jackson residence, and we will look after you.”

We owe Janet too much, and from now on, we have to make it up to her gradually.

“By the way, Janet, I learned about your education and results. Currently, you are still in junior high, so I’ve arranged for you to continue with senior high in Star High School. You’d be in the same school as your younger sister! Classes start on Monday; is that alright?”

“Star High School is the best exclusive private school in Sandfort City. Janet, as the Young Miss of the Jackson Family, it’s not enough for you to have a junior high education,” added Emily. She was blatant with her intentions, and she meant that it would be embarrassing to be poorly educated.

She can’t shake off her shabbiness even if she were to attend school in Star High School.

A faint smile spread across Janet’s face. “Thank you.”

Emily rolled her eyes in her mind when she saw Janet smiling in delight.

Is she so happy just because she heard that she’s attending an exclusive private school? Villagers truly have low standards.

“That’s right.” Brian looked as if he thought of something before he walked into his bedroom. He took out an intricate gift box from the cupboard.


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